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Strictly No Dancing?


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Mark met up with scout Lee Houghton at the Taunton Dene Services on the M5.

WSM this season had fielded a reserve squad in the reserve league and this meant that the reserves were matched up against league clubs including Chelsea. Suprisingly the reserve team were a long way off bottom of the league but when matched up against the big boys were regularly thumped.

A chance to take up a game involving the Chelsea reserves against Bristol City an opportunity too good to miss.

Mark had always kept a watching brief on the Chelsea reserve team since his arrival in club management.

Mainly in hope that he would spot a players potential early and that Chelsea would either loan them out to him or release them completely. Mark already knew the names of the future stars and Steve Clarke asst manager at Chelsea doubling up as reserve team boss had readily brought him up to speed with the current crop.

Lee Sawyer would be an England Captain in the future according to Clarke. At 16/17 Lee was already knocking on the door of first team action. At 18 Powerful, dynamic and an ability to read the game a direct replacement for Makele in the making.

Valued at a cool 2 million pounds. The real reason for the jouney however was that Bristol City were fielding a couple of triallists in their reserve team. Mark had been tipped off by Houghton that there were potential finds amongst them.

Mark was concerned by the fragility of the defence and wanted some experience on the right side. Sam Bailey's confidence had been dealt a blow by his recent mistake and needed some respite. Bailey was potentially a centre half and his flexibility crucial to the team.

The WSM squad short in experience at this level needed some help. The focus of the trip Matt Somner. Released by Notts County he had returned home to Bristol looking for a contract. A yard off the pace and terrorised by a Chelsea team left winger and full back combination Somner was quickly withdrawn at half time for his own good. Mark had seen enough.

As the half had progressed Somner had shown sparks of life.

His poor fitness levels apparant and despite his courage and desire he never stood a chance against the talented youth of the blues.

If Bristol disn't want him then Mark would have a look. Experienced and obviously working hard to find a new home.

He could well be a definete for the squad.

Paul Bliss now having had a taste of success had sanctioned an upping of the wage budget allowing Mark the option of adding players if necessary.

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Adding players to the squad in theory was very easy. Football now had a natural boom and bust cycle and like any business had natural wastage. Talented players either lost their way or couldn't achieve all that they wanted to and became frustrated with the game. Either way, in the end they would not be offered new contracts by their club and then they would drift around the leagues looking for a suitable home. Of course there were also those who had not made the grade. The question for these players longer term - did they have something to offer it was just finding someone who could produce the finished article.

The bosman rules and the like had made the football nomad much more obvious and visible within the game.

Like the old wild west 'gun for hire' this had become part and parcel of football life.

Players could even buy out their contract or agree to a mutual termination.

Mark almost regularly heard on the grapevine of players availability. Many would have added to the WSM squad but their wage demands would have blown the remaining budget. Agents would ring the club direct or players would just turn up hoping for a trial.

Potential players knew of Mark and travelled to WSM in the hope of trial just because of his name.

Mark's contacts from the game also signposted players towards his direction.

Training most weeks included the odd triallist. The squad banter helped to sell the club and they were treated well. But Mark hadn't seen anyone of late who had made him jump up and notice. Midfield was looking good and he now had cover in all areas.

In defence Somner, if he joined, would solve the defence concerns in terms of fraility and experienced cover.

Attack Benyon and Newbold were already becomming some team. Whilst there was talent in reserve the lack of experience had began to trouble Mark. If either of his preferred two became injured or suspended then alarm bells would ring loud and true.

No one would let the club down but none of them had the cutting edge of Benyon and Newbold.

Mark therefore had tasked Lee Houghton to search out some experienced league pros circleing the football periphery.

Houhgton had already targetted a couple of players on monthly contracts. If there circumstances changed then again a deal could be done. Within the first names Houghton had identified Christian Roberts at Wrexham, well know to WSM's Steve Evans and Matthew Tipton at Macclesfield. Both fitted the profile Mark had demanded that Houghton was look for.

Whilst Paul Bliss had sanctioned additional players and the increase in squad numbers the wage budget had remained the same.

There was some flexibility to play with but for Mark it was now about adding to the squad with the correct personnel at the right price.

A balancing act. One player at a higher cost or two or three at sensible wages...

Mark had asked Matt Somner to come down and watch the next home game.

Initial conversations had suggested that a deal at a realistic price could be done but Mark still had to be persuasive.

For Somner the dropping of a league was still a concern but if he could be sold the dream then he would probably sign up.

He had not been offered a deal by City and was becoming desperate for a new club.

