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Quote from Miles about 11.3 - Well i have a question

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Last Monday I had said that we were hopeful of a release for the patch this week (week of 28th Feb).

Whilst that is still possible, it's now looking very unlikely. We have been chasing a rare and seemingly random crash issue for the last week (memory corruption) that we are struggling to reproduce due to it's randomness, and when it is crashing, it's giving us limited information in tracking it down. We have made progress in narrowing down what is causing it, and working round the clock on this, but tests and test code are still ongoing despite working on it 24/7.

I would therefore suggest that the patch and data update will likely be released next week (week of 8th March), which still fits into the original timeline given if near the start of the week!

I will provide more information once we have more.


Now let me say something which is on the lips of the majority of Fm users, its march and we still haven't got a finished version of a game we paid around £30 for months ago.

why are you delaying this Vital update which will make Fm soo much better because of a RARE bug - crash what ever you want to call it, Which ive never came across in my 700 hours of playtime in Fm11 (yes i have a poor life :) )

Surely you can release this update Much sooner without this RARE bug fix which the majority of us will never have seen, then bring out a hotfix a few weeks later to fix this issue when you don't have hundreds of Forum users Constantly Pressuring you guys to get this 11.3 update out.


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I was under the impression that the bug crash was due to changes they had made, and so you wouldn't have experienced this as it was only through them testing the patch that they found it. But seriously, if you haven't been satisfied with the game, why have you played for 700 hours? And if you have been satisfied, why don't you just be patient? Does one week, two weeks, a month, really make any difference in the end? It'll be uploaded when it's ready. It isn't uploaded yet. Wonder why...

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so how happy would you be with the patch if they released it tomorrow with this bug and you couldnt play because of it? Would you come on here thanking SI for giving you the unfinished patch early, or would you make another one of these stupid threads?

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I was under the impression that the bug crash was due to changes they had made, and so you wouldn't have experienced this as it was only through them testing the patch that they found it.

I would guess this is the answer to your question

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no doubt this thread will get closed, All threads get closed if Fan boys post with Pointless comments

Well if you're allowed, why isn't anyone else?

At the end of the day, the patch will be out when it's ready. No sooner, no later. I'm not sure why some people find this concept so difficult to grasp, and spend all their time whining on here like petulant school children.

Perhaps - to aid your understanding - I could get a small child to draw you a diagram in crayon?

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I would guess this is the answer to your question

fair enough

its just getting frustrating that every week that passes we get oh sorry its been delayed again... its like waiting for GT5 allover again

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Well if you're allowed, why isn't anyone else?

At the end of the day, the patch will be out when it's ready. No sooner, no later. I'm not sure why some people find this concept so difficult to grasp, and spend all their time whining on here like petulant school children.

Perhaps - to aid your understanding - I could get a small child to draw you a diagram in crayon?

That's very clear,but I suppose some people have a problem with SI taking ages for it to be ready :) very understandable,too.

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Well if you're allowed, why isn't anyone else?

At the end of the day, the patch will be out when it's ready. No sooner, no later. I'm not sure why some people find this concept so difficult to grasp, and spend all their time whining on here like petulant school children.

Perhaps - to aid your understanding - I could get a small child to draw you a diagram in crayon?

great post.

its people who log on here Blind to the errors that get on my nerves

its them that post allover genuine users posts and get them closed because they get heated

and i understand the concept that it will be on when its out. i aint st st st stupid

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  • SI Staff
fair enough

its just getting frustrating that every week that passes we get oh sorry its been delayed again... its like waiting for GT5 allover again

GT5 was given release dates many times, and then moved from those release dates. We've never given a release date - just a timeframe - which was late February/early March. If it's not out by 14th March, then you can rightly claim that the patch has been delayed. Until then, saying it somewhat unfair.

And no, we won't be releasing a patch with a known crash in it. Feel free to carry on playing the game, and adding to the 700 hours you've already played it for.

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