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Tactics found out before Xmas?

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Hi fellow FM addicts! (I hopethis is in the correct place, I'm sure it is).

I am Coventry and just coming up to Xmas in first season in FM11. Im top of the league, however I have noticed that in the last 3-4 games I have struggled a little. In previous games 09 and '10 I noticed that when I was doing well i'd then struggle which is part of football I know. However, is this a case of the game figuring out my tactics?? do I need to make a few tweaks or change tactic in 2nd half of season? Any advice would be much appreciated. I currently use KAWEE's tactics from 2010 which are fab by the way.

I hope you are all enjoying 2011,

Many thanks in advance.

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Any tactic that is trying to produce beautiful football can get bogged down in horrible conditions and heavy pitches. Best thing to do is play more directly and reduce through balls. Might be also useful to exploit the flanks as the pitch is less waterlogged out there (although with an icy pitch exploiting the middle can be more useful).

Between mid December and early March, it is all about grinding out results.

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Thankyou wwfan/Richard for your advice. It makes so much sense now it's pointed out but something I would never have even approached. I will make changes to adapt to the conditions.......always a learning curve eh!

I hope you dont mind me asking wwfan, but whilst I have someone as esteemed//knowledgable as yourself comment to one of my posts can I ask you your thoughts of KAWEE's tactics, assuming you know of them? And do you think they will last long term in fm11?

Thankyou so much again,

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No, but equally, you should be mindful that in warmer climates, playing a high tempo, high pressing game, can quickly sap the energy levels of your players.

Aye. Warm climates tend not to need such an adaption, with the winter months being the ones you can take your preferred approach. In the hotter parts of the season, a slower, sitting back, possession focused game can often be required. I often drop pressing, tackling and passing in hot conditions and use the take a breather shout when the game is won to keep my players fresh for the next match.

To the OP: I haven't looked at KAWEE's tactics. For what it is worth, I think any tactical shape can do well as long as it is logically adapted to the conditions, quality of the opposition, pitch size and match situation. As long as the manager focuses on the dynamic elements of the match experience, he should do well. The worst thing to do is just sit back and hope for a result come rain or shine.

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