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Strictly No Dancing?


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June 2006

Mark Thomas stood on the shoreline of Elberry Cove skimming stones into rough sea waters. The dark clouds of anger would take some time to dissipate.

A couple of passers by nudged each other to make sure that their friends had seen the ex-professional footballer. Now 40 years old and out of the game for several years he was still well known. A 10 year stint at Chelsea plus a glittering England career made sure of that even before he had added to his profile with regular appearances on Question of Sport and Match of the Day.

Mark himself was in a world of his own.

Another chapter in his life had come to abrubt end.

All roads point to Rome was the old saying but in his case all roads pointed back to one meaningless challenge in an end of season match.

Whilst Mark had been philosophical about the tackle the press at the time had a field day. 'Savage by name savage by nature' was one particular headline from the tabloids leaving no imagination to who had been involved and what the press felt about it.

The tackle itself was of a typical premier league affair, a challenge for a 50/50 ball.

Mark was 36 and lucky still to be playing at the highest level.

The press furore worsened by the loss of a key component of both Chelsea's final drive for honours and the looming World Cup in Japan & Korea.

A holding midfielder with the ability to pass the ball was a rarity in English colours and the experienced pro significantly added value to the World Cup squad of 2002.

But that was all long gone now!

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Another chapter ended?

Despite his many doubts he had signed up for 'Strictly Come Dancing' and the signs were promising. Mark was having fun if that was the right word, training, learning something new and yet mixing with some people who were now considered friends.

After a hard day he would meet up with some of the other competitors including 'Early Doors' Dawson for a catch up and a drink. But just when things looked bright and the energy and adrenalin of competition had kicked in the knee pain had returned with vengeance.

Jimmy Tarbuck replaced him. The irony was not lost 'a much older man, a pensioner' was basically fitter than the ex-Chelsea man....

Another stone found its way to the sea bed as Mark.

He actually laughed as he thought to himself Celebrity Big Brother 6 it is then..... an offer which basically was still on the table.

The phone sparked into life with the ring tone breaking the personal gloom.

'Hi Mark'


It's Paul, Paul Bliss sorry to bother you but I got your number from your agent.

I want to talk to you about an opportunity.... a bit of a wild shot really but I want you to help me out. I've bought a football club and haven't got a Scooby Doo (clue) about the football side of things. Basically I though you might be interested.

Old school pals and all but I'd really value your opinion and after speaking to your agent I'm under the impression you haven't much on at the moment.

Paul, thanks for the offer but I'm not a coach and have absolutely no desire to be a manager so I'm not sure what help can offer, even for an old school mate.

A brief wrap up and then the call ended.

Paul Bliss was someone Mark had known from time at the local Grammar School in Torquay. But by name rather than a friendship. The call had come out of the blue and Mark despite a diary clearing by the minute had no desire to step back into the world of football even a world that he missed daily....

Over the next few days Paul didn't give up and one week later Mark walked through the doors of non league Western Super Mare.

'Friends reunited' maybe but Paul had only persuaded Mark to help him out for a few weeks nothing more nothing less.

Claire, Marks wife had persuaded him to check out the opportunity hoping that football and the buzz of action would see a return to the old Sparky!

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Woodspring park home to Weston Super Mare was a tidy modern ground perfect for league football. Just one problem the town had never seen league football and was still two divisions away from making that possibility a reality.

The ground itself was a new development created as part of a council and a local supermarket joint venture allowing 3000 fans through the turnstile.

Ok, 450 per game based on the previous years attendance figures but at least there was room for growth Mark thought as he reviewed the previous season's stats using an online search engine.

The facts were unpleasant for any WSM fan.

2005/6 another season of mediocrity with the team just avoiding relegation.

Mark flicked through to the local paper website to discover that the team was highly fancied for relegation this time around and 15th was at best a dream for the local journalist reporting on the club.

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1st of July was officially the first day Mark became linked to the club. Albeit with no contract and Mark still committed to nothing more than 'suck it and see approach' the supporters and local press were delighted as the news broke.

The tabloids were querying the date and wondering if the clock had got stuck on all fools day. No joke as the local press soon found out. Mark arrived at the ground in his Black Porshe just after 8am and a media scrum ensued not seen since Gazza had pitched up at Kettering.

Mark was quickly escorted to the sanctity of Paul Bliss's office whereupon he spent the next few hours reviewing the squad. Like any expectant father Paul Bliss had spent this time pacing the board room until he thought that he had better check to see if his old friend had done a runner or gone mad at the prospect of managing the team. In fact Mark had been pleasantly surprised. A tidy squad of determined but youthful group of players had been assembled more by luck than judgment.

To improve on the season before an additional goalkeeper and a pacey striker were a must.

On the downside someone had given a playing contract to a 41 year old.

Paul poured two cups of tea and after a long pause as he thought and fought for the right words 'what do you think?'

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Mark stood up and looked out of the window and gazed at the pitch.

The sight made him catch his breath. The sun was shinning gloriously onto the lush green grass and he could feel his pulse race at the sight. The ground staff were busy at work and the sound of grass cutting could be heard from the far end of the ground.

He turned towards Paul who looked as if he was about to explode with stress and began to spell out exactly what Bliss had actually got for with his purchase of the club.

'You have no additional money for buying players, wages are under control and all of the player contracts are part time which will limit the development of the club if you want to realise your ambition for this club. But I reckon with hard work, luck and a couple of signings you have got a better chance than anyone gives your club credit for....'

Paul leapt out of his chair and said 'that's great news, now all I need is a manager to make sense of all of this. Do you know of one?'

Mark laughed but still had no intention of signing up for any long term role.

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'Paul, tell me what plonker gave a playing deal to a 41 year old who if I'm honest I've never hear of and based on his performances last year should have been put out to grass.

Paul coughed and turned bright red. 'That would be me.'

This embarrassed confession turned into a coughing fit as he nodded in the direction of the open office door.

Mark turned to see two men standing nervously in the doorway.

Paul Bliss quickly ushered them into the room and introduced Mark to Mike Kilgour Asst Mgr and 41 year old central defender and then in turn to Mickey Miller team coach.

Introductions completed Paul left the room to the football men.

Both WSM staff men were very nervous of Mark during their initial conversations. Neither were sure of their futures following the club takeover and the arrival of a supposed footballing superstar. Mark calmly put them at ease explaining that there would be no major changes and all 22 players and staff would get their chance to impress. This changed the mood of the meeting and both men relaxed as Mark asked them questions, told them of his initial club review and in some detail the style of football and tactics that he wanted to explore.

After two hours it was time to meet the players and to watch the remainder of the training sessions. Mark had been true to his word, there would be no groundswell of change whilst he was at the club. Business as usual in all aspects.

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The players sat on the grass at the end of training listening to Mark, the younger ones in particular with mouths open in awe as they heard for the first time how they would play from now on.

Then again it might have been the phone call from Becks wishing him good luck.

The style of play would be very different from anyone else and would be carved around pace, power and hard work.

442, but with the emphasis on wide play from the defence to attack.

