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ffs, what more can one do?

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besides turn off the pc in frustration. Before you all flame and bag me hear me out. I have noticed that whatever instruction I give my players they still do three frustrating things:

1) striker or forward one on one with goalie, however slows right down (like slow moiton on tele) and then proceeds to follow the outline of the box just to pass it back into where he previously was???

2) similar however striker clear and making run down the centre of the pitch, only again to do a left turn and head towards the sideline running all the way to the left side of the field only to then run into box, ffs, go figure.

3) any player now, in the box however instead of taking the shot passes back out of box to any player only to start the old "run around the edge of the box" like he is following the lines and such, end result player recieveing ball, blasts it from 10,000 miles away!

And all this even when I have spent ages setting up team and player instructions "not to do this"

What made my day was when the computer team did similar thing (follow line around the box)

excuse spelling, not feeling well today :-(

So what can one do when the game seems to have other plans to your direction?

Cheers and Happy new year.

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