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FM11 - First season lessons

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Just finished my first season after only having the game for a few weeks due to "factory" issues.

This is what I've learnt

- You still can't change kits for away games and at the end of seasons

- You still can't scout clubs (players, nations regions but not clubs?)

- you still can't deal with players how you want

- Press conferecnes are still too scattered (a meaningless game against Bolton gets pre and post match but nothing for a champions league semi final and a top of the table meeting with Man United. You also still get the same questions time and again. "What is the strongest area of your team"? is especially annoying.

- You get to May the team are fighting for a treble, all morale is high and yet the assistant manager tells you " A large number of players are still struggling to motivate themselves to play for you!"

I still love the game but all these things really annoy me. Anyone else got gripes with the game?

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Just finished my first season after only having the game for a few weeks due to "factory" issues.

This is what I've learnt

- You still can't change kits for away games and at the end of seasons do you mean you want the option to pick whatever kit you want in meaningless games or that you want to design future kits? the former not being important IMO and the latter generally not being a matter for the manager

- You still can't scout clubs (players, nations regions but not clubs?)

i've put this in a suggestion thread somewhere and i think it was mentioned that it is being considered, although the short term solution is to shift-select all of the players in the club then scout them

- you still can't deal with players how you want in what way? for any ideas/recommendations to be taken seriously by SI, it will need to be done with as much detail as possible, and it would be interesting on a personal level to see what different issues others have compared to my own

- Press conferecnes are still too scattered (a meaningless game against Bolton gets pre and post match but nothing for a champions league semi final and a top of the table meeting with Man United. You also still get the same questions time and again. "What is the strongest area of your team"? is especially annoying.

can be a bit silly at times when there isn't always a press conference - you'd assume every major game would have pre and post match conferences/interviews.

- You get to May the team are fighting for a treble, all morale is high and yet the assistant manager tells you " A large number of players are still struggling to motivate themselves to play for you!"

have you done anything to annoy these players? are they foreign players struggling to settle into a new team? have they had previous issues with your team talks? could be a number of reasons, but keep an eye on things and make a bug report if you feel that something seems just wrong

I still love the game but all these things really annoy me. Anyone else got gripes with the game?

hope some of this is helpful

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I have play the Demo and my team is Liverpool.

I am struggling at the moment and came 9TH when the demo End.

F.Torres always injury prone and does the 11.2 Patch fixed that?

The game is alright but it nowhere near better than FM 2010 apart from Better match engine!

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Yeah I think you make some very good points.

As far as kits are concerned everyone always says It's not what a manager does but I think for the good of the game (FM not football) it would benice to change them becvause otherwise It's far too repetitive. Also Herbet Champman had a major role in the designs of Arsenals kit in the 30's. In fact he designed much of the club himself. Arsene wenger had imput on the design of Emirates stadium and the home and away dressing rooms. He also decided where the home and away players entered amongst other input.

With dealing with players you can't tell them what you think or how you want them to be. I always give the example that in one of my big games one of my top players got a 5.5 rating. Now to me that would be at the very least a warning but I was unable to do anything about it. There are several other examples. I think there should be a captain interraction option.

I've only had minor disputes otherwise the players are all very happy and morale couldn't be happier. I suppose it could be a bug.

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After first season, most annoying thing is that I have to boost every player morale by asking/telling him stupid things(signings, training) before every match. It's riciculous, but need to be done. Will it be fixed in the next patch?

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You still can't change kits for away games and at the end of seasons I would like this but only once you have made a difference to a club, after a few years or a major trophy ie. when you have a reputation.

- You still can't scout clubs (players, nations regions but not clubs?) You can scout competitions, no?

- Press conferecnes are still too scattered (a meaningless game against Bolton gets pre and post match but nothing for a champions league semi final and a top of the table meeting with Man United. You also still get the same questions time and again. "What is the strongest area of your team"? is especially annoying. Send assistant. Impossible for them not to get repetetive in fairness.

- You get to May the team are fighting for a treble, all morale is high and yet the assistant manager tells you " A large number of players are still struggling to motivate themselves to play for you!"

Try chatting with them, praising etc.

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I have play the Demo and my team is Liverpool.

I am struggling at the moment and came 9TH when the demo End.

F.Torres always injury prone and does the 11.2 Patch fixed that? torres is injury prone. his recent record speaks for itself

The game is alright but it nowhere near better than FM 2010 apart from Better match engine!

Yeah I think you make some very good points.

As far as kits are concerned everyone always says It's not what a manager does but I think for the good of the game (FM not football) it would benice to change them becvause otherwise It's far too repetitive. Also Herbet Champman had a major role in the designs of Arsenals kit in the 30's. In fact he designed much of the club himself. Arsene wenger had imput on the design of Emirates stadium and the home and away dressing rooms. He also decided where the home and away players entered amongst other input.