The intention was of turning the opposition defence, opening space for the attackers or for the central midfielders and then to create chances. All of the players seemed particularly relieved that they would remain at the club and that no deals would be done to bring in new or high profile players.

Six friendlies prior to the start of season would be a fair marker for everyone as to how the club would perform and no one was in any doubt that winning or losing in no equal measure would determine the length of Mark's stay.

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Pre-Season friendlies

A hectic six week programme had started in earnest on the 8th of July.

The alarm clock burst into life at 6am, Mark was up, showered and out of the house by 6.30am and on his way to meet the team bus due to leave WSM at 7.30am.

After 4 years of not being in the folds of a team, Mark had forgotten how much he had enjoyed the banter of the long coach rides, the cold changing rooms and the abuse from the stands. The terrace jokers could always be heard above the noise of the crowd.

The 6 weeks, covered 6 games producing 6 wins which allowed someone from the Sun to create the banner headline 'Mark of the devil'

The players had enjoyed the period and morale was buoyant.

Paul Bliss couldn't believe that the team was producing this quality of football especially as it was exactly the same group of players he had watched for 40 odd games last year.

He knew that there was only one thing that was different.


The contentious issue of a contract was still not up for discussion and Mark had made it clear that he didn't want one.

He was admittedly having more fun that he could have imagined and now that the press interest had disappeared quicker than a sat nav in an unlocked car life had become almost routine. The players and staff were benefiting from his experience and without doubt the lack of major changes or upheaval had eased life at the club. Confidence was high and even the press were suggesting that maybe life in mid table was a possibility.

Pre-season results

Redbridge 2:3 WSM

Gloucester 1:2 WSM

WSM 3:0 Wakefield

WSM 1:0 Barrow

WSM 4:3 Bristol Rovers

WSM 2:0 Clevedon

The team had settled down to the style of play dictated and the goals were beginning to flow.

The 4:3 win over Bristol Rovers the most pleasing especially as WSM were 3 down at 1/2 time.

Whilst Mark was certainly more Ranieri than Fergie in management demeanour the hair dryer treatment had worked and the turnaround superb.

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Conference South 2006 / 7

A strange quirk of the fixture computer meant that WSM would not have a home game until the 3rd game of the season.

August fixtures would provide away fixtures at Histon, Bedford and Dorchester and home games versus Havant, Braintree and Fisher.

Mark had set up a programme of monthly meetings with his staff and Paul Bliss in attendance.

This allowed Mark to set goals and prioritise workload and to keep everyone focussed.

The August meeting had looked at the 6 games ahead. Mark had to laugh that the number 6 kept reappearing but he made sure that no one was under illusions of immediate success.

Of the first 6 games Histon and Dorchester would show WSM in true light - 2 wins and maybe life in this division could be much better than last time around anything different then a relegation haunted season could well be on the cards.

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August 2006

Game 1 v Histon away


A record crowd had turned up in curiosity rather than interest to Histon's, Bridge Road and left after the match probably in much the same mind set. A dull lacklustre performance from WSM had the press asleep in the press box and local headlines that followed 'Mark's Western SuperNight Mare

Game 2 v Bedford away


Worse was to follow for WSM.

After a very promising pre-season, life on the league road was bumpy.

Bedford were 2 up at ½ time and looking comfortable.

Mark waited for the team to trudge back into the dressing room.

A few choice words and a flea in the ear for the midfield quartet saw a light at the end of the tunnel appear. Two goals in a flurry of second activity earned WSM a draw but could have been more but for the red card for right winger Darren Hawkins.

Both strikers off the mark and running and WSM who always started the every season at the very bottom of the league were moving upwards.

Game 3 v Havant home


A win! 1:0 was hardly inspiring for a first home game and a sellout match crowd wise too! How many of those fair weather fans would return in the future would be determined by the quality of football on show. Probably 1 or two at best.....

A few famous faces in the crowd certainly added to the afternoon's event.

The whole of the Strictly Dancing crew had turned up and were pictured wearing the white shirts of WSM.

The team had frozen in the madness of the day but fortunately Matthew Rose one of the elder statesmen of the team had hit a 30 yard screamer in the 79th minute to end Havant's rearguard action. He deserved his mom award.

3 games and 5 points were a promising start for this team despite the performances on display. At least the team is difficult to breakdown thought Mark as he watched the tape of the match that evening.

However the team were begiining to understand the key tactics required to deliver the style of play he wanted to create.

Game 4 v Braintree home


Fellow relegation fodder Braintree must have wondered what time the hurricane had hit WSM.

A record midweek turnout for WSM and had seen another sellout crowd, this time with no distractions off field the team were the only show in town. 2 nil up after ten minutes, 3 by ½ time and a similar number second half had destroyed Braintree.

The pleasing point of view for Mark especially was that all of the goals were well taken. Not one could be classed as lucky....

Scot Walker had a blinder on the left wing creating 3 of the goals and of course grabbing one for himself fully deserving his mom award.

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Game 5 v Dorchester away


A night when both teams couldn't shoot fish in a barrel.

Dorchester were one of the pre-season favourites for promotion and both teams pretty much cancelled themselves out. Two positives for Mark and his team as they rode home on the team bus, unbeaten in 5 games and left back Michael Gillan picked up the mom.

Game 6 v Fisher home


The final game for the month had seen WSM pound Fisher but couldn't find the net more than once. The second ½ battering was a delight for Mark but Fisher themselves on an unbeaten run of 4 games held out for a deserved draw. 16 shots at goal and just one goal for their efforts the team were pretty despondent at the scoreline but Mark was more than just glad to keep the run going.

Central defender Lee Jarman picked up the mom. The crowd had dropped to 1800 from the heady heights of 3000 at least an improvement of the 400 odd that watched last season Paul Bliss had commented to Mark.

At least the finances were looking up.

So 6 matches completed in August with the club 6 six games unbeaten and the club lying 6th in the league even the local tv station got in the act with a 'mark of the devil' quote throwing in the 6 nil drubbing of Braintree for added good measure.

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September 06

Paul Bliss sat anxiously at the head of the board room table listing to the September performance review.

He was listening to Mark and the key staff discussing the key fixtures for the month ahead and where if possible the opportunities lay for points. But in all honesty he was waiting to hear Mark's assessment of the club and some reassurance that the ex-Chelsea man was here to stay. Home fixtures against Farnborough and Basingstoke and Away fixtures against Cambridge, Lewes, Hayes with a cup match to finish off September at Workington.

WSM were performing were punching well ahead of their weight but he was still concerned that this precarious deck of cards could deal him a bad hand. Unless of course he could lock Mark into something resembling a contract.

The subject had been broached several times in recent days the likelihood seemed even more remote.

Press speculation seemed to suggest that Mark's early performance had sparked off a frenzy of interest that would lead him to accept a 'real job' at a much higher level.

All of this making Paul's stress level rise and not helping his blood pressure.

Mark summed up the player performance man for man.

The message remained exactly the same.

As if carved through a stick of rock 'no changes, no new players!'

Paul had to admit this was a breath of fresh air.

The last two managers he had at the club were always looking for the next man who could offer make the team really competitive. There was never an end in sight, just another price tag for the next dream purchase.

