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I give up making a tactic!!

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I usually download tactic or use the one my friend made, But i thought i would make my own.. I started with bayern munich as i though they had the players to suit the system i wanted to play 4-2-3-1.

I like my team's to have good passing and keeping the ball which my tactic seems to do but in to many games now i have had 15+ shots ( non are really long range maybe 1-2 a game ) and i have 60% possession.

I'll post the tactic if anyone wants to have a look at it in game and i'll post some screen shots what im talking about, it gets kinda annoying and fm makes me angry very easily lol. When a team has long shots agaisnt me and they have 10 shots yet 9 are long i think thats good i make them shoot from long range, The tactic is good personally just has these little down falls of not being consistant which make me feel is it my tactic or team?.. I am first in the league by 1 point maybe to high expectations :/

Tactic link : http://www.megaupload.com/?d=0Z01R20I

Photo links, sorry there only links !





Formation itself : http://img845.imageshack.us/i/90981906.png/

If anyone could give any advice or anything would be appreciated :)

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Hi Mate

First thing I can see is your DMCL is not made for that position but that isnt what I thinks up..

From the look of things your creating chances just not taking them the second image indicates your missing the target.

Have you tried pumping the ball into the box and work ball into the box and also lowering the long shots for players with lower attributes?

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Yeah the line up in the pics is not my starting line up, I should have said that so mybad! lol .

I dont really use the touchline shouts to be honest. I ike to let things run there course and sit back and watch type of manager.

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Hi Mate I aint the best at tactics but heaths lowerleague guide will give you an insight despite you not being lower league.

Honestly mate I was the same as you then I realised even just shouting to work the ball into the box helped me strikers round to finishing off chances.



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Yeah the line up in the pics is not my starting line up, I should have said that so mybad! lol .

I dont really use the touchline shouts to be honest. I ike to let things run there course and sit back and watch type of manager.

IRL, that is the kind of managers that get sacked.

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Looks to me like the game has rigged to probability against you so much that you're in one of those 'almost unwinnable' matches. Just take your loses and move on. That's my advice. It's not like you're struggling to create chances etc.

Edit: You will win the league if you consistently create a lot of chances like that anyway. All looks good.

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Azuru, can you stop repeating your 'probability' theory, especially in the tactics forum, as it has no basis in reality. The tactics forum is to help people understand their tactics, so telling them there is a 'rigged probability' factor is hardly helpful. Even less helpful is that you are 100% wrong.

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Eh? But this is how it works. You lose because the game tries to keep statistics as realistic as possible. It makes the game not boring. Same applies to scoring goals. Lots of people complain about not scoring enough after creating lots of CCC but that's because the game, video game, is programmed to keep the goal stats as realistic as possible.

It's 100% fact, play the game, plus SI said they wanted to make a realistic football sim

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Eh? But this is how it works. You lose because the game tries to keep statistics as realistic as possible. It makes the game not boring. Same applies to scoring goals. Lots of people complain about not scoring enough after creating lots of CCC but that's because the game, video game, is programmed to keep the goal stats as realistic as possible.

It's 100% fact, play the game, plus SI said they wanted to make a realistic football sim

That is NOT how it works. There are all kinds of elements that might make winning matches more or less difficult, but hard coded probability in order to make the long term stats fit with reality is not one of them. As I keep telling you, you lose the matches you lose because of your decision making, not because you are destined to lose them. The more 'good' decisions you learn to make in tactics, media and player management, the better chance you will have of winning these matches. There will be times that the team is over-confident and playing badly, but, with the right decisions, you can always do something about it. It is obviously harder if you are managing a weak side, but you are never destined to lose.

The CCC argument is also completely false. I have never yet seem any user submit a pkm of lots of missed CCCs in which any kind of argument could be made that they should have converted most of them. While some perhaps should have been scored, a huge number were on the wrong foot, taken when the player was moving at full pace, taken when the player had to shoot as he was going to be closed down otherwise, taken from too far out etc. The issue is in how CCCs are far too liberally conceptualised, NOT in how they are nuked in order to make stats fit. That DOES NOT happen.

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Completely and totally agree with wwfan. The game isn't rigged at all.

