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A Chelsea Outing [5m1w: Danyil Oranje]


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February 6, 2013

Jessica's phone clattered against the table and her hand froze in mid air when she saw who it was. She had owed Danyil Oranje a call for several weeks now, but other things kept getting in the way. She had spent two weeks with Andrea Jones walking her through the announcement process and then the first week of the USA's national camp before they left for Portugal, then another at Oriental’s facilities in Lisbon, where the USA would train for the duration of the OOSL.

The groundwork had been laid for over a year, but it was all different, and she knew the changes had thrown off her expectations.

It was supposed to be Leigh. All of the preparations, all of the initial media work, the arrangements with the networks for the endless behind-the-scenes stories, all of it had been aimed at her, and after all of the time the two had spent together, it was a bit disorienting for Jessica to be working so closely with a second set of parents where the father spoke in a softly distant drawl and the mother’s skin was weathered from the Texas sun, to be working with a girl who was so slight physically, but so full of spark and life.

Where Leigh was careful and considered, Andrea was impulsive and headstrong; where Leigh was thoughtful in her comments and thoughts, Andrea spoke quickly, a series of easy sports cliches mixed with almost flirtatious smiles. The camera loved her, but she wore on Jessica's patience, and she found herself desperately missing the shy depth of Leigh's eyes, the way she remembered things, her laughter. It was supposed to be Leigh.

After the initial shock of Leigh's injury, Jessica had kept in touch with her, with Eva, with the entire Chelsea medical staff. They had even flown Andreas Herzog and Pierre Barrieu to London, just to confirm that she wouldn't be available for the national team.

Jessica hurt for her, and she found it difficult to speak with her through her rehab, although she was pretty sure Leigh hadn't noticed. She had spoken to Oranje a few times, and had felt that the prior warmth of their relationship had faded and she realized that, irrational as it may have been, she somehow blamed the gruff Dutch coach for Leigh's continued absence, and for her missing so many milestones.

Stöckli had already made her debut in Germany. Jones looked to be the first American on the national team. The deserved it, sure, but still.

The phone clattered again and she reached for it, swiping the name as she brought it to her ear.

Hello, Jessica Hardy speaking.

Jessica! It's Danyil. How are you?

Danyil! I'm fine. You?

Good, good. All good. A slight pause. Jessica, I have good news. She is doing well. The leg is good, and she is, well. She is still Leigh.

You thought she would change? Jessica chided herself as she spoke. She hadn't meant for it to sound like an accusation.

No, of course not. But injuries are tricky. You know that.

Of course, of course.

So, the news. Jessica was already typing, loading up her calendar overlaid with Chelsea's matches. March. March sixteenth. It's at home, it's a good day. It's time for her to start.

Jessica did some rough calculations in her head. The sixteenth could work. She had to be in Costa Rica by the twentieth, but still. She could get to London at the start of the month, and stay through the game. So, she’ll see some time against Kiev?

Danyil’s reply was distant. Maybe. There’s a lot between now and then. The sixteenth, we’ll make sure she’s ready.

Jessica knew the tone. OK, OK, Sorry. The sixteenth is great. I know you’ll have her ready. Should we wait for Melanie to make the announcement?

Danyil grunted. Ja. Good, thank you. You know they want to be the one's to announce it.

You really hate this, don't you?

Danyil's voice softened slightly. I coach football. She is a fantastic player. Maybe when all is said and done, the best I've seen. But, I coach. That's what I like to do. The rest ... pfff.

Jessica knew better than to push back. She knew that Leigh was more than that, but she had to pick when to beat that particular drum.

The call ended as suddenly as it had started, and by the time she swiped the connection off, Jessica was typing in frequent flyer numbers and confirming hotel reservations.

February 9, 2013

Chelsea @ Leicester City, FA Cup

Chelsea 2 (Fernando Torres 13; Emanuele Bisceglia 19) - Leicester 0

Blues’ Best: Branislav Ivanovic

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February 11, 2013

What is going on? What is this? Leigh was on her side, her legs curling into a ball as she tried to fight off the pain in her midriff.

Eva’s voice was calm. You’re OK. Just relax. There. Good. Now, does this hurt?Leigh shook her head. This?

Her shudder and involuntary gasp was answer enough. Eva gently ran a hand across Leigh’s abdomen until she found it, a hard irregularity beneath the skin. She shook her head slightly to the man crouched next to her and reached for the radio clipped to her waist. I need the cart out here. Now.

What is it?

Eva tried to smile reassuringly at the young American girl. We won’t know for sure until we get inside.

February 12, 2013

Hi, Leigh.

Jessica! Hi.

How you doing?

I’m fine, good, good.


Leigh sighed. I don’t know. It hurts. They say it will be like a few weeks. Nothing more. I should be good.

You know what it is?

Not really. Something about a stomach muscle and a hernia, but I don’t know.

Do you want to?

I don’t know. Like, not now. Not really. I just. Leigh’s voice caught momentarily. I just want to play, Jessica. It’s all I want.

I know, hon. I know.

February 13, 2013

Chelsea @ Dynamo Kyiv, EURO Cup

Chelsea 2 (Eden Hazard 69, 78) – Dyano Kyiv 2 (Oscar 3og; Roman Bezus 62)

Blues’ Best: Branislav Ivanovic

February 20, 2013

Chelsea @ Nottingham Forest, FA Cup

Chelsea 1 (Eden Hazard 74p) – Forest 1 (Dexter Blackstock 72)

Blues’ Best: César Azpilicueta, Branislav Ivanovic, & Eden Hazard

February 27, 2013

Nottingham Forest @ Chelsea, FA Cup

Chelsea 2 (Michael Larsen 45+1; Jaakko Rantala 85) – Forest 1 (Billy Sharp 31)

Blues’ Best: Michael Larsen

# # #

League Position: 5th of 20, 12 points behind Tottenham with 1 game in hand (tied with Manchester City, behind Everton and Liverpool).

