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Re-entering Football - A Hartlepool United fantasy tale.


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This is a football manager story. Done on FM11, with the latest patch installed. A custom database to have installed a new board of directors to the team I am to manage (Hartlepool United). - Database changes are - created three new people up Darryn Zoricich (Director), Greg Ah Koui (Director) and Darryl Fleming (Chairman) - Finances also increased (not dramatically - Balance increased to 150m, Transfer Funds - 10m, Wages - 500k. (sugar Daddy set to foreground)

- The manager is Simon Funk, a 40yr old former England International Striker. Massing 65 caps and scoring 38 goals.

Funk's Career started back in 1984, after signing a full time contract with Everton, after a 2yr spell as a schoolboy with his boyhood team Hartlepool United. After a long spell with Everton, making 126 league appearances scoring 61goals in a total of 7 Seasons.

One transfer fee later, that of £250k a move to the city of Birmingham, and more so to the Villa Park side of things. Joining Big Ron's Aston Villa side. He made a total of 81 league appearances scoring 59 for Big Ron's side, before Villa made Brian Little the manager in November 94. During Brian Little's time he amassed a further 110 league appearances scoring a 76 goals. In Feb 2008, John Gregory took over and Funk's league appearances started to come as a reserve team player coming off the bench. Funk made 68 league appearances scoring 32 league goals. In Sept 2001 after a strained relationship with John Gregory, Funk left Villa Park on a season loan, but would not return to play for Villa again. During his time he made a total of 259 league appearances and scoring 168 goals.

Funk had joined Oldham Athletic in Sept 2001 for the season long loan, where he played 32 league games and scored 22 league goals. After the loan ended, and with Graham Taylor in charge, Funk's Villa career was ended, thanks to a £1.25m transfer to League 1's Queens Park Rangers. Funk spent two years at QPR, making a total of 67 league appearances scoring 35 goals. A £250k transfer later Funk was back home where it all started at Hartlepool United, where he remained for the full 2005 season, making 24 league appearances and scoring 11 goals. After the season, Funk decided to retire from the playing side of football, and went off to gain his coaching badges before, returning to football, but to coach the youth team alongside Steve Gallen at Queens Park Rangers, but in 2007 both Steve Gallen and Funk were released from QPR's youth coaching system. Funk went off to spend time as a family man. Returning to be a temporary pundit for BBC at the 2010 World Cup in South Africa.

--- This is where the story starts.--

Ahh, the sun shone brightly through the kitchen window, as I sat down at the breakfast bar, a nice glass of orange juice, blood orange that is. It's a stronger taste and its name explains the redness in colour. After a quick drink, followed closely by a little sour face expression, I picked up the Sun News Paper. No real news on the back page, well that anyone has not already heard.... And most probably, as in my case, not already got hugely sick and tired of hearing. The World Cup. It's gone, it's over, its time to move on. Well maybe not this year, seeing as how the stupid FA have decided to keep, in the words of the Special One, "Cabbage Man" Capello in charge of the national team. No doubt the players will remain the same.

A couple of flicks of pages I rest upon a small column, one that will not be of interest to people, unless you're called Jeff Stelling, and well, of course me. It surrounds of course Hartlepool United.

- Hartlepool United under new ownership -

- Today Hartlepool United have announced that former chairman Ken Hodcroft has stepped down as owner and chairman of Hartlepool, after agreeing to sell the club to New Zealand trio, Darryn Zoricich, Greg Ah Kuoi and Darryl Fleming, with the trio's leader, Darryl Fleming becoming the new Chairman of Harltepool United.

Mr. Fleming the new chairman, admitted that they were definately going to install a new manager at the club, and that Mick Wadsworth, will remain in his original First Team Coach role, until a new manager can be found. When asked why the trio decided that Hartlepool was the team for them, Mr. Fleming responded by stating, that for a couple of years the three friends were interested in entering into ownership of an English football club, and look to bring the team some enjoyment and success. However they had stood back and watched the whole situations play out with other tycoons coming up and buying out all the top league clubs. They wanted a team a lot smaller, and build it up. They decided upon Hartlepool thanks to its somewhat strange publicity thanks to Soccer Saturday Presenter Jeff Stelling's antics on the Saturday show on Sky Sports.


I placed the paper down. Thank you Mr. Stelling. I mean that, for all I must thank Mr. Hodcroft for all he did for Hartlepool, he was never the most ambitious man. Maybe this new ownership can do the club proud... But did I see right, they are after a new manager for the club. Hmm, this could be an interesting and potential opening for me to get back into the game. Maybe this time as a coach rather than a youth team coach. But there's no harm in showing a little ambition myself is there....

After finishing my breakfast, I log onto my computer, after a little bit of a search, I find what I was looking for, my CV. More so my Footballing CV. The question that is there now is do I show that I'm up with the times and send it to via e-mail, or do I add a personal touch and send go to the stadium and hand it in? It's a tough call, but I'll drop it in. The personal approach is more my thing. Even though I do know how to email and all.

--- Several days later ---

After a nice strenuous training session to keep myself fit, just incase a new job of coaching comes my way, I get a phone call. The number is witheld. Who could it be? My thoughts go away from Hartlepool at this point, I'm thinking it's more likely to be either Sky Sports or the Beeb, wanting me to join their lists of pundits. Which makes me not want to answer the phone. I do anyway..