Mark and Paul had driven home in the car from a recent match spying future opposition.

Paul wanted to know why Mark was so insistent on no new players just yet.

Whilst everyone knew there was no transfer kitty the opportunity to sign free agents was still an option for the club.

Mark was clear and concise with his reply.

'Every new club manager goes out immediately and buys the next piece of jigsaw hoping to have a perfect fit. When it doesn't work he buys another piece of jigsaw and then are surprised to find the next piece doesn't fit either. And so it goes on..... I believe in this team. With the coaches doing the business I will spend time with key individuals giving them time and some of my experience and knowledge. If it works, I'll save you a fortune in wages, unearth some talent and maybe just maybe get this club higher than mid table.

But, I will scour the country for talented lads who can add something to this team. If I'm honest I will add to the squad in December or early January but this will be essentially to give the players here now a lift, arrest and to ensure their confidence remains high.'

Paul had heard the word 'December' and this was the most positive sign he would get to confirm that Mark would be around for some months ahead.

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Originally posted by markyt:


How do you get the league table into the message? Can someone let me know.. thanks

Use print screen in FM to print the table to a text file and then post that between CODE tags i.e. {code} your table {\code} expect use square brackets and not curly ones. Hope that was clear.

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The car door opened and Mark quickly got out of his Porsche and after unscrewing the petrol cap quickly started to fill the car with fuel. The Asda petrol station on the outskirts of Weston Super Mare was ideally located and was now a regular refuel point for his journey home to Exeter.

Whilst he often got asked for his autograph whilst at the garage, which was difficult when trying to fill up the tank at the same time, most of the fellow petrol station customers gave him a friendly nod. Sometimes the odd camera phone photo opportunity. But most people knew exactly who he was but were courteous enough to just let him get on with the basics in life.

Refuelled and a can of diet coke purchased his car re-entered traffic and he was soon on the M5 heading home.

The music from his ipod streamed through the car speaker system which today featured some old 80's classics was interrupted by a phone call on his mobile. The on screen display identified the caller as his agent.

Mark clicked the connect button on his steering wheel and heard the dulcet tones of Carolyn Smith. After some initial banter and to check he was alone she got down to the reason for her call. 'Mark I've got some interest from the Premier league, no concrete details as of yet but there are several chairmen interested enough to sound out your availability? Big name ex-players are so in right now you realise darling!'

Mark laughed at her final line a throwaway comment from Absolutely Fabulous. 'Carolyn thanks for the information but I'm really not ready for all of the hassles that go with a job of that profile. Things might change in the medium to longer term but right now I'm happy with the current position and the freedom of not having a contract despite Paul's concern is a brucie bonus for me.

However I hereby solemnly declare not to sign any contract until you have had first perusal...'

Carolyn laughed 'Mark you are as mad as a box of snakes. No wonder Paul Bliss despairs so.

Any contract with WSM would have clauses in ensuring that the club gets money if and when you should decide to move on.

It's like having safe sex darling - got to have protection! I will take your promise as read but think on as to what you want to do in 1 year or 5 years. And just before I go what are your thoughts towards your home town club. They are looking for a manager. I have told them no, zip chance but it's your call.'

'Carolyn it's nice to hear of the interest from whatever direction but in all honesty I've only been involved at Weston for a handful of games and I'm not convinced this is a healthy career choice let alone a long term option.

Anyway I might surprise you yet and take the 50k from Big Brother 6. I'd love to meet Jermaine Jackson....'

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The call ended and Mark turned on radio 5 for the remainder of his journey home. The sports news at 6.30pm commenting on a Torquay Utd take over and that the club were now looking to appoint a director of football.

Home town club or not the idea just didn't grab him.

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Mark spent time 'significant time' on the training ground with the strike force.

Each visit was to detail for each of them the type of runs he expected them to make in order to create room for the midfield and the chance for a shot on target by one or all of them.

The later autumn sun remained hot and he enjoyed the sessions partly because they reminded him of the Kevin Keegan soccer skills tv show from his childhood and partly as each of the players involved were dramatically showing improvements in performance week on week. The hot sunshine eased the pain in his knee so further benefits for all were found

Game 7 v Cambridge away


Time spent on the training ground was instantly rewarded with a comfortable win. Two early first half goals secured the win.

Newbold & Mcgregor grabbing a goal a piece. Excellent runs were rewarded with clincial finishing. Both ran back to Mark in the dugout to celebrate showing they appreciated the support he had given them during the week. Lee Jarman collected the mom and was magnificent in leading the defence in repelling all meaningful Cambridge attacks.

The second half was dire in comparison to the first period and Mark knew that much work was to be done to ensure that teams were killed off not just toyed with.........

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Game 8 v Farnborough home


Farnborough were still in shock at the 10 point deduction incurred for going into administration in the previous season. Matters on the pitch were just as bad for a demoralised team made much worse by a rampant WSM determined to prove they could perform for 90 minutes. 2 goals in each half were cheered home by 1400 fans.

Marc McGregor picked up the mom award as much for the performance as the 20 yard shot which flew through a crowded box into the back of the net.

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Mark emerged from the ground still on a high from a fabulous team performance.

He was surprised to see a small group of reporters waiting close to his parked car. The post match process long complete and everyone else had headed for home. Within a few steps of the door he had left the ground closing behind him he already new why the 3 reporters had waited so patiently for him.

"Mark is there any truth the rumour that you have been approached about the Newcastle job and this is the reason why you won't sign a contract here"

"Mark, Glenn Roeder is under pressure and there are reports that the Newcastle Chairman has identified you as an ideal candidate to fill the post"

Mark gently maneuvered his way to the car trying to smile and ultimately say very little.

'No comment' wasn't going to satisfy anyone but there was no way he was going to dig a deeper hole for Glenn Roeder.

Mark got himself comfortable and as composed as you could when put on the spot. Opening the car window full allowing the journalists to gather round he replied, "Newcastle are a superb club, and obviously it is an honour for my name to be linked to such a prestigious team" "but that is all that it is gentlemen - a link but I can assure you there is no truth to the rumour as I am destined to be at WSM for the foreseeable future contract or no contract"

A 'wisecrack' from the Western Mercury reporter followed asking him about the Exeter vacancy following the shock resignation of Paul Tisdale.

With tongue firmly in cheek Mark replied, "Exeter are a superb club, and obviously it is an honour for my name to be linked to such a prestigious team" "but that is all that it is gentlemen - a link but I can assure you there is no truth to the rumour as I am destined to be at WSM for at least the next 5 minutes before heading to Exeter....... and my home"

In truth Exeter was a decent club and a few months ago if they had of contacted him who knows.

Ten minutes from home and a new ground sharing with the Exeter Chiefs rugby club to look forward to.

But he was enjoying the freedom that came with the WSM role and the relationship he had built with the players was growing stronger by the day.

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How do you edit previous posts. I have noticed a few typo's and would like to correct them if possible.

I don't think they impact on the storyline but bug me.

Any feedback would be appreciated as I may speed up the actual game analysis.

