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Why don't my edited teams sign any stars?


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I have decided to make some sort of superleague. I decided to use Ireland as a start of what i was making. I gave the league, the nation and all the teams maximum reputiation, and also gave all teams a lot of money. I then gave them the best knowledge of other nations possible, and made them wanting to buy players from all over the world. I fired all the players and staff based in Ireland, and afterwards released most of the big or semibig players in the world. I also made all other big leagues, really small.

The save work almost perfectly and when i tried it in a test i got myself a team with Casillas - Maicon - Chielllini - Pique - Evra - Ronaldo - Cambiasso - Xavi - Messi - Higuain - Villa. (This is not my intention for the league btw)

But all the AI-teams seems completly oblivious to the new found fame and is not interested in these kind of players. Some big names is signed, in the England-team, 11 is now playing in Irish clubs. But unfortunatly there is only one or two big names per club, and no one from outside of UK/Ireland. Instead the clubs waste a lot of money on players that is not nearly deserving their wage. Josh McEcharen fo example has a wage of 135k, and there is a lot of players signed that would be no more than decent in the Conference League.

So is there something with the irish league or FM11 (i made the same thing work smooth in FM10 in some other league) or is it something important that i might have forgotten to edit?

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I think there is something in FM11 that doesn't like Super Leagues. I spent ages trying to get my World League to work, but there were a lot of problems like this. Best bet is to go back to FM10, where they worked fine.

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Assuming you mean you have just edited the league then I have previously had your problem. The LoI and Irish Leagues seem to be hardcoded so the teams will only buy players from the UK or Ireland, which really limits the players they can sign! This has been the same throughout all FM's! I have played 20 season in a heavily improved Northern Irish league in the past and they never buy outside of UK and Ireland! Its incredibly annoying.

I had to completely rebuild Northenr Ireland and the leagues using Ireland Pre 19?? and copying verything over toi that nation!

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