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Match Preperation

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In my case I tend to initially train Team Blend, 3 days before games (if its against a big club, I train attacking movement/defensive positioning, but I prefer to train defensive positioning), against small clubs I train attacking movement (since I already have defensive positioning). These 3 always Workload: Average ;)

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Pre-season, I set match preperation to average training with 3 set tactics and based on "team blend"

In-season I drop the training to low, drop from 3 to 2 set tactics and keep "team blending" until I am near the top of the tactic familiarity levles. Then depending on who I am playing I will choose one of the other special focus areas.

As I am experimenting currently, I might introduce a new tactic to train. Though during the season I always keep it set on low. Otherwise it detracts from training and individual training as far as I am aware.


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What is the thinking behind your team having to re-learn tactics from scratch even if you've perfected them in previous seasons? I can understand players getting rusty on then during the break but surely they should retain quite a high level of familiarality with them.

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Rather than spread the load over 3 formations, I've created just one. I have 'team blend' ticked and on maximum workload. My intention is that by Christmas the squad will know each other inside out, at which point I'll cease altogether and use 100% of the workload for training. I'm still early doors in my first season.

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