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Hi All,

Now we had the corner bug in the last FM2010 game which guaranteed a few goal chances if not score multiple times every game, and as we all know that this has been eliminated from FM2011 as far as we know as yet.

Well i have sort of come across a way to create some regular good chances at scoring but doesn't necesary gaurantee you goals only better chances is all ... so this is not a cheat, it is a tactic created by me.

And before anyone jumps on me and says i am exploiting a "CHEAT BUG" i can tell you you won't score every time or even every game and it does not exploit any errors with the AI or anything like that, so let me just say that, before i tell you what seems to be creating chances for me so far regularly.

OK then, i was thinking about how i could score from corners regularly and then a revelation hit me how about i lure the defenders away from the center of the goals and out of position before attempting a shot on goal, what i do is i set my corner kick to aim for the penalty area the top half circle mark of the box and have 2 players lurking outside around that area, with all the rest of the players on their default positions that the set piece creator starts them with.

Now what i have found is that when you kick to the top of the penalty area (half circle area don't know correct name for this spot) the opposition will 90% of the time cut out the pass before it gets to one of your 2 outside lurking players and either attempt to run it out in which case 80-90% of the time i win the ball back with one or both of my lurking outside players and then find that all the opposition players have or are on their way to vacating the penalty box in order to counter attack me and i have a nice clean shot on goal "MOST" of the time resulting in a clear cut chance at goal and depending on how good my players are i normally get a good chance at scoring (not scoring every time or at all i just get a much better chance at scoring is all)

NOW if they attempt to kick the ball clear it always falls to one of my defenders who pass the ball to one of my 2 lurking outside players and the same situation appears 80-90% of the time the opposition have come out from in front of the goals and allow my players to once again pump the ball into a much less crowded penalty box which results once again in nice clear good shots at goals (once again i am not guaranteeing this will score every time it only creates much better chances is all) because all the opposition players who were clogging the penalty area in front of goals or marking my players have broken from their corner defending positions and are in transition to attack from defense.

So as you can see this is NO CHEAT tactic it is just a good way of luring the defenders out of the penalty area i have created which means my players can pass the ball back into the penalty area and create good chances on goal is all. It took a lot of thought and effort to come up with this set play as for the life of me no matter how i set my corners up and tried everyone's ideas to no avail i still only have scored at most 2-3 goals an entire season even with teams such as REAL MADRID and MAN UTD.... BUT with this set piece play i normally get around 10 - 13 goals per season with average to low teams and tried it in a few leagues with different sized teams and it seems to hold up well so far. With the really good teams IE: REAL MADRID and MAN UTD etc... i have scored around about anywhere from 15 - 28 goals per season like this.

Any thoughts on this please reply and if you try my LURING DEFENDERS OUT SET CORNER PLAY TACTIC out for yourselves tell me how it went for you.

And please remember this does not guarantee you certain goals being scored it only creates better chances at scoring due to my LURING DEFENDERS OUT SET CORNER PLAY TACTIC which lures the defending team out of the penalty area and catching them in transition before they can get back to defend.

As for players required well you just need good defenders who can tackle and pass reasonably well, midfielders and strikers who are OK to GOOD at finishing and composure (these 2 are important as they are what determines how accurate and good a shot at goal they are under pressure) as well as good passing.

Apart from that there are no real other attributes i look for in my team when using this LURING DEFENDERS OUT SET CORNER PLAY TACTIC of mine.

Hopefully these will work for you as well. I think SI have done a good job with the corners you really have to out think the AI and setup your set plays in order to create chances.


kymsheba (Mike)

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hi guys,

ok i will try and get a pic up here sometime soon what is the best way to post pics on this site?

in the meantime as for setup just goto create set piece wizard and if you have 2 strikers put both on lurk outside area and leave the rest on default or whatever you normally do, dont forget to have at least 3 defenders back otherwise AI opponent will get you on counter attack, you could try your own setup just make sure you aim for top of penalty area and have 2 lurk outside players (the half circle part) is where i aim. If you only have 1 striker then put him on lurk outside and add a player you think has good shooting, passing & composure as the other lurk outside option. do not put a defender as a lurk outside option, the defenders who stay back should be there to catch the clearance balls and pass back to the lurk outside players.

As stated this won't give you certain goals but will create better chances once the ball has been passed back into the penalty area as you will catch all the defenders leaving the area on transition which frees up bodies in penalty area in front of goal.

i will take a pic and see if i can get it up here somehow.

kymsheba (mike)

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ok think i got it worked out now these images thingy lol.....

