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Part Time Training Schemes Below the BSN/BSS

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Hi guys,

I have been looking or wondering, if there are a decent set of Part Time Training Schedules that have been created for teams that are in the lower, more obscure levels/tiers of English Football, that is below the levels of BSN/BSS. I know from reading other threads, that people have recommended signing your key players on F/T contracts, but i am finding this difficult with the current players that i have. So, the question is, Is there any Part-Time Schedules out there at all? I have looked at SFraser's tactics and used them in the past for full time players, and have worked a real treat. I was hoping that there was the equivalent for Part-Time contracts/players? Or are we, lower league managers left in the dark? :confused:

If so, maybe this is an area that needs to be looked at as it is frustrating when key players are dropping attributes due to poor schedules, facilities etc. I am currently managing Aigburth People's Hall and have gained back to back, to back, to back promotions and now find my self in the English Southern League First Division Midlands, and the quality of football is ever increasing. I am finding the need of keeping my players fit, and conditioned ever difficult, especially with cup runs etc, as most matches are now being played with 3 to 4 days spare! (I am using Super-Bladesman's English Database edit by the way)

If someone can give me some pointers in creating these schedules that would be extremely appreciated. If this does kick off, i would be happy to post my completed work, and use this as a catalyst for the development of future schedules and the perfection of lower league training.

Cheers, Tim

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I've been trying to create some PT schedules for 1st team and youth for my BSS save. I knw at that level, its best to concentrate on more physical stats (i.e. strength and agility), but I'm having trobule too. Definitely not like FM 10 I'm finding!! :) It seems my players are normally tanking in stats rather than growing or even staying at par.

If anyone's having better luck with training at this level, I'd appreciate the help as well!


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