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Game 9 v Lewes away


A midweek match at league leaders Lewes would settle Mark's mind. If they could compete then the team could well go into the end of season mix, if not a thumping could be on the cards. Lewes were playing some superb football and in the league looked untouchable.

Both teams unbeaten but the odds were against WSM. A frenetic first half ended one all but WSM were awarded a dodgy penalty duly dispatched by Sam Bailey.

In all honesty it was more than they deserved. Post half time WSM came flying out of the traps and were winning within 4 minutes of the break. The 3rd goal failed to arrive but Lewes wilted under the pressure long before the final whistle.

Mark and the coaches touchline dance at the end of the game however did not endear them to the Lewes crowd and earned all three a ticking off from the match referee.

A priceless 3 points!

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Game 10 Basingstoke home and Game 11 Hayes away and Workington fa cup 2nd qlf round away

1:1, 1:1 and 0:2

The atmosphere between Mark and Paul Bliss could be sliced with a blunt cake knife.

No contract added to the daily gossip of the current WSM man moving on.

Mark was insistent this was not the case. He had played for just one club apart from being loaned out early in his career.

He just didn't move around.

Two miserable 1:1 draws in the league and a 2:0 drubbing at Workington did not help matters. Both league games were awful, with flat performances in both and there could be no doubt that despite remaining unbeaten the team was flattering to deceive.

Dropping to mid table from the heady heights of 6th was uncomfortable reading.

An 18-hour round trip to Workington sandwiched around WSM's worst performance of the season concluded the month.

Mark's almost constant linking to the Newcastle job was not helping confidence at the club.

On the way home a couple of the lads had almost suggested as much and Paul Bliss made sure that these words had been hammered home. The comments 'why are you so bothered when you might not even be here tomorrow?'

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Game 12 Thurrock home 1:1 and Game 13 Bognor Regis 1:1 away

1300 fans turned up to see WSM turn over the leagues bottom club Thurrock.

But as in the children's rhyme the three little pigs 'they huffed and puffed and huffed and puffed and then their own house fell down.'

Thurrock with nothing to show for an afternoons work hit them on a break in the 90th minute.

The fireworks in the dressing room at full time would have done Walt Disney World proud but the players like Frank Bruno fighting Mike Tyson were on the ropes and struggling to keep up the pace demanded.

A fighting performance was required against fellow mid table Bognor and this Mark duly got.

Darren Hawkins landing a beauty of a right hook being sent straight off.

The team was coasting at the time with a lovely finish by Newbold giving them the lead early in the second half and justifying his remaining on the pitch despite an awful first half performance. 30 minutes of rear guard action only brought despair.

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With WSM having a gap in fixtures until early November Mark gave the players a weeks holiday. There was at least some benefit from the nightmare trip and loss to Workington.

He himself took full advantage of the mid season break jetting to Florida for some sunshine. The warmth in the sun eased the pain in his knee and the long hot days gave him time to clear his mind and focus on his plans.

Paul Bliss couldn't believe his luck when Mark returned to work with a topped up tan, sunny disposition and in the mood to agree a contract to the end of the season with a one year extension depending on how the season panned out.

Carolyn Smith, Mark's agent finalised the details.

Paul Bliss not one to shy away from media opportunities managed to get Mark a onto the local ITV Westcountry Football Tonight show where the announcement of a deal was made public. Ian Holloway having a brilliant start to his Plymouth managerial career was also on the same show and had no end of fun at Mark's expense. They had played against each many times over the years but Holloway couldn't believe that Mark had fallen hook line and sinker for this 'old managerial larkey'

The players were **** a hoop and on return to training all appeared to work harder with morale certainly high.

WSM was a great place to be at Halloween.

Mark knew that the team were still unbeaten in the league, mid table but still close enough to catch up with the league leaders Lewes if they could put a run of wins together.

Refreshed with an unexpected break the team were now ready to try to close the gap and to rise up the table.

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Salisbury - home


2000 fans turned up to watch WSM best performance of the season.

A 5:1 win with Scott Walker and Marc Mcgregor both grabbing two goals a piece. Ben Kirk ran the show from midfield pulling the strings like a master puppateer and finished off proceedings with a goal chipped in from 30 yards.

Was this the same team that had limped to too many draws in recent games?

Mark paced the touchline with pride as his team delivered with finess the style of football not out of place at Stamford Bridge.

When the referee blew an end to proceedings the noise that erupted from the crowd would remain in the ears of the players for hours to come.

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Yeading Home and Welling away

2:2 & 1:1

Following the thumping of Salisbury in the recent memory of the crowd it was no wonder 2200 turned up days later to see if the team could produce a similar result. WSM were 2:1 into final stoppage time when Yeading broke away and stole a point. The groans from the crowd so different from the previous Saturday.

No one could deny the quality of Yeading's equaliser but it was a sickening blow to a team who had worked so hard for the three points.

Welling away

Welling after a superb start to the season peaking at the pinacle were sliding rapidly down towards mid table. With Welling looking for a confidence booster the game was destined to be tight. Two early goals cancelled any creativity as both teams hung on for a draw.

The late Yeading equaliser had cost WSM more than 2 lost points despite the unbeaten run continuing.

Still unbeaten but not closing the gap on any of the leaders added pressure onto the next two games - both away

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Eastbourne - Away


A mom performance from Scott Walker graced with two well taken goals claimed the three points well before Eastbourne rallied to claim a consolation goal.

Eastbourne were second in the league and any neutral watching the game would have not begrugged WSM the win.

With other teams around them losing miraculously WSM had started to close the gap on the teams ahead of them.

Lewes now 5 points clear of a pack of 8 clubs. WSM were now nestled in 8th and at least now not far off from a playoff berth.

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Mark's office was at the end of a long corridor.

Over time he had got use to the noise of the building.

He had learnt to recognise the sounds of foot steps and knew long before anyone entered his office just who was on the way.

It was Friday afternoon and before making the journey to Newport, Mark was reviewing his email.

He didn't recognise the foot steps coming along the corridor and glanced up to see who was entering the room.

A huge surprise to see Dennis Wise and Gustavo Poyet.

Hello 'fat boy' was hardly the most pleasant greeting Mark had received that day delivered but a quick reply in kind - hello 'small boy' hello 'gusty'

The three amigos spent the next hour or so chatting about their old Chelsea days and catching up on latest news. Dennis and Gustavo now at Leeds were on the way to Plymouth for an away game and seeing the sign to WSM on the M5 couldn't resist the opportunity to pop in.

The WSM players arriving to leave that afternoon for Newport were standing in the car park in wonderment.

The Leeds team bus full of recognisable stars waiting patiently for their manager and Assistant Manager to return from supposed toliet break at the services....

After a final joke had been shared the three old friends each boarded their own bus and headed separate ways.

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A flurry of snow heralded the arrival of December. With WSM so close to the sea there was never any concern of the snow sticking to the ground or games being cancelled.

Mark had worked the players hard through training in the build up to the Eastleigh game Individually he worked with the wide players Scott Walker & Marvin Brown. Their delivery of the ball to the front men was crucial if his team were to mount a serious challenge to the play off gruop of teams.