"Hello?" I answer inquisitively.

"Oh hello, there sorry to bother you, but could I speak to a Mr. Funk?" Comes a young female voice with a soft New Zealand accent.

"This is Mr. Funk speaking." I respond.

"Hello there Mr. Funk. My name is Sian Ludbrook, I'm ringing on behalf of my boss, a Mr. Darryl Fleming. He wanted me to ring to let you know he has received your CV, and application for the vacant managers job at Hartlepool.... He also wants me to ask you if you are still interested in the post, if so would you be willing to come to the club to have an interview?" The young female asks.

"Of course, what time should I get there for?" I cant help but hide a little excitement that is building up.

"According to Mr. Fleming, he'll be available around 2pm. Is that okay with you?"

"I'll arrange the time. Thank you."

--- 2pm --

I'm waiting patiently outside Mr. Fleming's office at Victoria Park. The female who I talked to earlier on the phone, a Miss Sian Ludbrook, is as attractive as her voice, soft features, picturesque body, and long flowing blonde hair, just past her shoulders. Wearing a dark grey skirt suit which seems to hug her figure graciously.

"Mr. Funk?" Comes a strong male voice with a strong New Zealand accent. I get straight to my feet and turn to see the man that I recognise as being one of the new directors, Greg Ah Kuoi.

"Yes." I answer immediately.

"If you'd like to come in, we are ready for you know."

Mr. Ah Kuoi walks back into the office, as I follow. There in the room, is a desk, a dark mahogony I'm guessing. Behind it, sits the other of the new directors, Darryn Zoricich, and the new Chairman, Darryl Fleming. Greg Ah Kuoi goes to sit on the opposite side of the chairman, and offers me the seat, this side of the desk.

"Thank you for coming in at such a short notice Mr. Funk." This time its the kiwi accent of Mr. Zoricich.

"It's my pleasure."

"Well firstly, we'd like to thank you for applying to come here to be the new manager of Hartlepool. I've looked over your resume, and I must admit, it is quite impressive. But I do see that you have not really got any experience as being a manager." Comes the voice of Mr. Ah Kuoi again.

"Yes, I agree, that I am lacking in experience in the managerial role as it stands. But I feel that I'm ready to make the step up into management. I've played for quite the number of years, and that was followed by a short period as a youth team coach." I reply, sounding rather more confident that I am.

"I see, now I know this may sound strange to you, with our club, not exactly being one of the top teams, and being relatively small in stature compare to some, but we were looking for a more experienced guy to take the club forward. But having that being said, we can not knock you back based on that. We'd like to give you the chance to impress us, and see what you believe you can bring to this club. So, how would you take this club forward Mr. Funk?" The second question coming from Mr. Zoricich.

"Well, as a firm supporter of the club myself, I believe that I would do everything in my power to get this club to succeed. But to start with, in order to get the club moving in the right direction, I believe that we must look at the clubs facilities, more so the training facilities and the coaches that are currently at the club, or lack thereof. It's my firm belief that with bringing in the right staff, and with the right financial input, into the training facilities, we can give our current crop of players better means of training, and help home their skills in a bit. Of course, I believe the squad itself needs a few more additions to it. More so in two areas I feel key to strengthening, that being the lack of goalkeepers at the club and the fact that we are in desperate need of a few people who have the ability to get goals." I answer truthfully, well on where I believe that is. There are other areas such as the defence that could do with strengthening too, but I think just pointing the key areas are relevant at this moment, I don't really want to state these guys have bought a club where pretty much everywhere needs strengthening.

"I see, and do you think that with you in charge, that you could bring this club something special, and create an aura around the club that will make it more attractive to players and coaches to come and join the club." Mr. Ah Kuoi asks.[/]

"I'm under the impression that I myself cannot bring the club a great deal of publicity. However I believe I can generate a little bit that would possibly generate an aura that will be able to attack the right people for the right job, for us to be able to build the club up to have a bright future in the world of football."

I hope that wasn't too cocky.

"So how would you go about making signings, would you look to build for the future of the club with young players, or would you look to bring in players that will do a job for a season or two?" Mr. Zoricich with the question again.

I dunno whats happening, but Mr. Fleming doesn't seem to be asking any questions. But anyway, back to that last question.

"I believe that we would have to look at the possibilities of both of those options. We will have to look to build for the future, as well as getting some people in that can do the job for a few seasons, as well as to help mentor the younger players and help them develop in order to be able to come into the squad at the right times and be able to play to the best of their abilities."

"Okay Mr. Funk, thats all the questions we have for you. We'd be in touch shortly with our decision. Mainly due to needing to get a new boss in before the season starts... Thanks for your time."

This time it is Mr. Fleming who speaks. Mr. Zoricich gets to his feet shakes my hand before leading me out.

--- June 7th 2010 - 1100hrs ---

A sharp dull buzz brings me to life, disturbing my reading. I look over at the phone, an unknown caller. I pick the phone up and answer.


"Hello, is that Mr. Funk?" Comes the nice young New Zealand accent of the young blonde secretary for Darryl Fleming.

"Yes, it is." I respond.

"Sorry to disturb you again, but my boss, Mr. Fleming would like for you to come into the club as soon as possible. He would like to speak to you personally."

"Sure, I'll be there in roughly 30minutes."

