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When to buy and sell players?

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For buying, it should be when they have less than 18 months left on their contracts and are unhappy. The transfer list is always full of good cheap players because of the personal interactions problems.

A nice little trick is long term injury players, as they get transfer listed - if you arrange the transfer for the end of the season then theyll usually have recovered from the injury and you get a player for much cheaper than you should be able to.

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Buy when their contracts run out next year or they're redundant (their team have other players who can play in the same position).

Sell when other teams are interested in buying. It's so obvious, yet a lot of people don't understand that. You can't sell when other teams don't need that player, can't afford his wage or don't have high enough reputation to lure him.

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Buy when their contracts run out next year or they're redundant (their team have other players who can play in the same position).

Sell when other teams are interested in buying. It's so obvious, yet a lot of people don't understand that. You can't sell when other teams don't need that player, can't afford his wage or don't have high enough reputation to lure him.

That goes without saying, but i was interested in if there is a difference in price if you buy/sell in the summer, winter, or outside the transfer period.

Need to watch the insults in here mate - the mods are a lot less forgiving than on OTF.

What insults? Relax, just kidding.

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That goes without saying, but i was interested in if there is a difference in price if you buy/sell in the summer, winter, or outside the transfer period.

Oh, then it's buy outside the transfer period when the player is unhappy/unsettled, and sell in the summer when the clubs get a new transfer budget. It's hard to buy in summer when there are so many clubs compete for the same player, making his price skyrockets.

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Hey now,

so when can i buy the players for the lowest price and when can i sell them for the highest?

1. when they're cheap

2. when they're expensive

1. When they are young (if you are able to develop them) or what ackter said.

2. You wanna try and sell them before they start to go downhill. If one of your key players is attracting a lot of attention from big money clubs, relative to you, and that player is lets say 28+....don't be afraid to sell him. Sometimes you can get teams to overpay because form tends to overhype a players' value. Also your older players will likely be your top earners so again....what ackter said.

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