Eastleigh - home


Mark prowled the touchline for 90 minutes. A clinical finish from Scott Walker in the 2nd minute was enough to grab the points. The following 88 minutes were sheer torture for Mark and the coaching staff, let alone the 2000 WSM faithful.

Chance after chance was missed and Mark had an image running through his mind of another late breakaway goal for the opposition.

The defence however were well organised by Lee Jarman with frequent vocal contibution from Mark to keep alert.

Eastleigh were poor but WSM couldn't score in a brothel meaning that the result was still in doubt until thankfully the final whistle blew.

Mark breathed a sigh of relief at another 3 points.

WSM were finally back into the play off mix.

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Lewes and Sutton were both looking over their shoulders at the chasing pack.

The form teams in this chasing group were recognised to be WSM & Newport.

WSM remained unbeaten but Newport were beating all comers convicingly and scoring seemingly at will.

Bishop Stortford home


Blake Newbold had the best night of his young professional career.

Four well taken goals, well deserved for his both movement and timing of run.

Ben Kirk creator in chief of two of the goals claimed the mom award despite Newbolds fatastic achievement.

WSM were up to 3rd and gaining ground with each win.

The press were now convinced that WSM were here to stay in the mix of promotion hunting sides. Rightly so they were challenging and but for that long run of draws would have been closer to the pinnacle position in the table.

Mark was now aware of the looming gaps in his team with injury and suspension beginning to have a huge impact.

A foray into the transfer market brought Nick Mckoy and Nicky Fish to the club.

Mckoy on loan from Cardiff with Fish on a short term deal until the end of the season.

Mark added to the team with the arrival of a young goalkeeper Mark Crossley who had just been released by Burnley.

Lee Houghton's scouting trips had paid dividends as the new additions would add strength to the teams promotion push.

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Newport County - Away


Christmas came early for Newport County.

On a damp and blustery evening 5 days before the big day WSM were demolished by a rampant county side.

Elliot Benyon a youngster on loan from Bristol City led the line superbly grabbing two goals for himself and having a significant hand tin the other goals. Despite all of the pre match preparations and specific information for the team to ensure the tactics were right nothing prepared Mark for the four goal blitz and absolute capitulation after just 20 minutes of the game.

Half time came not a moment too soon and after a brief and extremely personal 'chat' the team was sent out 5 minutes early for the restart. Second half at least showed a positive improvment with Marvin Brown scoring a 'fluke'. Mark had just opened his mouth and was about to yell an expletive in Browns direction at the wasted oppportunity to pass the ball to an open man when the ball hit the back of the net.

Brown was too embarressed to celebrate and avoided Mark's icy stare on his trot back for the restart.

Newport and Weston were the form teams in the league. WSM the meanest defence.

Newport had put WSM to the sword and it was a very jagged and sharp edge to swallow.

On bus ride home the mood was far from festive but at least the hour long jouney allowed mark to regroup the players and begin to focus them on the next fixture.

Sutton Utd were next up and they were in 2nd.

Whilst Mark knew that one awful performance could soon be put right, especially with the flurry of fixture ahead over the Christmas and New Year period it was a major concern that the team had just folded with prior warning.

The players ability to forget one disastorus night would ensure Mark and his coaching staff earned their pay. If he did not impact postively on their outlook then the Winter could be one of discontent.

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Newport - Away


The press had a field day with the result.

'Mark's' out of ten = 4

Weston's Super 'Night' mare

Mark's phone announced the arrival of a text message. Lovely Mr Wise with the subtle message - 'fat boy' u r well stuffed tonight.

Teletext watching better than going to watch the MK Dons when your team is involved!

His reply was not for general view but certainly reminded his old friend of his obvious 'short' comings...

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Mark woke early on Christmas Day in a sweat.

He had dreamt and relived his anonymous failure in the 1996 Cup Final. Dream was probably not the right word for the nightmare than came upon him.

1996 became known as the Cantona final. Glenn Hoddle in his first season in charge had manoevered Chelsea to the final only to see the Chelsea story destroyed in a dire first half performance.

One down at half time, the team talk delivered failing to make any difference as the blues were soon two down following an obvious penalty as Mark caught Cantona from behind after a 30 yard lung bursting run to catch the Frenchman.

Further ignomy followed as the cameras caught Hoddle unzipping his tracksuit top and mouthing to John Gorman to get the officails ready for a change. Mark made way almost instantly as Cantona hit the back of the net and then sat the remainder of the match on the bench watching his team mates fall apart finally losing 4 nil.

After all of the promise of Chelsea moving to a higher level the dreams were ripped apart at the seams.

A 4 goal thumping by Newport had stimulated and reawoken the caged dreams.

The crisp cold air on Christmas Day helped to clear Mark's mind.

He stood at the side of the training pitch watching the players go through their paces.

Christmas Day it may have been but a two hour session on the training pitch allowed Mark and the coaching staff to regroup the players and focus hearts and minds on the trials and tribulations ahead.

Despite one loss in 18 league games Mark was determined that the players remember the Newport game and burn it into their memory. That loss had to become a positive for them all and allow them to strive even harder to improve.

Mark was no Winston Churchill as a speech maker but as the players left the ground to make their way home to their family festivities he knew that each and every one of them was ready for the battle to commence.

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Sutton - home


At Christmas time it is always better to give rather than recieve!

A fiesty and firey match on Boxing Day saw WSM at their supreme best.

The headlines post match claimed a new king had arrived - Herrod - a very festive twist.

After Sutton had delivered an early goal the signs were ominous especially after the recent drubbing at Newport.

Losing a goal within 2 minutes of the start was not included in Mark's teamtalk.

The goal was well worked and from the keepers point of view unstoppable.

Mark was immediately on the touchline getting the attention of his players and making sure each one of them remained focussed.

10 minutes later the 2500 strong crowd cheered in sheer relief as Blake Newbold levelled the score after a delightful mazy run.

Half time niceties completed Mark demanded more drive and passion and despite the teams best endeavours the breakthrough despite the amount of possession on the ball was unlikely. WSM were all over Sutton but couldn't find the back of the net.

Chance after chance fell by the wayside. At least they were going forward and creating chances....

On 70 minutes Mark introduced youngester Craig Herrod in place of Marc Mcgregor who looked as if he was stuggling with an injury to his thigh. Minutes later the substitution paid dividends.

With the offside trap beaten by a Scott Walker through ball Herrod ran free on to the ball and chipped an exquist lob over the advancing Sutton keeper. The WSM crowd went wild and Mark and his coaching staff openly joined in with the celebrations. A goal well deserved for the effort put into the game and a fantastic debut goal for the 'new boy'.

At Christmas time it is always better to give rather than recieve!

With time ticking down on the clock, Sutton became desperate for an equaliser.

After being pinned into their own half for 70 plus minutes they changed tactics and started to hit long hit and hope balls to the lone front man. Deep into injury time a corner kick to Sutton direct from a poor headed clearance from Lee Jarmen.

A long nowhere ball arrived in the WSM half and was promptly miscued into touch.