"That's great, I'll let him know."

Thirty minutes later, I'm once again being led into the office of Hartlepool's new chairman Darryl Fleming. This time, sitting behind the desk, it's just him, without his two business partners.

"Thank you for coming in at such short notice. I along with my two collegues who you met at the interview have come to a decision with regards to our vacant managers position. I'll be honest, you were a little nervous looking in the interview, but apart from that you seemed confident, and seemed to know what you were talking about. You really did impress the three of us with your answers. One thing that did seem to stick out from your interview, which perked me straight up to take note, was the fact that you are, or seem to be a keen Hartlepool fan. Is that correct?"

"Yes, I have been since I can remember."

"Good, so with that in mind, it seemed only right to allow you to be able to manage the club in going forward slightly. Give you your start in management. So on that basis, myself and the board would like to offer you a one year contract worth £4,500 per week. We'd also offer you a transfer budget of £10 million, which we believe to be a lot more than adaquet at our current level. As well as a current wage budget of £525 thousand a week to play with. That gives you ample le-way in buying players as our current wage total is £26.5 thousand per week. How does that sound?"

"That sounds fantastic. Where do I sign?"

Seeming happily enough, Mr. Fleming hands over a clip board with an official contract attached, detailing all the details that he stated a moment ago. I instantly sign it. Then shaking hands.

"Okay, thats great, we look forward to seeing what you can accomplished. I'll send this off shortly and register it with the league. I've had a word with everyone at the club, all staff have been retained but will accept a mutual termination of their current contracts should you decide to do so. Also you can fully rely on myself and the clubs board, and if you have anything to request, then please come and see me with anything questions or queries you may have. That'll be it from me for the time being, I'll get Sian to show you to your office, and I believe that Mick Wadsworth will be waiting, as he is currently acting as Assistant Manager, with their being no current one in place. Welcome aboard Mr. Funk."

"Thank you Mr. Fleming."

With that I head out to be shown my office, even though I remember where it is, that is if it hasn't changed since 2005. Which it hasn't.

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=Thanks Burgess, The first two posts will be longer (the first mainly due to the introduction into things, the second due to the main press conference. I'll try from now on to keep it shorter.

== Thanks Mark.

The first business to attend to, is to sit down and have a meeting with Mick.

"Welcome to the club Simon, or should that be boss?" He calls out as soon as I walk through the door.

"SJ should surfice Mick, and thanks."

We shake hands before I take my place in the managers chair.

"Okay, I was asked by Darryl to compile a team report for you, so I've done just that. I personally, believe that we should be able to establish a safe mid-table position this year, but I must stress there are still areas of the team which could improve. I'm fairly confident that we have sufficient depth to cover all but the worst injury crisis.

I'm of the opinion that we could do with an extra midfielder or two, inorder to give us more strength in the middle of the park. I did get the other staff to compile comprehensive reports on every player we have. I personally feel that when he plays in his favourite right wing position, Fabian Yantorno is one of the best in the team. I've picked out his coach report."

"If you could, just gimme a brief run down Mick?"

"Sure, I believe Fab, is a typicl run-of-the-mill person,and is a right midfielder, he has a good technique when striking a ball. He does have a weakness in the air though, But his current ability shows him to be better than Leon McSweeney, whom I believe to be our next best right midfielder, although he's not likely to improve much in the future. My recommendation though is that he is a key player for the clbu."

"Thanks, I'll go off that and he'll be a key member for us. My personal opinion though, is that we could use some strengthening at the back, more specifically in the goalkeeping area. After all from what I make out, we've two keepers Scott Flinders and Andy Rafferty. What do you make on Flinders?"

"He's a fairly determined guy, his main strength is one on one situations, but he is slow in coming off his line to sweep up through balls. He's twice the player of Andy. He's still young but is close to his full potential."

"Ok,you said that we could do with some midfielders, any recommendations on players?"

"Yeah, I've three. Brahim Herndani, he's a 32 year old defensive midfielder from Algeria, Simone Barone, another 32 year old but from Italy, and Youssef Mokhtari, he's a 31 year old attacking midfielder from Morroco all of them are currently, available for free."

"Ok thanks Mick. I'll take a look at them in a bit, could you assemble the rest of the staff for a meeting as soon as possible?"

"Sure, I already did, they are in the conference room waiting."

"Ok, lead the way."

A few minutes later, and I'm now in the conference room. Sitting there waiting patiently is Gary Walsh our keeper coach, Micky Barron the youth coach our two physio's James Haycock and Ian Gallagher along with our only scout David Garthwaite. We get the pleasantries out of the way and get down to business.

"Okay, I'd like to say that you can ask me at any time to produce a loan list." Mick's the first to chirp in.

"No probs Mick, I'll let you know as soon as its required."

After an hour or so going over things, I come away in good stead, with knowledge of things that I think the board should try and improve, mainly both training and youth facilities. I quickly arrange a meeting to see Darryl to go over this.

"So what can I do for you Simon?" He asks.

"I would like to request that the training facilities be improved, this would help attract better players to come here."

"I agree, they training facilities would make this club more attractive to potential signings. I will therefore grant this request. Is there anyting else?"

"Yeah, this may sound like a strange request but I believe it has its benefits. I think we should look for a parent club, this would enable us to sign good players on loan without the cost of their wages. It will help us on the pitch, as well as keep the running costs down."

