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Allow 2nd Transfer Window Budget Tickbox

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It might just be me, it probably is, but does anyone else think that this could be a good additon?

Obviously the new 11.3 Patch is coming soon (hopefully) and it made me think that it'd be nice, and sometimes a challenge, to be able to play your first full season with the squad your team has at that moment in time.

For example, if you were to be the Arsenal manager then you'd have to choose between the current crop of centre-backs and goalkeepers because there would be no transfer funds allocated in January.

I just feel that this would add some realism to the game, especially after the real world's January transfer window.

What do you think? No... it was just me then!

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would defo need this, i like to holiday a year ahead sometimes before replacing the current managers, gives a bit more realism, and them signing 1/2 random players makes it feel crappy =/

Me 2.But something should be done about free agents.Nine out of ten times Mexes ends up in Man Utd.

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Ive started playing with the budget turned off in 1st window and for me personally its made the game alot better and more of a challenge even more so if you manage a small club or a club with a small squad

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Nice to see a bit of support for the idea! :)

I don't see any harm in it's inclusion either, after all no-one would be forced to use the feature.

Unless I'm an unfamiliar team or just having a quick season or two then I always start my games with the first transfer budget withdrawn as I do find it more of a challenge and I prefer the realism of having to stick with the current squad.

I also take on board an option to start the game on Feb 1st, however, for example, if you started the game up and your team was adrift at the foot of the football league after the simulated matches through no fault of your own I think a lot of people would find this hard to take. Obviously such problems would create completely different challenges, akin more to scenario modes seen in some other games.

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I can't see it being added, although I wouldn't mind.

The easiest way to do this would be to just leave your transfer budget sitting there, and if you're tempted to use it then set the transfer date to be next season.

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The easiest way to do this would be to just leave your transfer budget sitting there, and if you're tempted to use it then set the transfer date to be next season.

Yeah 'cuz that's the problem.We doing transfers.Not ALL THE OTHER CLUBS.

You're a genius Slawbawn or Slowbrain.

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Must confess after the last patch I would like to see an option of starting the game in the January transfer window with all as it was at that point in time. Being a Hammer it would be interesting to take over and have a relegation battle as per real life without the fear of getting sacked long before you get there!! The only problem realism wise as it is now is that after the last patch and data update is that you play a whole season with all of January's new signings.

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Must confess after the last patch I would like to see an option of starting the game in the January transfer window with all as it was at that point in time. Being a Hammer it would be interesting to take over and have a relegation battle as per real life without the fear of getting sacked long before you get there!! The only problem realism wise as it is now is that after the last patch and data update is that you play a whole season with all of January's new signings.

I like this idea. I wouldn't mind the no transfers in the first season idea as long as it was optional. Surely it would be easy enough for SI to include.

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