1 pic shows my tactic i made, 1 shows instructions for tactic (tactic is no wonder tactic it just worked well for me) 3rd shows attacking corner instructions once again not much special here.

p><p><img src= Uploaded with ImageShack.us[/img]


Hope they work guys they are good for me so far with Sheffield united i scored 13 goals for my first season and with Sunderland so far after 14 games i have scored 8 times from using this.


kymsheba (mike)

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Hi Falahk,

Whoever is your best corner taker takes the corners as long as it is not one of your 3 defenders who stay back and not one of your two lurk outside players either, anyone else is fine to take corner just make sure it is not those 5 players.


kymsheba (mike)

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I'm finding that 9 times out of 10 my corner taker (attribute score: 16) lands the corner in the gap behind the 'Forward' players and in front of the 'Lurking' players, and an opposition player whacks the ball away upfield immediately putting them on the counter. I might try setting it to '6 yard box' instead, since Penalty Area just seems to be the wrong spot to aim for with my team.

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Hi Curuedhel,

That is the correct spot top of penalty area as it is designed to let them take the ball and try and break on the counter thus encouraging them to leave the penalty area, then they either kick it away and then start on the counter against you and you should find that 1 of the 3 defenders should pick up the ball and pass back to 1 of your 2 lurking players who should then either run ball into penalty area and have a shot or pass into penalty to one of your other 5 players who should then have a shot, this is what draws them out of the penalty area so when you have got the ball back into the penalty area there are a lot less opposition players between you and the goal if any sometimes, which then creates better chances at goal.

If they try and run it out either 1 of your 2 lurking players will tackle them on the way out or 1 of your defenders will pick them up and when you win ball back once again all there players are either out or on there way out of penalty and you catch them again on the hop so to speak.

I think you may be misunderstanding me you won't score from the corner kick straight away IE: kick in from corner and shot at goal etc... what this does is let them pick up the ball and encourage opposition to break on the counter only for them to lose the ball to either your lurking players or defenders at the half way line who then counterattack their counter attack thus all or most of there players are out of penalty area and your players have a good shot on goal.

this won't guarantee you goals just gives you good to excellent chances at goal and as long as you have players with good composure and finishing you should score pretty well over the season from this set play.

i recommend:

Defenders = Good to excellent tackling, passing

Midfielders/strikers = Good to excellent tackling, passing, composure & finishing

I am still scoring regularly with this set play, don't forget this wont be counted as a stat for : goals from corners because you are getting the goals from chances once you have lured them out of the corner set piece and pumped it back into the penalty area in general play so it becomes goals from regulation play if you follow what i mean.



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Definitely not an exploit as I don't think this will have an abnormally high success rate. I'm going to try it with my non-league L9 side. I don't expect many goals as I have no one with composure, but so far I have scored 0 goals from corners, so I can't do worse!

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I tried it, each time my guy takes a corner it ends up outside the area and the opposistions defense get it. We dont even get a touch. set it up just the way you showed...and I have Becks taking the corners too :)

Yes, but what's the next stage of play? According to kymsheba, they oppo should either hoof or carry the ball upfield until your defenders intercept it. They should play it quickly back into the penalty box where your forwards are now free to take a shot because the oppo defenders have broken out to counter. Does that happen?

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hi phnompenhandy,

you got it perfect that is exactly what i mean will happen and does, so far i score regularly from using this lure them out tactic, but i once again say it won't guarantee you goals BUT it will create better chances and shots at goals due to lack of opposition players in the penalty area.

The success rate is reasonable but not excessive it really comes down to your players finishing, composure etc... that i stated before and even then it doesn't guarantee you will score every time it just creates better chances to score from once the chance has appeared it really comes down to a bit of luck, and how good your players are in front of goal or under pressure when they shoot.

I am not stating that you are going to get a ridiculous amount of goals from this like one used to in the previous FM2010 using that corner tactic.


kymsheba (mike)

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I tried it last night. Didn't get any goals from it but I'm happy to accept it's because my players are pants. It doesn't help that the set-pieces editor is bugged and resets itself (my full-backs end up being the lurkers, FFS), but I'll keep plugging away. As I think mentioned, my ratio of goals from corners is zero, so I have nothing to lose!

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yeah i understand you need the players with the right attributes for whatever formation your using as well as the ones i mentioned to have success with it.