"Hmm, that doesn't sound strange at all. In fact I will agree that such an affiliation will allow us to sign better plaers on loan for little cost. The board will look further into this. Anything else?"

"No that will be all for now, thanks Mr. Fleming."

"Right you are, and please just call me Darryl."

Back in my own office, I decide that to improve we should definately get some more coaches in. Some scouts too. I give my P.A. a shout. A young brunette called Jessica. Although she likes being called Jess for short.

"Jess, could you do me a favour and send an email out to as many agents as possible in order to advertise that we are going to be looking for staff members in the following areas. We're after some coaches, some more youth team coaches, possibly a few fitness coaches, some scouts and a goalkeeper coach."

"I'll sort it out straight away boss."

With that she leaves the office.

A few hours later, my first training session is done and dusted. I took a back seat for this one, met the players, had a few words with them all but all in all it was really just a time for me to stand back and make my assessments. I got a fixture list of Mick, stating the following are friendlies that have been arranged for us.

Morecambe away on the 13th. Welling away on the 15th, Derby at home on the 17th, Alfreton away on the 22nd, TNS away on the 24th, Gainsborough away on the 26th and Bangor away on the 29th. I told him to stick with them, and we'll look to play them all rather than me disrupt and offer to play other clubs.

--July 8th 2010 - 9:15 --

There is a fax awaiting for me on my desk, along with a memo, saying that a press conference has been set up for me to meet the media, I can't say no to that, well I could, but it would be unprofessional and would look back. The fax however,is from a football agent. A guy called Kamil Baran, he's just letting me know the availability of his client Marcin Zajac. A 35 year old who's been capped 8 times by Poland. I think I'll skip on this one, I know very little of him. Well it's off to meet the media.

Before I enter, Darryl lets me know that there will be from the Northern Echo, The Sunday Sun, The Evening Chronicle, BBC Tees and The League Paper will be there and will likely talk about subjects such as transfer policy and my backroom staff, but more so my new job. A few moments later he makes the announcement and I get my cue to enter the conference room. A few flashes go off, followed by some hustling of papers.

"Hello Mr. Funk, do you already have an idea of which players you like and those that you aren't so happy with?" Comes the question from the journalist sporting a Evening Chronicle pass.

"It would be unfair to have made a definitive decision on players without seeing them play first." I respond.

"That certainly suffests you have confidence in your players. What do you consider to be your strongest area of the team?" He instantly fires back.

"I am fully confident that all areas of the team are strong and up for the challenge." I tell him, although the answer sounds more confident that I feel giving it.

"How involved do you intend to be in the day-to-day running of the club?" The Evening Gazette reporter fires up above the others.

"I'm going to reshape this club from top to bottom. As a huge fan, I want to get this club running well and get the confidence up all round the club, from the players, to the commercial directors right down to the kit man." I respond.

"While some managers are famous for their hands-on approach, others maintain a more reserved manner with their players. How do you see your management style?" Shouts up the BBC Tees reporter.

"I want every player to know that they can come to me with anything."

"What can we expect from you in the transfer market? Are you looking to splash the cash or are you more of a bargain hunter?" The Evening Chronicle reporter chips in.

"I'm only interested in signing the very best players available. That is ones that are available to our club. It's not likely we'll be able to sign someone like Rooney or Kaka." I try and probably fail to add a little humour into proceedings.

"As far as your backroom staff go, will you be bringing in your own people or will the likes of Mick Wadswoth and Micky Barron be staying at the club?" He returns.

"I would perhaps like to bring in some of my own staff but nothing has been finalised yet. Although we are short staffed so it's likely Mick and Baz will be staying on here."

"What would you say is your tactical approach to the game?" Comes the Sunday Sun's reporter.

"It all depends on the situation. There are so many variables in football that to have just one approach would be irresponsible." I reply diplomatically as I can.

"You have taken charge when it is widely expected that James Brown will leave the club. Can you hold onto him? Do you want to?" Comes the Evening Gazette guy again.

"I want to keep James here and will be doing everything in my power to ensure that."

"You stand here today unveiled as the new Hartlepool manager. As a big fan of the club, surely this must be a dream come true?"

"I cannot stop smiling, this is a wonderful feeling."

With that, Darryl brings a close to the conference, letting them know they can have a few photos down at pitch size, before I get back to work.

After the reporters have gone, I send a fax through to Mr. Wenger at Arsenal. Just enquiring as to attempt to take a couple of his players on loan.Havard Nordveit and Wojciech Szczesny. A fax to Mr. Hodgson at Liverpool as to enquire about loaning Peter Gulacsi, there young keeper, as well as an offer to purchase David Healy from Sunderland, as he is on the transfer list. It's just a waiting game for them. But I need to look at some others in the mean time. But I need to get some staff in asap. I also send a message to Kaizer Chiefs, not the band but the South African side, looking to sign their goalkeeper Khune, a phone call later and I'm speaking to Morena Salie, his agent, the offer was accepted, and that Khune wants £32,500 per week. I'm not sure about that, as he's only on £500 per week currently. Mr. Salie does mention that he is in deep discussions with FC Vaslui as well. I let him know that I can offer him, £10k per week. He comes back to me stating that £19k would be a good offer. I still think that is a little high for us to be forking out a week. So I try with £15k (it's still too high, but he was a decent keeper in the World Cup, so he may be able to do a job for us, thats if he would like.) Salie lets me know that Khune appreciates the terms, with that I decide to confirm that as the offer. On that, he agrees that we've reached a conclusion, and that he'll be in touch with regards to Khune's decision. That doesn't sound to promising but thats how things go.

