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Background / match day [Help]


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I've got loads of background pictures that I used on FM10. These appeared both in the squad screen and on the matchday. I copied them over to FM11 and some of them still work, but a lot of them won't show on matchday anymore. Espescially in Argentina where I've only seen one background picture appear on matchday.

Why is that? Have they changed the ID or something, which has made the config file not work? I just checked the ID nr in the confic file for River Plate and then looked at the ID nr in the game, and they matched.

What might be the problem?

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Hmm, I will try that out. Do I then have to find a .jpg picture then to put in the folder and replace to old one, or can I somehow change the ones I've already got?

By the way, just checked: the one picture that actually showed on match screen is a JPEG, just as the other ones. So I can't have something to do with the file extension then?

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I'm in the same (I think) situation as HaraldNatvik: I have a background's folder with lot of pictures that worked on FM 2010. However I have seen a few of them are not been showed in FM 2011. I've checked file's extension and it is .jpeg, do anyone know the solution of this?

I'm using Galaxy skin so I'm having stadium' backgrounds on matchday but not all of them as FM 2010.

I've read Geordie1981 suggestion but I don't understand it: how can you save a file as .JPEG instead of .jpeg? On Photoshop I only have the option to save as .JPEG

Thanks in advance

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I don't understand how they can work on FM10 and not on FM11 without it being down to the file extensions, UID's don't change so it isn't that. I'm using galaxy skin and mine work so it can't be due to the skin. Have a look at this post to see if its due to that. http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php/235141-Strange-problem-with-stadium-backgrounds?p=6092251&viewfull=1#post6092251

If not then I'm lost, and this is how to change to lower case file extensions btw;


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