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Any success with low-anticipation CBs?

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If it were me I would keep trying to develop him and possibly use him as a back up or if good enough in the first team for you. If he flops due to those poor mental attributes then you will be able to sell for a lot more after he is fairly well developed.

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He's definitely one you want to keep hold of and look again at him as a first team player when he's around 21/22, loan him out as much as possible and get him tutored by players who have high anticipation (may rub off?) and training specifically around building anticipation and other mental attributes.

As a side note, I've found that loaning a player out for half a season and playing him in your reserves for the other half works wonders.

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My best youth player, a CB, is otherwise developing well but has poor anticipation. He started off with 2, now has 4 but still has a long way to go. Do you think such defenders will make it in the bigger leagues or it's a dealbreaker, i.e. should be offloaded?

That's him.

Yikes......I hope he has a lot of potential so he can develop his mentals more.....

All I can say is that if you were to play him I would suggest having a very good covering CB alongside him.

I have a yound CB with anticipation of 9 and whenever I give him playing time, whether he is alongside a veteran CB or another youngster, I always play him with someone who is a good covering CB.

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I try to play him with someone that has good anticipation and pace. But I don't use the Cover. I have both on Defend.

You know the Player instructions menu that lets you change the role and duty? It doesn't highlight anticipation for Defend and Stopper duties, only for Cover. Do you know why?

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I try to play him with someone that has good anticipation and pace. But I don't use the Cover. I have both on Defend.

You know the Player instructions menu that lets you change the role and duty? It doesn't highlight anticipation for Defend and Stopper duties, only for Cover. Do you know why?

Covering CBs have to be able to anticipate opposition moves because they are usually the last man between the attacker and the goal.

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