The Sutton keeper made his way into the WSM penalty area and as the cross delivered and the whistle moving towards the referee's mouth Ryan Northmore the WSM keeper flapped at the ball missing it completely allowing Sutton's leading scorer the easiest of opportunities to level the score. Northmores' protests that he was impeded by his fellow goalkeeper went unheeded.

Mark kicked the bottled drink carrier in frustration as another 2 points were lost as the game was effectively over.

The final whistle blew and the groan from the crowd could be heard several miles away.

In the dressing room post match the mood was far from festive. Whilst Herrod was obviously delighted with his super goal the team knew that the loss of two vital points hurt. Northmore held his hands upto the mistake and went quiet shortly afterwards as Mark expressed his opinion that 'holding his hands up' had caused the problem in the first place.

Showered and changed after the game Mark bumped into Paul Bliss in the corridor.

The chairman had a huge smile on his face.

Despite the draw WSM had closed the gap on Lewes.

Lewes had lost 3:0 at home to Newport. Newport were on fire but had helped the WSM cause in claiming a win against the league leaders. Going towards New Year games Lewes were now 1st Sutton 2nd WSM 3rd and Newport 4th.

The form team most definetly Newport and probably in fairness the best side in the league by a fair distance.

With WSM only suffering one defeat in the league all season long and with record crowds coming through the gates there was still every chance that WSM would be there or thereabouts come May. Playing Sutton off the park was a positive and perhaps on reflection Christmas was a lot kinder to WSM than Mark had originally thought.

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The busy Christmas and New Year period fixture continued at a pace.

With two games in two days including New Years Day there would be no respite for the small WSM squad.

No time for partying. With niggling injuries affecting several key players it was time for the squad players to play their part.

Part one of two, a must win game against relegation threatened Bedford.

Bedford - home


A wind swept and rain derenched 3000 fans at Woodspring Park welcomed Bedford.

A sell out crowd bouyant on Christmas cheer watched WSM tease and torment a Bedford side short of confidence.

Stylish and entertaining football that even the most ardent Bedford fan would admit was a joy to behold.

The intensity of the team performance similar to the Sutton game.

A tap in goal from 'King Herrod' midway through the first half made the game comfortable and the second a lovely flighted free kick from Scott Walker which some how managed to avoid the Bedford keeper grabbed the 3 points. Game over after 60 minutes.

With WSM coasting to the final whistle another nightmare moment as Bedford who had been completely and utterley under the cosh for 85 minutes hit the target with their only shot of the match. Mark punched the dugout with frustration at the loss of the goal but with the whistle blowing shortly afterwards their was no chance of anything but a win so no real damage done except to his hand.

Part two of two - Happy New Year?

Havant away


Despite Havant's early goal there was no doubt who the eventual winner of the game would be.

Like Muhammed Ali at his very best WSM were able to almost pick Havant off at will. The shots on target ratio well into double figures and a cricket score would have been expected but for Havant's keeper having a blinder. A goal a piece from Craig Herrod and Blake Newbold took the headlines but in effect WSM had hit a golden seam of form and were now playing a level of football that had been promised much earlier in the season.

The wide men Brown and Walker the creators for the goals hitting the byline time and time again delivering crosses that strikers thrived on. A simple win effectivley but wrapped up in hard work and determination. On the coach home from Bedford the results from the other New Years day games came across the radio and the cheer from the team celebrated that the gap had closed on league leaders Lewes to just 3 points.

Lewes were held at home to Sutton despite being 3:0 up at half time.

Three teams now covered by a gap of 3 points at the top of Conference South.

Media exceitement on a 3 horse race was justified as this was certainly the tightest championship for many years.

But Newport were still the dark horses to gate crash the party.

The media interest in WSM activity grew in intensity immediately after the Havant game.

Roy Keane struggling at Sunderland to deliver the football demanded by a passionate and faithful following had left the club after 7 games without a win and the club now in a relegation mire. Despite Mark's denials to the contrary the tabloids were convinced that he was on his way to Sunderland. Mark busy at his desk on a cold 2nd of January was therefore astonished to recieve a phone call offering him the job. The timing was awful, the position superb.

After a sleepless night the decision made went against the media speculation suggesting he was ready to go.

Paul Bliss couldn't believe his luck when Mark confirmed that he was staying and hoped that Paul didn't mind too much!

The Western Mercury ran the banner headline on their next edition On your Mark's, get set GO! were probably the only ones connected to the town who were diappointed in his staying

A quick reprint with the paper reporting on the 'shock' news.

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Histon - home


2400 fans turned up to watch Weston Super mare demolish mid table Histon in a scintillating first half performance.

Goals from Walker, Newbold and Kirk all within a 40 minute period in the first half. The half time team talk delivered by Mark was simply to ensure no one became complacent. 3 substitutions on the hour mark allowed him to introduce some fresh legs but in the initial confusion of new players settling into the game Histon claimed a consolation goal.

The game finished as a contest as several Histon players literally lost the plot and two were sent off before the clock had reached 75 minutes. 9 men Histon manfully protected their goal running down the clock.

Despite the heavy rain the WSM crowd had been entertained with some stylish football and had seen further evidence that this team could really be destined for glory.

High fives from the coaching trio at the final whistle demonstartion of a job well done.

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Mark had been at his desk for a couple of hours on the Monday morning post the Histon game.

His mood had been bright as he went through his normal routine.

Tea arrived at 10.30am and he quickly picked up the newspapers for a skirmish through the football stories.

It didn't take him long to find his picture in the paper next to a headline 'bottler'.

On reflection in a 20 plus year career he could probably name a handful of people that he just couldn't get along with. One such name an ex-Man Utd player Bryan Robson. Robson had taken the opportunity to have a 'pop' at Mark for turning down the Sunderland job and suggested that he had not got the moral substance to work as such a high level.

What a complete load of sh*te!

For a man with limited abilities Robson was a man looking for a niche in the game. A niche that would allow him to live off his name if not his talent. Whilst they had played in the same England team in the late 80's Mark was the junior team man.

Captain Robbo Robson the main man. They had always seemed to get along but this thought was dispelled after Mark had read Robsons critical assessment of the Chelsea man prior to the 1997 Coca Cola cup final.

The then Middlesborough manager suggested that Mark was lucky to be carried along by a team of superstars and that if he was in charge at the blues Mark would be the first to be shown the exit door. Overated and definetly not worthy to wear the no. 6 England shirt that he had so proudly worn as captain. Robson certainly would never forget the avenging tiger that delivered a growling response as he drove Chelsea towards their first major honour since the Milk Cup in 1985.

A 2 nil victory allowed Mark to literally ram the words down Robson's throat.

On reflection the over the top celebration at the end of the game as he danced around the Middlesborough manager in jubilation was a moment that shouldn't have happened but cleared a vanquished soul! The man of the match award for the final was one of his proudest memories.

Mark threw his tea cup against the wall in pure anger convinced that Robson would be proved wrong yet again.

Robson had never delivered as a Manager and maybe was hankering for the Sunderland job a return to his native North East.

Jealousy perhaps that a man he thought not a lot of could be ahead of him in the pecking order.

