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Need advice about crossing on header

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Hello guys,

on my Tottenham save i am using a 4-4-1-1 formation, with VDV as attacking midfielder and dzeko/crouch as target man(attack) . .

My wingers(bale, lennon) are on winger(attack) duty, and targetman supply ticket to head. My problem is that i can't get them to cross the ball for dzeko to just head it in . .

That was working great on preseason matches, i had winger on support, and they supplied target man very nicely, but now i can't get them to do that, . .

Any advice on that matter?

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Are you playing a rigid/very rigid philosophy?

Edit: I'm making a new LLM save and looking to play 4-4-1-1 too (with my current players on hand) so I'm kinda testing the roles and mentalities out too.

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While I don't necessarily qualify for advisory rights...

1. I've noticed that setting cross ball to sometimes tends to work better at achieving higher cross completion rates. The players probably pick their opportunities for crossing more wisely

2. If wingers aren't pacy enough or skill and determination are low, they might not make it to the byline. I think it is better to set cross from to mixed. My opinion again.

3. If the winger has low or low-medium creative freedom and shortish passing, then he won't attempt long passes. I'm assuming a cross is a long pass. Then probably setting both to medium or high might help.

4. Often a lone winger will run into trouble on the wing, being up against the opposition winger and the fullback too. Keeping a narrow mentality gap of 4 or less notches between your winger and fullback and instructing the fullback to get forward at least sometimes might provide support. You'll see the winger run with the ball and hit a backpass for the fullback who'll cross it then. I'm pretty confident that this one works.

5. The striker must find gaps and get forward to get on the end of crosses. So he should have move into channels as wide play instruction and runs from deep set to sometimes at least. Or so I think.

But all of this gives me 35-40 percent cross completion stats. My wingers and striker are carp though seeing as I'm a BSS no hoper.

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1. Ill try that thanks

2. Already on mixed

3. He is ok with that

4. Run from deep is sometimes, but i need to increase the mentality slightly, wil ltry

5. He is just default Target Man ATTACK, with through ball on sometimes and no hold up ball, ill try move into channels

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