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Help with tactics

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I am new here and need help with coming up with tactics for shakhtar donetsk. I like their potential but need help with the team tactics and starting 11.

Any advice or links to shakhtar donetsk guides would be appreciated.

Thank you

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cant be of great help, i know little about shakhtar except for the fact that outside the EU there are no real regs regarding work permits and thus you'll get a lot of decent brazilians.

personally i'd decide which small group of players you want to build your team around and devise tactics to suit these.

the tactics creator is great if you dont want to micro-manage it, it'll build a solid tactic from scratch - just choose your formation from the drop-down list and maybe tweak a couple of the options under team instructions and you cant really go far wrong.

well, that's my 2 penneth for what it's worth

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You may want to try my tactic and see if it works?


I've manage to get it successful with very low league teams with the tactic, not sure about middle league teams like shakhtar though.

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