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Tactical question concerning defence?

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Greetings fellow managers! I have a question that I hadn't had any luck in answering myself. Thats why I turn to you. So to start - the most common setup when creating tactics that is used by almost all tactic geniuses here is flat four defensive line, this mainly means that there is no much need to tinker around with midfield and so because having 4 defenders provides enough cover both in the center and on the flanks. My questions are the following - how do you set, instead of four defenders, three center defenders (duties & roles, marking (zonal/man & tight or not, stats to look for)? How do you provide enough cover for the flanks and how do you set your midfielders. I would appreciate all comments and links which will help me learn how to set them. I tried creating 3-4-3 setup but it all went down in defensive aspects and therefore I failed. Thank you in advance!

I want to excuse myself if I opened a discussion that has been opened before.

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