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Argggh someone please help with adding logo to my game. DEMENTED


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Going demented. Some nice person made me club badge logos for my local team. I have added them into the game but when i load it up it only shows the small logo at the fixtures list and doesnt show the bigger logo anywhere. Here is where the files are. Why is the small logos working but not the bigger one. Heres a screenshot of where they are placed in the folders http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq158/jayboywonder/Files.jpg


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Ok the small code says this <list id="maps">

- <!-- ENGLAND


<record from="broxburn athletic" to="graphics/pictures/club/5201530/icon" />



BUT the big logo code says this -

- <list id="maps">

- <!-- TigerJoe


<record from="saint anns rangers" to="graphics/pictures/club/5201530/logo" />

<record from="saint anns rangers" to="graphics/pictures/club/5201530/logo/huge" />



SAINT ANNS RANGERS. Is this the problem and if so how do i fix it?

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Is your big logo called saint anns rangers.png? I would guess it has no spaces in the name. If thats not the name of your logo file you need to change the code to the same name as your big logo file, all in lower case letters.

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Also I would make sure your config file looks like this.

                 <!-- resource manager options -->

                 <!-- dont preload anything in this folder -->
                 <boolean id="preload" value="false"/>

                 <!-- turn off auto mapping -->
                 <boolean id="amap" value="false"/>

                 <!-- logo mappings -->
                 <!-- the following XML maps pictures inside this folder into other positions
                                  in the resource system, which allows this folder to be dropped into any
                                  place in the graphics folder and still have the game pick up the graphics
                                  files from the correct places

                 <list id="maps">

 <record from="YOUR LOGO NAME " to="graphics/pictures/club/TEAMS UNIQUE ID/logo" /> 

Just enter your details in the LOGO NAME and TEAMS UNIQUE ID parts.

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42 views but yet only a few kind people have gave advice. Why are people looking into a help forum if they are not going to give help. If i had the knowledge how to fix it i would. A shame not everyone is like the helpful people who have already started narrowing down the fault. Praise to them, shame on everyone else!

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