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Is there anything impressive about this?

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The only impressive thing is that nobody gives you a caution for making these kind of worthless posts and add pictures to it on the forum. I would have banned your arse a long time ago. I've reported it though, so hopefully someone will take notice.

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The only impressive thing is that nobody gives you a caution for making these kind of worthless posts and add pictures to it on the forum. I would have banned your arse a long time ago. I've reported it though, so hopefully someone will take notice.

- Yeah- I noticed that this kind of response is unnecessary- just leave the moderating to the Mods

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I thought the point of the thread was to show that a CB scored 21 goals in a season, if someone had of posted a CB scoring that many on FM10 or FM09 people would claim it was the corner bug/cheat. Although the OP doesn't really state anything at all to encourage any discussion.

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Lindhoffen abuses me and gets away with it. Hmmm forum favourite i see.

In what way am I abusing you?

The next time you feel the urge to be smart and bless us with a new post about nothing maybe you'll think twice before pressing that all important 'submit' button.

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