One thing i just thought of is that i hope people are not trying to use my tactic with this setup as my tactic seems to work well with what i have developed etc... what i mean is try the setup corner lure with whatever tactic you have been using dont suddenly change to my tactic and expect it to work as you may have the wrong players for my tactic which is just a basic 4-4-2 really with a few tweaks here and there to suit my players i have signed etc...

just a thought last night that some people may think you need to use my tactic is all which is not the case you need to use your tactic you have been using which once fluid in you should see it work out regularly but once again i stress this won't gaurantee goals just better chances is all.



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I can;t get it to work to save my life. I have it set up just as you do in your pic, the opposition just get it and run with it or hoof it.

sorry it not working for you nmwaldron, don't know what to suggest are you fluid in all areas of your tactic? also i don't ever use opposition Instructions as this takes your players away from how you want them to play in your tactic.

As i said it won't gaurantee you goals just better chances is all. Are you sure you have the right players for each area?

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  • 3 years later...
This works wonders on FM14, thanks!
Hi JamesScott, glad it is working for you, i have been using it ever since i came up with it and have been happy with the results ever since it certainly does seem to last the test of time, it is coming up on 3 1/2 yrs and still works well in all versions so far.



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Note that the update will squash any exploitative corner routines - so enjoy it while it lasts!
YOU ARE SO WRONG!!!! As i said before this is NOT AN EXPLOIT!!!! Where in my corner tactic is it taking advantage of a fault in the match engine??? please explain your comment as you are completely wrong, this tactic lures the defenders away from the goal face then hits them with a quick counter attack before they can get back to defend. In effect what your saying is that in real life any corner tactic is cheating! What a load of rubbish to insinuate that i am cheating the match engine is just plain rude!

Maybe you should worry about other posts instead of a legit corner tactic, can't believe your a moderator and roll out statements like that.

One last thing, "... so enjoy it while it lasts!" statement, well for your information i have been using the same corner setup for the last 3 1/2 yrs so thanks i have been enjoying it and probably will continue to do so for another 3 1/2 yrs :rolleyes:

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  • 1 month later...

I score every 15 games or so either directly from the corner or from a rebound or header back across goal after the corner.

Have not found any really reliable corner routine but either aim for back post or penalty area seems to work best, I try to get as many good headers of the ball in the box as possible and hope one of them is in the right place at the right time.

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14.3 update did squash this corner routine :(

i still getting clear cut chances regularly and with mario gotze and tessi seem to be banging them in too i have not changed a thing it still works for me, how many chances are you creating though don't forget this tactic won't guarantee you goals only more clear cut chances, people seem to be expecting this corner tactic to score them goals all the time like i stated before this is intended to give you more clear cut chances is all i said it won't give you goals all the time just more clear cut chances.

so maybe you are getting the chances but your forwards might not be taking the final shot well enough, have a look at the past games and see if the clear cut chances are there?

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I score every 15 games or so either directly from the corner or from a rebound or header back across goal after the corner.

Have not found any really reliable corner routine but either aim for back post or penalty area seems to work best, I try to get as many good headers of the ball in the box as possible and hope one of them is in the right place at the right time.

Can u please upload ur corner tactic ? : > instruction set pieces ect xDDD

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Can u please upload ur corner tactic ? : > instruction set pieces ect xDDD

look at pics in post #6 they are all there the instructions and all, like i said they still hold true now, just copy the pics and see how you go :)

these won't show as corner goals as they rely on drawing out the defenders, midfielders from goal area then getting CLEAR CUT CHANCES on the counter hence the more CLEAR CUT CHANCES the more chance you have of scoring, so you need to look at the Clear Cut Chances to see the results, you should get a good amount of chances hopefully resulting in goals from your players.

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look at pics in post #6 they are all there the instructions and all, like i said they still hold true now, just copy the pics and see how you go :)

these won't show as corner goals as they rely on drawing out the defenders, midfielders from goal area then getting CLEAR CUT CHANCES on the counter hence the more CLEAR CUT CHANCES the more chance you have of scoring, so you need to look at the Clear Cut Chances to see the results, you should get a good amount of chances hopefully resulting in goals from your players.

actually i am asking if someone found any other instruction that can work for score...when the team cant find the net or must score even in real football set peaces must be.....u can see like ''chelsea '''' we really need find a good formation /tactic for scoring via corner 1 goal / 15-20 match is bad so far with good team

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