Clough had described him as a player who ran around a lot and kicked people.

Odd how life had continued in a similar fashion post his football career.

Mark picked up the smashed tea cup placed the broken pieces of china in the bin and stomped off to the training ground.

His mood soon changed as he joined in with the banter of the day and scored the match winner in the 5-a-side game organised at the end of the training session.

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Braintree away


170 people turned up in the driving rain to watch bottom of the league Braintree flounder against a sparkling WSM team.

A Lee Jarmen header and a McGregor volley all before 30 minutes simply killed the game off.

Braintree then spent the remainder of the match protecting their net ensuring a dire and lifeless second half performance from both teams. The heavy pitch took its toll on both teams but the win continued the WSM juggernaught in a forwards direction.

Dorchester - home


Dorchester came into the game on a decent run of form. On the outskirts of the play off chase they were determined to get something from the game. Both teams effectively shadow boxing and cancelling each other out. With 90 minutes on the clock Craig 'king' Herrod playing in place of the injured top scorer Newbold scored after placing a glacing header past the keeper.

Mark leapt out of the dugout and ran along the touchline in jubilation.

1900 WSM fans couldn't believe their luck.

Another crucila 3 points in the bag even more well recieved as it had looked for most of the game as 1 point was the maximum WSM would get.

King Herrod headlines kept the local papers busy for the next few days and nobody begrudged him his moment of adulation.

The WSM reserve striker had taken his chances in the white shirt and looked the part.

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With injuries mounting Mark was forced into the transfer market bringing in another signing after an initial and successful trial period at the club. Jean Michel Sigere was a footballing nomad but having seen him training Mark had offered him a short term deal.

An ex-French under 21 international with a history of serious injuries affecting his eventual impact on the game he was all but finished. Convinced he could play for a couple of seasons he washed up on WSM shores.

Fisher - away


A make shift team of unfit and lesser known squad players featured on a damp and cold January afternoon.

Whilst the scoreline at the end of the game described a lively afternoon's football the closeness of the game meant a tough struggle until the final whistle.

A Marc Mcgregor hat trick, a lovely Herrod goal and a debut goal from Sigere polished the result.

But at three nil and playing some lovely football, Fisher had scored two goals putting extreme pressure on the WSM back line.

WSM wobbled in the wind but held on until the third Mcgregor goal finally killed off the spirited fightback and the game finished with a last minute goal from the Frenchman Sigere.

A close call but an away win against a decent team was most welcome.

January fixtures completed and the gap to Lewes still three points but WSM were now up into 2nd and there was clear water between them and 3rd placed Sutton.

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Mark and Paul sat in the boardroom discussing the month ahead. February had two very difficult fixtures included amongst the four they were due to play.

Farnborough were mid table but their position false due to the 10 point deduction incurred for going into administration.

Farborough on a rich vein of form and without the penalty in place would have been close to the play off positions in the league.

However the home game to Lewes the league leaders was the most important game in the season for WSM.

Conversations moved from the games to the players and Mark finalised and commented on

the contracts to be offered to the players.

All of the first team contracts were up for renewal and there was a lively debate between the two men as each decision was reviewed.

New one year deals would be offered to all of

the regular first team.

Each of those players deserved an extension. The players brought in since November would have to wait until the season finale before any contracts discussions took place.

Of the remainder of the first team squad three players had yet to feature in a game.

Midfielder Loxton and strikers Hopkins and Law.

Hopkins had appeared as a late second half sub in one game but despite having 20 minutes on the pitch had earnt the nickname the ghost as he had been anonymous and according to the local paper hadn't touched the ball in that time.

Harsh comments but the nickname stuck.

Mark had decided that the three players had not shown enough to justify a new contract and after consideration and discussions with the coaching staff to confirm his stance they were all in agreement.

The option to release them immediately was available but Mark felt that going into the business end of the season working and perhaps utilising players known to the club might be to his advantage.

The three would be left to sweat until the end of the season.

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Cambridge City - home


Cambridge would have thrown in the towel if the game had been a boxing match.

WSM were now providing the cutting edge to their dynamic football. Mcgregor and a fit again Newbold (2) gabbing 3 well taken goals between them making the last 30 minutes irrelevant. Cambridge were pinned into their own half and wilted under the pressure of wave after wave of purposeful WSM forays into their goal area. The midfield pairing of Rose and Kirk providing the perfect delivery for wide men to create mayhem in the Cambridge Box.

The Cambridge manager during his post match interview for local tv said in response to a-reporters comment 'that his team were lucky to conceed just the three goals - WSM were awesome and should have put 6 or 7 more past us.'

As WSM had been hammered 8:1 by Cambridge the season before there was some irony in his statement.

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Training over the next few days had been a pleasure with everyone working hard and determined to make the most of the seasons opportunity. The heady heights of 2nd place in the league were giving WSM supporters nosebleeds.

Lewes who had been the best team in the league upto the midway point were faltering.

With the clash of the top two 2 weeks away WSM were now level on points with Lewes on goal difference.

Excitement in the town was growing and belief that this year the team would at least be in amongst the final shout for promotion rather than the usual relegation dogfight.

Whilst everyone else was talking up the Lewes game Mark was still focussing on taking on Farnborough and getting his players right for the away fixture. He was right to be concerned. On a crisp cold sunny day Farnborough showed their determination to win the game and keep their slim chances of promotion via the play off alive.

Farnborough - away


Farnborough took the game to WSM dominating a scoreless first half.

Chances fell for both teams after the break but despite the nail biting entertainment for the crowd the back of the net remained empty until Farnborough scored twice in quick succession on the 60th and 65th minutes.

Mark made two quick changes bringing on Mckoy in midfield and Herrod in place of Mcgregor.

Determination to maintain their unbeaten record and keep up with Lewes was the key to the deserved comeback.

A dodgy penalty on 82 minutes, put away by Walker after Herrod had been pulled back in the box and a last gasp equaliser from Newbold. The Farnborough side couldn't believe that they had only drawn the game and were angry that the leveller had not been ruled offside. Mark knew that the both goals were fortunate for his team but when the you have the rub of the green these things happen.

Lewes could only draw in their game meaning that the 'big match' just one week ahead could see the winner go 3 points clear.

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Lewes - home


The pre match build up and the hype that surrounded the club in those heady days of joint top of the league meant the game itself had a lot to live upto. Winner takes all! was the Western Mercury headline on match day as much a reference to the result as the special guest - Jimmy Tarbuck. Jimmy had replaced Mark in 'Strictly Come Dancing' only for himself to withdraw weeks later on health grounds.

Ticket sales had already meant the game was a sellout.

With added local interest local radio in a first for WSM would commentate on the full match.

In the WSM changing rooms the final prepartions were completed. The players formed a huddle in the middle of the room and listened intently to Mark's final words.

The noise of the crowd as the teams appeared on the pitch was electric.

Winner takes all! Mark sat in the dugout and watched with growing pride as his team dismantled the league leaders.

After just 30 minutes WSM had hammered Lewes emphatically playing them off the park and scoring 3 stunning goals on the way.