-- Friday, July 9th 2010 - 10:00--

Last night I got a good piece of news from Wenger, he's accepted my bids for both Szczesny and Nordveit its just up to them to see if they want to come. I also got a message from Garth, our scout. In regards to scouting Jay DeMerit as he is currently on a free. Its a good report, and says that Jay should be a definate purchase. With that I contact his agent straight away. I instantly offer £17.25 grand a week, and Ron Nash (his agent) states that Jay is satisified with the offer, so I confirm my offer to him and hope for the best. He lets me know that he thought the discussions were constructive and he'll be in touch.

I also get a phone call from Dan Bell, the agent of David Healy. He stated that although Sunderland accepted the offer, his client has no interest in joining us, and with that he hangs up.

Livepool on the other hand have accepted our loan offer for Peter Gulacsi and its not up to him where he would like to join us on loan.

I'm about to head to the training ground, when a fax comes in from the FA, stating that in the Carling Cup we will play Preston at home on the 10th of August. Damn, not an easy tie, they are after all a league above us.

--Saturday July 10th 2010 - 9:45--

Some good news for us,Gulacsi, the young Liverpool keeper has agreed to join us on a 6month loan spell, I just need to sign the paper work and confirm the deal.

That and a fax from an Antonio Zapata, wishing to bring the availability of Carlos Valverde to my attentions, he believes his client will be available for around the £120k mark. I decide to tempt fate a little and make an offer, he's a left back which would help with strengthening the squad, plus he's a young 22year old which could add some youth.

I also make an enquiry for a new member of staff. An old friend, Colin Cooper, the former Middlesbrough man, I decide to offer him a contract to come as a first team coach. On the phone he lets me know that he'd like at least £825 per week, I do one better and offer him a grand a week as a first team coach. He lets me know the terms are acceptable I confirm the offer to which he responds with letting me know he's pleased things went quickly and he'll be in touch to let me know his final decision.

Later, I get confirmation from the FA to let me know that the deal for Gulacsi has been completed and he is available to play for us now. That and well Mick Wadsworth lets me know that Joe (Gamble), Neil (Austin), Scotty (Flinders) and Andy (Monkhouse) have all signed new contracts with the clubs, that were offered before I joined.

-- Sunday, July 11th 2010 --

A call from Antonio Zapata, lets me know that our bid for his client (Valverde) was accepted and that his client would like 1.6 grand a week to play for us. I think thats about reasonable. So I confirm that as an offer. He lets me know that he'll be in touch in the near future to let me know his clients wishes and thoughts.

It's bad news though on one deal, Szczesny has decided not to join us on loan. It's a blow but we'll live on.

Especially when Col phones me up to let me know that he's accepted the offer. I get everything sorted and the contracts drawn up for his visit to the office where he signs to become our new first team coach.

-- Monday, July 12th 2010 --

Yet another transfer not going through, Nordtveit has also rejected to join us on loan. It's another disappointment, but I'm sure we wont miss him. Well how can you when you dont have him to start with. Its good news in the goalkeeper area, Khune has agreed to join us. However his move will be delayed as we have to apply for a work permit for him.

-- Tuesday, July 13th 2010 --

Ahead of our game against Morecambe. I get some news that Carlos Valverde has agreed to sign, he apparently revealed he is looking forward to working under me. That will cheer the Directors up. I've found out that Khune's work permit will be either granted or refused on Wednesday. But another agent, has offered his client. This time its Rafal Stankiewicz offering me Jakub Biskup. Another Pole, a 27 year old midfielder. I decide to make an offer for him as it's a small price 30grand.

Thankfully the deal with Valverde has gone through and will actually be available for our game today. The signing has been welcomed by Joe (Gamble). He stated that Carlos will benefit the club. I hope he's right.

Match: - Morecombe Vs Hartlepool

Line-up: 4-4-2

GK - Peter Gulasci

RB - Neil Austin

LB - Carlos Valverde

RCB - Sam Collins

LCB - Gary Liddle

RM - Fabian Yantorno

LM - Jon Andre Fredriksen

RCM - Antony Sweeney

LCM - Joe Gamble

STR - James Brown

STL - Adam Boyd


Peter Hartley

Paul Murray

Denis Behan

Armann Smari Bjornsson

Scott Flinders

Steve Haslam

Andy Monkhouse

Ritchie Humphreys

Evan Horwood

Leon McSweeney


Morecambe 0:

Hartlepool 1: Fredriksen (39)

YC - Jim Bentley (Morecambe) Josh Moffet (Morecambe)

RC - None

MoTM - Gary Liddle (Hartlepool)

It was a poor game, not helped by the lack of fitness and match practice from both sides and battling the elements. But some solid performances from some players, particularly from loanee Gulacsi a couple of shots to deal with including a one on one, which he did well with. We didn't create much, which was worrying against a weaker team.

After the game, I was criticised by Sammy McIlroy, with the fact that we were trying to walk the ball into the net rather than shooting. I believe he has a point, and I'll be looking to deal with that.

