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Why make this player play a simple passing game?

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I have this player that is the best Libero/Defensive Midfielder in the world, his Passing is great!

But every time I look at my Backroom Advice screen my coaches are always telling me to teach him to play a simpler passing game. He currently has "Tries killer balls often" and I'd say one in every 10 games he makes a perfect pass from Midfield for a goal.

I can't figure out why they keep telling me this. Are they wrong or should I be listening to them?


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The only possible reason would be him having a creativity of only 12(though it's not extremely low) which only makes him able to see the simple passes.

I'd say ignore the advice, they always seem to want DC's and DMC's to learn a simple passing game regardless of their attributes.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Only thing I can see is (like the previous poster) the Creativity being only 12. 12 aint bad but it's not awesome either. It's on the high end of average. He'll be an extremely accurate passer with his Passing being so high at 18 but that's just an indication on how ACCURATE his passing is. His Creativity is only 12 so he doesn't have the ability of seeing a lot of potentially defence splitting passes, so rather than maybe giving the ball away a lot by trying to see a pass that is not on, your coaches are saying for him to keep it simple which is meaning just keep possession instead of giving the ball away. Maybe the coaches are "seeing" this in the training as the coaches are working with the players day in and day out so the player is maybe trying the creative passes too much and it's not working so they have advised you to tell him just to keep it simple.

That's the way I'm seeing it anyway :D

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I agree that the only reason could be his creativity of only 12, which is very low compared to his passing and decisions attributes. However, playing as Barca many times I get advice to make Iniesta play simpler passing game as well, which is absurd for a player with his passing, creativity and decisions attributes! This game is strange sometimes.

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I agree that the only reason could be his creativity of only 12, which is very low compared to his passing and decisions attributes. However, playing as Barca many times I get advice to make Iniesta play simpler passing game as well, which is absurd for a player with his passing, creativity and decisions attributes! This game is strange sometimes.

What kind of tactical knowledge and training do your coaches have? Maybe if these areas are quite low for the coaches then they won't always suggest the best options.

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9 times out of 10, your coaches' suggestions are not worth paying attention to. At least that's my experience. Every now and then I agree with them though.

I love the way my ass man always disagrees with the other coaches' tactical advice before a match, and then during the match tells me we should do exactly what the others said and he strongly disagreed with. Gives you an idea of how insightful these guys really are.

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9 times out of 10, your coaches' suggestions are not worth paying attention to. At least that's my experience. Every now and then I agree with them though.

I love the way my ass man always disagrees with the other coaches' tactical advice before a match, and then during the match tells me we should do exactly what the others said and he strongly disagreed with. Gives you an idea of how insightful these guys really are.

I hardly ever have this at all. I did as soon as I started the game in my first season, but that was because my ass. man didn't have the team knowledge but as the season has progressed and he has gotten to know the team more and got more tactical knowledge then he has gotten better and if I have one of my coaches recommend something I notice that he agress a lot more than what he did. I have sometimes had coaches tell me to tell a player to improve a certain area i.e. corners but I have noticed that the player has a Corner attribute of 16 so I have maybe left it or picked something else for him to improve on. Other times they have been spot on. Look at the coaches areas of expertise and you can tell by this on how knowledgable they are in different areas like Tactics, Working With Youngsters etc.

The bottom line is it's up to you as manager wether to take the advice or not as that is exactly what it is - advice.

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I agree that the only reason could be his creativity of only 12, which is very low compared to his passing and decisions attributes. However, playing as Barca many times I get advice to make Iniesta play simpler passing game as well, which is absurd for a player with his passing, creativity and decisions attributes! This game is strange sometimes.

If I am not mistaken, Xavi has PPM plays short simple passes. It suits the Barca's style.

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