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Positioning problem? DMs cant fall back et...

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So I found myself playing as Real Madrid the other day and decided that to win was very easy with the players avaliable, but to play football the exact way I wanted to was very, very hard. For example if I want my DMC to fall back while attacking to allow my FBs/WBs to get forward I can not, even if I set his mentality at 0, forward runs rarely, defensive line 20 and my CBs mentality 20 & forward runs often...

...so I tried setting him as a CB and having him sit infront of the CBs, but this does not work at all. So then I think that I would like to use a Libero, but this does not work as I can in no way get a SW to move further up the pitch or even a CB for that matter.

Next I notice that I can not ask my two centeral midfeilders to 'take it in turns' to get forward, I can either push them both up or one but not the other up.

Then I try to play with three at the back and defensive wingers (player role) but as soon as we lose the ball we drop back into a flat back five and the wide players only reac to the opposition players having the bal, instead of preempting them.

So I have come to the conclusion that I should use the 'formation' screen as a defensive positioning screen and only play three at the back with wingbacks.

Can anybody help me out? Am I missing something obvious? Or can you not really position your players in attack and defense the way you want to?


Winning is not the problem for me, I just can't get my team to follow fairy basic positioning 'orders'...

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The only suggestion that I have for any of your points is the central midfielders taking it in turns to go forward, the way I get around that is telling them to swap positions with one CM role with RFD often and the other CM role with RFD rarely. I can't help you with any of the other problems but I hope that's a start

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On the DM thing, I think it's more of an issue with closing down and marking. I made a thread on a similar issue a while back, you can find it here. Basically the problem is that there is no concerted pressure in FM nor does covering for another defensive player work too well. Defending in the ME works on a one-on-one basis. When a player takes an attacking position only one player can actively defend him. The other players will look for someone to mark first instead of helping out with the player on the ball and they'll happily get tight on players completely behind play even when instructed not to. In order to get a DM to screen the back four you need your more attacking players to mark the opposition's deeper positioned players and make sure none of them have enough free space around them that your DM would want to close them down. Because if he does then he'll most likely get kind of 'stuck' marking that player high up the pitch and not fall back to cover in defense.

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So can anyone explain how I'm going wrong? Or is the ME fundementally flawed... afterall these issues have been going on since the 2D match engine came out...

The way the ME interpeates the posiioning of players is awful.

On the DM thing, I think it's more of an issue with closing down and marking....

Yeh think the point I have made is slightley different, but yes you seem to be right

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