I won 70-odd league games on the trot, plus FA Cup and Champions League. I lost in the League Cup (and Super Cup I think) and, guess what, I wasn't destined to lose, I just had the reserves out who were all knackered anyway. It isn't rocket science, I lost because I didn't have the best team out and I made poor decisions, not because the game was rigged or fancied 'levelling things up'.

I haven't heard your probability theory before and I'll admit that it feels like this is the case sometimes but it really isn't. It's just another example of people looking to blame anything and everything but themselves but I won't get started on that.

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Eh? But this is how it works. You lose because the game tries to keep statistics as realistic as possible. It makes the game not boring. Same applies to scoring goals. Lots of people complain about not scoring enough after creating lots of CCC but that's because the game, video game, is programmed to keep the goal stats as realistic as possible.

It's 100% fact, play the game, plus SI said they wanted to make a realistic football sim

Then my game must be broken otherwise I can't explain why I haven't lost a single game in 2 years and won the league as well as the CL 4 years in a row now.

Seriously if your squad is good enough and your tactics suite your players there is no unwinable game.

I even saw a player on these forums post a screen where he had been unbeaten in the league for 120+ games which is pretty unrealistic but possible in FM so there is nothing rigged here.

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What season is he on? I suppose it's more difficult for the game to stick with realism as the years go past. People do lot of talking but I never see any video evidence. Also, has the broken the ME?

"The CCC argument is also completely false. I have never yet seem any user submit a pkm of lots of missed CCCs in which any kind of argument could be made that they should have converted most of them"

Dude if I were to convert most of my chances I'd score 10+ goals nearly every match and then I prolly wouldn't play this game ever again. It's controlled to some extent.

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What season is he on? I suppose it's more difficult for the game to stick with realism as the years go past. People do lot of talking but I never see any video evidence. Also, has the broken the ME?

"The CCC argument is also completely false. I have never yet seem any user submit a pkm of lots of missed CCCs in which any kind of argument could be made that they should have converted most of them"

Dude if I were to convert most of my chances I'd score 10+ goals nearly every match and then I prolly wouldn't play this game ever again. It's controlled to some extent.

Yes but this control are a lot of variables such as the scoring ability of your striker, his confidence, the weather, the form of the opposition goal keeper and surely just some random number generated luck factor which all come into this.

There might be some games where the odds are heavily stacked against you, away game, players returning form international games and so on which might result in your team not getting the desired result but as you improve your team and the teams plays together for a few years the odds are actually stacked so heavily in your favor that the worst that happens to me is usually a bad draw if you want to stack the odds more in your favor you can even use a corner routine that will give your 30 odd goals a season from corners and it will make it even more unlikely you will ever lose a game.

I can admit that sometimes if the chances are stacked so heavily against you and your strikers are wasting even the easiest chances just to concede a goal in the last minute from a long ranged effort or a corner it can feel like you have being cheated but stuff like this happens in RL as well where just everything seams to go wrong and your team could play 10 more hours without scoring and I think the game does a pretty good job of reflecting this.

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I've never seen or heard of anything happening in the game that is more unrealistic than what happens in real life. In fact, real life is far more bizarre and fantastical.

Just check out any videos on youtube of shocking misses or incredible ****-ups, if they happened in any computer game you'd say it was broken.

I wonder if you think life is broken?

(Actually, I might agree with you if you did!! ;) )

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Just check out any videos on youtube of shocking misses or incredible ****-ups, if they happened in any computer game you'd say it was broken.

I wonder if you think life is broken?

Yeah I'm saying you won't score every one on one in this game because players don't score every one on one IRL.

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just saw this thread as i'm taking a break and trawling through the forums. though i have absolutely no opinion on rigged gameplay i can attest that without a doubt selling players has been rigged. i know this because i suffer from severe indecision and although i bought my game in december and have played it A LOT i have only this evening got past pre-season: i keep restarting.

what i've noticed: and this is over 50 saves - if you try to sell 4-5 players there are takers. if you try to sell the same players plus the majority of the rest of the squad there will be no bids for several, though these players would be bid for EVERY TIME if you only try to sell a few.

well, hope that makes sense, that was my two penn'eth.

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