Good news though, we have managed to strengthen the back line up, as Ron Nash lets me know that Jay (DeMerit) has agreed to sign for us. A good capture for the club I believe. I make the arrangements and he signs the contract just need to get it all sorted with the league.

Also I have a word or two with both Mick and Col, and decide to try and sign two further players, Brahim Hemdani the 32year old Algerian midfielder. I arrange to speak with his agent Scott Jack, and we agree to offer a contract worth £3.5k a week, which Scott says works for his client, but he'll let us know.

My second choice is 29 year old Slovakian, Peter Styvar, recommended by Col. I speak to his agent, and offer him £11k a week (he has won 2 international caps already. So he could be worth it.) He agrees this could be a good offer so I send him a copy of it and he'll let me know what his client agrees to or not.

I get a little feedback from the signing of Jay (DeMerit) and it's positive. The fans have applauded me for the capture, according to the Evening Gazette.

-- Wednesday, July 14th 2010 --

I decide to make an offer to Aston Villa, my old club, as to whether or not I could take Barry Bannan out on loan. I know he can pass the ball and do well. I hope we can get him on loan. He'd be a great player.

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= Thanks Spav, and good to see other people play as the Pools.


-- Wednesday, July 14th 2010 PM --

Some good news has come in, the British Government has agreed to give Itumeleng Khune a conditional work permit, I finish the paperwork and forward it to the FA in order to finalise the deal itself. After which it's off to another press conference, this time it's to show off our latest captures.

I enter the room, again only a small amount of press are there and I take my place inbetween the two permanent signings, Jay (DeMerit) and Carlos (Valverde).

"You sit here alongside your new signings. You must feel a sense of excitement and pride on a day like this?" Asks the BBC Tees reporter.

"I am delighted to be able to welcome them to the club." I respond cheerfully.

"What is the relationship between you and DeMerit, and why did he want to work under you?" Comes the voice of the Northern Echo reporter.

"I have a great respect for Jay ad look forward to working with him. I've admired the way he defends, both when he was at Watford and when he played for the States."

"Do you believe the signing of Carlos Valverde, will benefit your team in the long-term?" Asks the BBC Tees reporter.

"The signing of Carlos us part of my long-term vision for the future of the club, and believe he can be a great player for us."

"Are you confident that Valverde can produce when it matters in the big games?" Comes the Sunday Sun's reporter.

"I certainly hope he can make a big contribution for us."

"Matches can be won and lost in a single moment. Do you believe DeMerit to be someone who can be the difference between success and failure?" The Evening Chronicles reporter asks.

"I certainly hope so. Jay has experience which is vital and is a good rock solid defender."

"What impact will the signing of DeMerit have on the rest of the Hartlepool squad?" Comes the voice of the League Paper's reporter right at the back.

"I am confident that signing Jay will give a massive boost to the whole team."

"You must be hoping that Jay will play a big part in any success Hartlepool have in the future?" Chirps the Northern Echo's reporter.

"I certainly hope he can make a big contribution to our team."

"Joe Gamble, has revealed his delight at your signing of Valverde, stating that the acquisition of such a player can only benefit the club. It must be nice to hear such things said about your signings?" Asks the Evening Chronicle reporter.

"I have very high hopes for Carlos, and I think he can help the club in many ways. So I appreciate Joe's comments."

"The deal for Valverde was a fairly cheap one, but do you see yourself spending big in the future?" He shoots back instantaneously.

"I don't wish to discuss the club's finances in public." This time I'm being diplomatical with my answer. I don't want teams to jack up prices of future endeavours.

"You caught many people off-guard signing Valverde. Was it hard to keep the deal under wraps?" The Sunday Sun reporter asks.

"It was hard to keep this one quiet, and to keep other teams from coming in with offers of a higher stature."

"Do you agree that, with no large transfer fee involved, there is considerably less pressure on Valverde?" Asks the Evening Gazette journalist.

"I see it as sort of a deal which allows us the freedom to develop the player without the spotlight of a big fee."

"The club's fans have certainly been excited by the signing of DeMerit and seem convinced that he will have a massive impact here. Just how big a success do you think he can be?" The League Paper journalists asks.

"I wouldn't have signed him if I wasn't confident in his ability to shine."

"Do you think its a problem that Carlos doesn't speak English?" Asks the Sunday Sun's reporter.

"Moving to a new club is full of little difficulties to overcome, and this is just one of them. But I'm confident that Carlos can overcome this little difficulty and be a good signing."

"Valverde arrives at Hartlepool as the only Spanish player. It can be tough for foreign players to adapt to a new country, so will you perhaps look to sign a compatriot to keep Carlos company?" Asks the BBC Tees reporter.

"It's something I have under consideration, yes. Although I can not guarantee something will materialise quickly."

"Is giving Valverde just a short two-year deal a defence against things possibly going wrong?" Asks The Sunday Sun reporter.

"It's a good deal for everyone, it gives us a short-term commitment and flexibility. I believe he can be here for a longer period than 2 years."

With that I call time on the conference, and let the lads get back to training with their new teammates. Before we set off to Welling for our game tomorrow.

I head back to my office, and see that I've received a fax, stating that Piast will settle for a deal of £140k for Jakub Biskup. I let them know by fax, that I'll be pulling out of the deal. I can't afford to spend cash willy-nilly. Especially on players I must admit I'm not sure of. As in this case.