Newbold started the goal frenzy on 5 minutes dribbling past a static defence before slotting calmy past the advancing keeper. His wild west gun salute to the WSM fans blowing spoke away from his finger pistols a perfect picture for next day newspaper editors.

On 20 minutes a Scott Walker free kick cannoned into the top left corner and as the crowd calmed down from their jubilant celebrations Marc Mcgregor headed firmly in a third goal direct from a Walker delivered corner.

The Lewes keeper could only stare in disbelief at the ball in his net.

2nd half a recomposed Lewes began to play the football that had made them the long time league leaders. But the damage was done. WSM were first to every loose ball, harrying their opponent like men possessed making sure that Lewes were shown no glimmer of hope. The scenes at the final whistle were reminicent of a team winning the cup final. The fans didn't want to go home. The singing seemed to go on for hours after the game had finished and the town enjoyed the moment for days afterwards.

The team deserved the glory and the recognition.

But whilst WSM might be 3 points clear the hard work had only just begun.

Going top in February meant nothing - Winner takes all in May!

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The porshe pulled out into the fast lane as it joined the M5 heading southwards towards Taunton and Exeter.

After a brief and very chilly encounter to Wales to watch Newport play at home to Eastbourne mark drove home as quickly as the road conditions allowed.

The evening had been fruitful. The host team had allowed him into the directors box to watch the match.

on the way upto the box he happily signed some autographs and then had his photo taken with some Newport fans.

Over recent years he found it amazing that wherever he went there were always Chelsea fans in the latest club colours.

Whilst many of these might well be new additions due to the Club's winning formula many were at least old enough to recall him actually playing and to gain his autograph.

His attraction to Chelsea had been firm from the age of 5. The Chelsea 70/71 cup finals, the song 'blue is the colour' and the first football strip purchased by his parents had locked him into their support from that early age.

To actually play for them for all but 18 years was a dream come true for any budding football star. Several clubs including Southampton, Exeter and Torquay had looked at him but once the overtures of Chelsea came into the equation there was only going to be one winner of his young signature. Whilst he had been loaned out during his first few seasons playing for the likes of Bournemouth and Plymouth he had only ever played for one club. Playing alongside his early hero Kerry Dixon in the mid-80's though to captaining the side in the late 90's was an incredible journey.

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Closeted in the directors box Mark was able to watch the game without being disturbed.

There was only one reason for him being there. Elliot Benyon.

Benyon was on a season long loan from Bristol City and making a name for himself in the non league world. Already hitting a dozen goals including two against WSM. After 75 minutes Mark had seen enough.

Benyon whilst not scoring on the night created havoc in the Eastbourne defence.

Whilst a slight figure he had pace and obvious talent. A natural goalscorer.

The pairing of Benyon with Newbold would be a dream partnership one which could ensure that WSM should they be fortunate enough to be promoted could strive for more than conference league safety.

Benyon's showing that night made him Mark's number one target for the next season.

One or two slight problems. WSM couldn't afford to buy him or even find the fee involved to bring him to the club.

However he was stalling on a new contract and dependant on his negotiations with Bristol which were not looking promising there was very small chance that he could be released. And the small matter of having to get promoted.

Benyon was unlikely to sign permanetly for anyone less than conference league placed team.

Leaving before the crowd allowed him a trouble free exit and it wasn't long before his car joined the M4 and the one and half hour journey home. Mark using his mobile phone called his scout Lee Houghton to request that Benyon was put under the microscope for the next few games. Call completed he switched on the radio to catch the latest sports news from 5 Live as the signs for the M5 South West began to appear.

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Three games played in February and two wins and a draw to show for the new conference south league leaders.

Training had been very easy for the coaching staff post the Lewes game. Moral at an all time high and with the players tails up and working hard. Mark spent several days tieing up the last few loose ends with regards to players contracts. No major snags were encountered and with the team top of the league all of the first team squad were keen to extend their time at the club.

There were difficult conversations with the players not offered contracts.

Mark spent time with each of them and despite tears and the thought of footballing dreams ending Mark promised each of them that there was still time to change his mind. He had seen more than his fair share of young players leaving the game after failing to make the grade. A tough day for the ex-Chelsea man and not one of his better days since he had joined WSM. He knew that all of over the world football managers were having similar conversations with young players and that it was all part of the job.

Not something he would ever look forward to doing....

Basingstoke away


Basingstoke had snatched a draw at Woodspring Park.

A 90th minute goal denying WSM the three points.

A dire game short on chances and delivering zero in any real quality produced a similar result.

The only positive to come from the afternoon was that Lewes had lost again and the gap between 1st and 2nd had widened. Sutton and Newport took full advantage of the Lewes slip up closing to within striking distance of 2nd spot.

Lewes after looking like runaway champions had stalled and in danger of crashing out of the chase. There was time to get thewir act together but Mark continued to be concerned now about Newport. They ominously looked to be gaining momentum..

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A busy fixture period approached the new league leaders.

All six of the games in March were winable and this was the sentiment of the March review meeting.

Attitude and performance the key to success. All of the fixtures were against mid table or lower teams and the month could provide WSM a real opportunity to break free from the chasing group and edge closer to promotion. Paul Bliss took the opportunity to update Mark on financial matters which not suprisingly with healthy league crowds at every home game had significantly improved the clubs fortunes. With all of the positive news on both the on and off field activities confirmation by Paul that he couldn't release any funds and therefore there would be no transfer kitty even if WSM were promoted.

Not the news that Mark wanted to hear.

He couldn't deny to Paul that he was disappointed.

But as he had re-signed the current first team sqaud and felt that they should be given the opportunity to further the clubs ambitions the blow was cushioned. Mark and his scout Lee Houghton had already trawled several targets spreading the net widely with the hope of catching one or two players who could add to the current team.

Wasted hours and wasted trips....

No wholesale changes were being suggested just some added options to the make up of the squad.

Mark knew that these potential targets were now lost. For the players Mark had wanted the fees involved in the very low thousands. The killer blow for Mark however was that Elliot Benyon the player he coveted most might end up going for a ridiculously low fee to future opposition. Mark updated the coaches later the same day and between them a plan to bring a select group released players to the club for trials was hatched. Not ideal for the direction Mark wanted to take the club but ultimately the only option available to him right now.

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Thurrock away


Thurrock had flirted with the play off places early in the season but were now on a steady slide down the table. Whilst not yet looking over their shoulder there were signs that the relegation door was ajar and they might yet go through it. Thurrock fielding a five man midfield and were set up to make life difficult for the league leaders. Hopeful of catching WSM on the break.

Despite some lovely build up play prior to the final third both teams couldn't hit a barn door from two feet.

By the end of the game neither keeper had been called into action.

All in all a miserable game.

Changes made by Mark were cancelled out by a clever Thurrock management team desperate to cling onto at least a point to stop the losing trot. WSM not lacking effort but on could not find the pass that would create a break through.

Matters for Mark got worse as the game drew to a close. Scott Walker certainly WSM's star player for the season to date picked up a hamstring injury that would rule him out for 3 -4 weeks.

An awful result for WSM but with Lewes scrapeing a draw the gap at the topped was at status quo.

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