With dealing with players you can't tell them what you think or how you want them to be. I always give the example that in one of my big games one of my top players got a 5.5 rating. Now to me that would be at the very least a warning but I was unable to do anything about it. There are several other examples. I think there should be a captain interraction option. select player, go to interaction, private chat > match performance then select your opitions from there

I've only had minor disputes otherwise the players are all very happy and morale couldn't be happier. I suppose it could be a bug.

hope this helps

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With dealing with players you can't tell them what you think or how you want them to be. I always give the example that in one of my big games one of my top players got a 5.5 rating. Now to me that would be at the very least a warning but I was unable to do anything about it. There are several other examples. I think there should be a captain interraction option.

Captain interaction would be great. You would get an email saying your captain has some concerns about player x. He lists the concern in a private chat and then asks you if you would like him to have a word with the player. based on your captains stats you could decide whether to have a go yourself or let the captain try. Excellent suggestion.

It could work for ass man and others too (youth team manager, players being tutored).

But the price for that person giving the wrong talk shouldn't be too high. If the captain has a friendly word and it went wrong, it shouldn't make the player want to leave the club etc. Unless of course the outcome of the chat was that they captain finds out that the player isn't happy at the club and wants to go back to Argentina (or somewhere not Manchester).

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IF I going sell F.TORRES because of his Injury Prone and then he get UNHAPPY with me but what he doesnt understand that he get Injury so often hence why I put him on the Tranfer list to get Good players who doesnt get injury so OFTEN!!!

But maybe he just loves the club and doesn't want to leave? Plus if I've listed someone it's becasue they have no further part to play in my squad so I don't generally worry if they are unhappy. You can't please all the people all the time etc.

Plus I wonder how many managers have shouted at a player "I don't care if you're UNHAPPY stop getting injured so OFTEN and I'll take you off the transfer list. Why can't you UNDERSTAND that F.TORRES?"

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He been out injury for 2 months. when Fernando Torres was fit and I was over the moon and was ready to put Fernando Torres in the team against Blackpool because he is World Class striker but he got Injury again about 30 mins of the match!!

I was so annoying and Put him on the Tranfer List because he injury so often.

I know Fernando Torres doesnt want to leave because he love the club but You wouldnt want Quite lots of injury prones players in your team would you!!?

He got go as Barcelona interesting in Fernando Torres for £24M and I would snap the moneys off them and get some good players who isnt Injury Prone!!!

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He been out injury for 2 months. when Fernando Torres was fit and I was over the moon and was ready to put Fernando Torres in the team against Blackpool because he is World Class striker but he got Injury again about 30 mins of the match!!

I was so annoying and Put him on the Tranfer List because he injury so often.

I know Fernando Torres doesnt want to leave because he love the club but You wouldnt want Quite lots of injury prones players in your team would you!!?

He got go as Barcelona interesting in Fernando Torres for £24M and I would snap the moneys off them and get some good players who isnt Injury Prone!!!

What about his training schedule and even his tackling, are they both set to light? Never managed him so I don't know what his stats are but what about giving him minimal training and even lowering his closing down to try and help him maintain condition in a game? But then again, if you can get 24 mill for a duff player, go for it mate!

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i was hoping this was going to be a good hread about what someone had learnt about their team and styles etc and what others had learnt in their first season of the game, sadly just another thread complaining about the game. Not the OP's fault and i dont mean to have a go, just hate it when the thread title sounds like a great thread but the post is more moaning.

Maybe next time..

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I wasnt Complaining the game as all I say was that Fernando Torres was Injury prones as start of the season....he was fine but when come to september to December.....he was injury so often as I wasnt aware that he was injury prone!

What I have learn from this Season is

I had Small Tranfer Funds of £5m which is very hard to get Good Strikers in!

Already Sign Ryan Shawcross for £4.5M on 1ST January Tranfer window which is a Bargain! :)

Get New Striker who isnt injury pone when come to January....

My Tactic is 4-1-3-2 and I am at 9th in the League as feeling the pressure from the Board!

IF I get new World Class Striker then My team will climb up the League Table :D

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thanks Ryds :)

Now back to Topic on what People have Learn on their First season :D

No worries, :thup:

I've learnt to trust touchline instructions a lot more. Never used them until this game, and I always created a tactic from the ground up using the sliders. It saves a lot of time using the tactic creator then changing strategy on the fly. It helps to make sure you know your players and what the actual commands do however. It would be good to have a guide detailing to what degree the actual sliders move when you issue an instruction.

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My first season (actually only 4 months in) With Viby in the Danish 2nd Division West has shown me that defence is alot more important in FM11. I found in FM10 that you could build a better striker force and midfield and generally not have any worries at the back. In FM11, however, especially with a weaker team, you need to make sure your defenders are confident and consitant. If you can only afford 1 or 2 players, make sure they are defenders if yours are only so-so.

Also finding it easier to work out the finances, they seem to be alot easier to follow/keep under control which is vital in LLM.

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