-- Thursday, July 15th 2010 --

Ahead of the game against Welling today. I get a message from my assistant, letting me know that six people have applied for the fitness coach position. Andy Renshaw, Paul Winsper, Simon Bitcon, Niall Clark, Elliott Axtell (who's at Chelsea) and John McKeown. I decide to offer contracts to both Andy Renshaw and Paul Winsper, offering £1k a week to both, both looking to come back to me. I do let my assistant know to continue with the advert, just incase they decide against joining.

Match: Welling Vs. Hartlepool.


GK - Itumeleng Khune

RB - Neil Austin

LB - Carlos Valverde

CB - Jay DeMerit ©

CB - Gary Liddle

RM - Fabian Yantorno

LM - Jon Andre Fredriksen

CM - Antony Sweeny

CM - Joe Gamble

ST - Armann Smari Bjornsson

ST - James Brown


Peter Hartley

Paul Murray

Denis Behan

Adam Boyd

Peter Gulacsi

Steve Haslam

Andy Monkhouse

Ritchie Humphries

Evan Horwood

Leon McSweeney

Scott Flinders

Sam Collins.


Welling - 0

Hartlepool - 2: Liddle 17, Yantorno 45+1.

MOTM - Khune

A dire second half performance again. Exactly the same as the last match, we don't seem to be playing football in both halves of the game, and to be honest two terrific saves from Khune was what really won the game for us. His debut a deserved man of the match.

On the coach on the way back I do some online searching. Seeing as how we are not creating much, nor do we seem to be able to get our strikers scoring, I know it's only pre-season, but it all counts towards their moral. I need to get some creative players in and some goal getters too. This needs to be sorted out ASAP. Problem is, too many new signings will be restricted with the 25 man squad rule. So it may come down to offloading some players.

-- Friday, July 16th 2010 --

Today is not really a busy day. I get a phone call from my sister's brother-in-law. Kelvin Adams. He heard I got the job at Hartlepool, he wished me look, but in the process decided to bring four people to my attention as possible signings. Three are young kids, who supposedly have a bright future ahead of them.

Chris Foreman, a 16year old striker from Stafford.

Lee Rooney, a 17 year old striker from Droylsden

Christian Appleby, a 16 year old midfielder from Mansfield


Ali Karimi, a 31 year old Iranian midfielder, who he believes to be available around the £1.3M mark.

It's good to have friends aint it. I'll check out the three young kids here, I'll offer them a weeks trial at the club see how they train and have words with Col to see where to go.

After that I head to Blundell Park as its not too far, to watch the England Trialist match, between teams one and two.

Towards the end of the day I'm told another signing has come to fruitition. Peter Styvar has gladly accepted our contract. I confirm the deal and send the paper work to the FA.

However its bad news from Villa. They've rejected our off to loan Bannan on the basis of not offering a substantial amount of his wage contribution. To that I respond uping the amount we'll pay to 80% rather than 60%.

Another new signing in the works. Brahim Hemdani has also agreed to sign, again I confirm the deal and send the paper work to the FA.


-The three young players Foreman, Rooney and Appleby are regens with good stats.-

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-- Saturday, July 17th 2010 --

Ahead of our home game to Derby County, some great news. Paul Winsper has agreed to join the club and become our fitness coach. Things are starting to pick up on that side which is good.

I decide to try my look and offer both Stefan Klos and a former team mate of mine, Ugo Ehiogu a contract as coaches, that and one to Dwight Yorke, another former team mate.

A few moments later a call comes in to confirm Andy Renshaw has agreed to sign with us too, as a youth team coach.

Match: Hartlepool Vs. Derby

Line-up:- 4-1-4-1

GK - Itumeleng Khune

RB - Neil Austin

LB - Carlos Valverde

CB - Jay DeMerit ©

CB - Gary Liddle

DCM - Brahim Hemdani

RM - Fabian Yantorno

LM - Jon Andre Fredriksen

CM - Antony Sweeney

CM - Joe Gamble

ST - Peter Styvar


Peter Hartley

Paul Murray

Armann Smari Bjornsson

Adam Boyd

Peter Gulacsi

Steve Haslam

Andy Monkhouse

Ritchie Humphries

James Brown

Leon McSweeney

Denis Behan

Sam Collins


Hartlepool - 0:

Derby - 0:

MOTM - Carlos Valverde.

A great defensive performance, a different system against the team a league above, and we managed to ground out a clean sheet and a draw. Towards the end we started to gain more possession and a swap of formation gave us some creativity up top and managed to create a couple of chances that we could have taken to win the game. All in all I'm happy. A draw against an opponent like Derby is a good result.

After the game, I got word that Nigel Clough had reserved special praise for my side, and that our passing game was something to behold. Which I appreciate tremendously.

-- Sunday, July 18th 2010 --

An early morning start, and a couple of things to go through. Firstly our offer for Bannan has been accepted, its just a matter of does the young Scot want to come to us. Fingers crossed.

I've received a few applications to join our coaching staff too. Bryan Klug, John Perkins, Mark Chamberlain, Bobby Downes, Tosh Farrell, Jason Fowler, Ken Goody and Andrew "Andy" Cole. After a little deliberation, I decide to offer Bobby, Tosh and Andy. As well as leave the advert running for now.