League Goals: Eden Hazard (11); Assists: Leighton Baines (7); Rating: Hazard (7.74)

Overall Goals: Hazard (21); Assists: Hazard (16); Rating: Hazard (7.91)

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March 5, 2013

Dynamo Kyiv @ Chelsea, EURO Cup

Chelsea 2 (Romelu Lukaku 45p; Eden Hazard 55) – Dynamo Kyiv 1 (Admir Mehmedi 82)

Blues’ Best: Eden Hazard

March 9, 2013

Chelsea @ Cardiff, FA Cup

Cardiff 1 (Don Cowie 71) – Chelsea 0

Blues’ Best: Branislav Ivanovic

March 16, 2013

West Ham @ Chelsea, EPL

Chelsea 1 (Branislav Ivanovic 50) – West Ham 1 (Marouane Chamakh 40)

Blues’ Best: Branislav Ivanovic

March 19, 2013

Chelsea @ Wigan, EPL

Chelsea 1 (Victor Moses 81) – Wigan 0

Blues’ Best: Oriol Romeu & Victor Moses

March 21, 2013

Leigh hated press conferences. The lights, the attention, the fear she would say the wrong thing at the wrong moment. She felt nauseous as she waited for Melanie to tell her everything was ready, and wished Jessica were here instead. Melanie’s face was always slightly pinched, her eyebrows drawn together in a constant expression of small disapproval. Every time their eyes met, Leigh’s stomach tightened slightly, and Melanie’s thin smile of reassurance only set the butterflies fluttering further.

She scratched at the label of the water bottle with a fingernail, caught herself, stopped. She stared at the ragged edge of the label, and feeling a flush creep up her neck, cursed silently to herself.

Leigh? It was the second time Melanie had said her name. They’re ready for you.

Leigh flashed a quick smile and walked into the small room, squinting against the lights. She walked up the metal steps and sat down on the ancient folding chair, the Chelsea logo barely visible after years of use. She carefully set the water bottle down so the torn side faced away from the sea of reporters.

Melanie waited in front of the stage for another smile, her hands clasped in front of her, and when it came, she began to point at reporters, one by one.

How’s the injury, Leigh?

It’s fine. I’ve been training at full speed for a week now. All good.

Any worries it will be an ongoing issue?

Leigh shook her head. None at all. It was just a freak thing. We’ve added like some different stretches to my warmup, it’s all good.

Another voice took over, this one deeper, almost a growl. How long do you think you’ll have to wait before playing with the first team?

Leigh sighed to herself. They had prepped this question endlessly. I play with the first team almost every day. Beyond that, it’s up to Coach. Whenever they need me, I’ll be ready.

So you think you’re ready now?

Like, physically?

There was silence for a moment, as the reporters were unsure if she was asking a question or not. Physically, emotionally. Everything. Do you really think you’re ready for the … The deep voice continued after a slight pause … rigors of the league?

Leigh heard Jessica’s voice in her head. There are words you need to be careful of, Leigh. Words like rigor, physicality, emotional stability. They’re code for things that you’ve fought against all your life, but when you hear them, you have to just go lightly. Don’t be afraid to not answer a question–they aren’t really asking you anything, they’re fishing for a headline.

She reached for the bottle, smoothing the dangling tear along the bottle with her finger as she lifted it to her mouth. That was another thing Jessica had taught her, how to delay and pause before she answered.

I’m ready was all she said, staring out into the sea of lights. I’m ready.

March 27, 2013

It’s really for the best, Jessica. Really.

Jessica counted slowly to herself, moving the headset mic away from her mouth so her slow exhale went unheard. Her hands were tied, and she knew her frustration was a bit misplaced. It wasn’t Danyil’s fault that the American federation had called Leigh into the USA U20 squad. She calmed her voice as best she could. So, when?

The Irishman. What’s his name? Langford? He said she would be back on the fifteenth.

Yes. Maybe not until that Wednesday. The seventeenth.

So …

Danyil’s voice was slow and measured, each sentence a harsh requirement. So, if she’s back. If she’s ready. If she’s healthy.

This time Jessica couldn’t prevent her voice from straining. Yes, yes. If all of that is true.

It was Danyil’s turn to take a deep breath. The twentieth. At home. Everton. And if not, then the twenty-seventh.

Jessica smiled cautiously. You sure?

You want to give me time to change my mind?

She laughed. No. I don’t. OK. I’ll get with Melanie. Again. But we’re doing it for real this time. One month.

March 31, 2013

Chelsea @ Liverpool, EPL

Chelsea 0 - Liverpool 0

Blues’ Best: John Terry

# # #

League Position: 4th of 20, 13 points behind Tottenham (1 point ahead of Manchester United, behind Everton and Liverpool).

League Goals: Eden Hazard (11); Assists: Leighton Baines (7); Rating: Hazard (7.67)

Overall Goals: Hazard (22); Assists: Hazard (17); Rating: Hazard (7.84)

Lost in a lackluster stretch is the massive year being racked up by Eden Hazard, who is almost single-handedly keeping Chelsea alive in the race for a Champion’s League slot for next year. Winning the league would take a massive push, and the defeat to Cardiff was quite a shock. So, it is up to the squad to hold on to 4th (or improve on it) or qualify through the EURO Cup, in which they are still alive.

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