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How to improve Match Preparation familiarity levels

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Curious to know the best way to improve the levels quicker.

So for the Tactic Familiarity Levels we have



Passing Style

Creative Freedom

Closing Down




And the Special Focus Areas are


Team Blend

Defensive Positioning

Attacking Movement

Defending Set Pieces

Attacking Set Pieces

So which do you use to improve each level or how do you decide which area to focus and when

Thanks for any info

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I thought that special focus area doesn't effect the tactic familiarity levels...

The last 4 are specific for the next game. The only one that has a longer-term effect is team blend. it will help the first team squad gel more quickly.

However, given that it takes a 30% chunk out of training development, it's hard to decide whether it is beneficial or not. What I'm doing is keeping 'team blend' on until the squad seem happy with my tactic (maybe up to Christmas 2010) and then I won't opt for any except under very specific game circumstances.

I would like to know how other, further down the line than me, are finding team prep.

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Very good question op, i wanted to know the same thing.

This is my experience so far, played 1 and a bit full seasons.

Once your squad hit fluid in all areas, your squad and formation become awesome.

However running on full matchday preperation will slowly see some player attributes decline.

I noticed worse performance results when i ran match preparation at anything below average.

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Check this out:


This thread basically says that setting match prep for only one Tactic and then branching out once it's reached full bars is better than training three different tactics simultaneously...

The more tactics you train the longer it is going to take for the bars to fill up... Selecting a Special Focus area also reduces the speed of match prep a little bit...

Also, since match prep takes up about 30% quota of overall training workload, you may end up losing attribute points for a lot of your players (since they can now only train at 70% of their schedule)...

So, the best ways to get your match prep up without much loss to normal training progress:

1. Train only 1 or Maximum 2 tactics at first, then once the bars are full you can train another one (the bars for 2nd tactic will already be filled a little, because of any similarities b/w the two tactics)

2. Set a Special Focus area ONLY if your next match requires you to (you should scout your next opposition and decide whether it does)

3. For Quickly filling up the bars, Just after Pre-season is over and you play your first game of the season, turn up the Match Prep slider all the way to Very High. Keep it there for about a month while you use that same tactics in your matches during that time. This will fill them up pretty quick. Then turn them down to Low or Average, so that your players can resume proper scheduled training.

Tip: If you do follow the 3rd guideline, try not to assign any of your players Individual focus or Preferred move training, since that would bring down your Scheduled training workload to less than 50%, and believe me you don't want that.

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1. Train only 1 or Maximum 2 tactics at first, then once the bars are full you can train another one (the bars for 2nd tactic will already be filled a little, because of any similarities b/w the two tactics)

2. Set a Special Focus area ONLY if your next match requires you to (you should scout your next opposition and decide whether it does)

3. For Quickly filling up the bars, Just after Pre-season is over and you play your first game of the season, turn up the Match Prep slider all the way to Very High. Keep it there for about a month while you use that same tactics in your matches during that time. This will fill them up pretty quick. Then turn them down to Low or Average, so that your players can resume proper scheduled training.

Tip: If you do follow the 3rd guideline, try not to assign any of your players Individual focus or Preferred move training, since that would bring down your Scheduled training workload to less than 50%, and believe me you don't want that.

Good stuff. That's informative. But it raises another question--how does the training workload affect this?

For example, if you set your training workload at a very heavy level, then you reduce that work load by 30% with Match Prep... can you avoid the attribute loss? I would expect that your players might be unhappy at the work load, but for a temporary measure, it might help, no? Just a thought....

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