Our groundsman left me a memo, to let him know of our pitch dimensions. I send him a text to keep things as they are for now. As it is the maximum size we can get.

A couple of hours later and Ugo gives me a call to let me know he's coming in to sign as a coach.... This is great news.

Another piece of good news too. Ahmed Soukouna, a 20 year old mali youth international striker has decided to join. I forgot I offered him a contract. He's deemed as a wonder kid (or so I'm told.) I'm totally shocked he's agreed to come here, he's actually rejected Numancia, Hibs, Gimnastic and Hull in favour of us. That should be some news for the Kiwi's in charge.

The good news keeps on flowing. The fans have reacted positively to the signing of Soukouna and I've signed another backroom staff member, Stefan Klos to work alongside Walshy with our keepers.

The good news unfortunately ends by the end of the day. Yorkie-bar has decided to reject our contract offer to become a first team coach, in favour of his Assistant job at Trinadad and Tobago.

-- Monday, July 19th 2010 --

Good news to start the day. One of the three youngsters that was recommended has accepted the offer of a trial here, he's only 16, so I'll keep my eye on him.

I soon call for a press conference to unveil Ahmed. It goes well and Ahmed seems to enjoy the little tour I give him.

After that I return to the office to meet Christian Appleby. He has also decided to join us on a weeks trial to try and impress in order to gain a contract with the club.

No sooner have our discussion ended than I'm met by the cheery looking Andy Cole.... He's decided to join us in a coaching role..... The Ball really is rolling now. I'm sure the board will like my choices..... Hopefully.

Later in the day, I get to confirm the trial of Lee Rooney, who confirmed he is NO relation to Wayne... especially not "The Boy" Rooney, that works alongside "The Special One" and "IT". I also confirm the signing of Bobby Downes as a coach. Unfortunately the board cancel the transfer of Tosh Farrell, as they say we don't need another coach.... Like they know anything. I go to the boardroom anyway, and get updated firstly on the new facilities. The new training facilities are due to be completed on the 28th of May next year, as are the new Youth Facilities.... Even though they are only in the planning stage.

I have a quick discussion on regards to the amount of coaches, they don't agree with my view on that, but they do agree with me that the clubs scouting range should be broadend... Thank god. We can now scout wider than the home nations, oh wait... I think it may be better to go and actually sign some new scouts...

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-- Tuesday, July 20th 2010 --

A good start to the day aint it... Barry Bannan has decided not to join us here. It's a disappointment, but then again I'm not surprised really. Although I did receive an offer from Mick Sandvliet stating that his client Anduele Pryor is available on a free transfer. Apparently he's a speed left winger.... That's something we could do with here. I get straight on the phone, and he's looking for £7k per week... I however try with a stern 5k Pryor comes back saying he'll do a deal worth a further £750 a week... Sounds reasonable. I'll agree to that. He then lets me know he'll get back to us with regards to the deal.

-- Thursday, July 22nd 2010 --

A good start to the day, we've received some CV's in regards to scouting. Barry Whitbread, Ron McKinnon, Ben Stevens, Ian Bowyer, Paul Haverson, Pat Holland, Tim Taylor and Darren Alston.... I keep the add going while offering contracts to Barry, Tim and Darren.

Match: Alfreton Vs. Hartlepool.

Line-Up: 4-4-2

GK - Itumeleng Khune

RB - Neil Austin

LB - Carlos Valverde

CB - Jay DeMerit ©

CB - Gary Liddle

RM - Fabian Yantorno

LM - Jon Andre Fredriksen

CM - Brahim Hemdani

CM - Joe Gamble

ST - James Brown

ST - Peter Styvar


Peter Hartley

Paul Murray

Armann Smari Bjornsson

Adam Boyd

Peter Gulasci

Steve Haslam

Andy Monkhouse

Ritchie Humphries

Antony Sweeney

Leon McSweeney

Ahmed Soukouna

Sam Collins


Alfreton - 0:

Hartlepool - 4: Liddle 45, Yantorno 75, Boyd 78, Soukouna 85:

MOTM - Yantorno

It was a good performance, we did create a few chances in the first half, and thankfully managed to score in the last minute thanks to Lid, a couple of good saves from Khune kept us in front too, a second half substitution and new boy Soukouna created the opening for Yantorno, before setting up Boyd and scoring himself. A much more accomplished second half and a good performance from Soukouna, that's a definate start in our next match.

-- Friday, July 23rd 2010 --

The board come back to me with two clubs they two offer from in regards to a parent club. The teams are Norwich City and West Brom. They would like me to make a recommendation. I decide to recommend West Brom. Mainly due to the fact they are a bigger club, currently in the premiership, and well they are giving us a higher annual fee. It seems to be the better option.

- Later in the day, I get news that West Brom announce their link with us. Which is a very good idea for now anyway. Lets see how it goes.

Following this news, I try to get Luke Moore on loan, and find out as well that West Brom have decided to offer Chris Woods the chance to join us on loan. He's a decent young striker so could be another option for us.

Plymouth have offered us Krisztian Timar for £65k, it's not an interesting deal for me, so I decline the offer.

I get everthing sorted with regards to the players at the club and submit our team squad list to the FA, I've still got one or two spaces available for any new players that we may get between now and next season, well one's that are over the age of 20 anyway.

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