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Major problem, help please


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Hey guys,


That is a link for my Harchester database. The problems I am having is that it does not seem to be linking with the game. The game seems to be recognising the old database when that has been overwritten a while back and deleted.

Jerry Block should be the chairman when in game, not Lynda. He is in the editor but not in the game. The players should have less CA than they are showing on game.

Another bug is that Jerry Block is showing up as part of the player, for example, on my game, there is a centre back known as Frank Stone but he shows as Jerry Stone and is 52 years old The same happened with the player called Bruce on someone elses game.

Hope someone can solve this, annoying as hell

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi there.

When you create a new game, do you select the new database????

Because if you don´t, it will never appear in the game.

You must save and charge the new edited database in the editor and then, creating a new game, make sure that you have your database recognise by the game.

hope it helps.


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