WSM were for him close to home and added to his overall interest.

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Gravesend - home


'You little beauty' screamed Mark from the dugout. Benyon had carved open a static Gravesend defence before finding strike partner Newbold in acres of space who then clipped a curling shot into the top right hand corner past an open mouthed keeper.

Only 2100 fans had turned up to watch the game and how they celebrated a wonderful goal.

Mark leapt from the dugout and punched the air in triumph. 25 minutes into the home game and WSM were beginning to turn the screw up a notch on a confidence short Gravesend. On 39 minutes a Kirk one two with Benyon paid off but as Kirk moved cleanly into the box his heels were clipped by the chasing defender. Walker added to his season goal tally with well taken penalty.

The penalty may have been dubious and in reverse Mark would have been furious. But in football these things tend to balance up.

Second half Gravesend endured much more punishment with Walker in particular the catalyst for their woes.

Despite the number of chances created WSM failed to convert any of them and as the whistle blew they ended comfortable winners.

The Gravesend journeying few chanted 'what a load of rubbish' perhaps a little unfairly as WSM had been masters of their own destiny deserving the win. Three points to the collection.

Post match in a local chinese restaurant Mark now a regular sat with potential signing Matt Somner.

Over the banquet meal Mark talked to Somner about the opportunity and the potential of the club.

Whilst mid table they were still close enough to more than make an impact on the top half of the league.

Somner had looked around the club during the day and over the meal expressed that he was interested but that he was concerned that this might be his final move and that it had to be right for both himself and his family. Money was not an issue.

All that Somner asked for in this direction was fairness. Mark admired the honest opinion and it certainly made for a refreshing change from the usual money grabbing, how long a contract can I have mercenary that he had most recently been dealing with.

The more he spoke to Somner the more he warmed to the guy. He had been let down in the past but for the right club he would be an asset. The meal over Mark agreed to give Somner some time to think things over. For Mark the defence concerns and visible frailty would soon be evident again and the signing of Somner would become crucial to WSM progress. Somner was aware of Mark's thoughts in this area and promised to make a decision within 2 weeks.

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Woking - away


Woking were the ever presents of the conference. A tough outfit always close to the promotion push but never making the final leap.

Always the bridesmaid never the bride. This year was no different in terms of league placing. Comfortably in the top three and but for an all conquering Torquay side would be top. Without major stars or loan signings they were a side built to be 'a team' and on their day superb. A mixture of regular conference faces aided with some talented youth players.

The bookies had no doubts over who would win. Woking by a mile.

With two straight wins under their belt WSM were more than ready for the encounter fielding an unchanged side.

Evans now settled in the defensive unit and looking comfortable and at home, Jermyn and Story adding to a midfield quartet who were capable of causing anyone problems and upfront the powerful combination of Benyon and Newbold.

Woking were one of the leagues form teams and straight from kick off began to put the pressure on WSM. Neat short passing mixed with a direct ball causing mild panic in the WSM rearguard action. 10 minutes on the clock and WSM beginning to get to grips with Woking with Walker and Story offering themselves as potent outballs. Woking wary of the two changing formation to repel the potential breaks. 20 minutes and Woking scored a first goal. From a corner Northmore had come for a cross but never made it. The ball dropped and despite frantic attempts at a clearance and Northmore himself blocking a shot on the line the ball hit the back of the net.If antything the goal stimulated a response from WSM and for 15 minutes following the goal they played the football that had got them promoted. But for all of the effort nothing. An equaliser came from an unlikey source. After a free kick had been given for a foul on Walker, Walker himself launched a ball into the box and found the head of Sam Bailey who glanced a header past a bemused Woking keeper. On the stroke of half time Woking were behind.

Jermyn made a run from deep in his own half and kept going before hitting a screamer into the top left corner. A stunning goal and WSM were infront and deserved to be. New territory for WSM. To be ahead going into the break and holding onto three points against a top league team. The team talk delivered all about encouragement, and not getting careless.

Mark warned the players that three substitutions would be made at some point in the second half and that any changes made were for the win and to keep what they had earned so far. Don't be disappointed at coming off.

Whatever Woking drank in the half time break worked a treat. A different team emerged.

Less than 10 minutes into the second half and Woking had hit WSM with two goals.

WSM were now chasing the game and after three substitutions were made they once more pressed the Woking goal.

WSM looked to be going home until a penalty was awarded for handball deep into injury time.

Walker the penalty taker quickly stepped up and smashed the ball deep towards the bottom right hand corner.

The Woking keeper dived late and tipped the ball around the post - a fantastic save!

Walker fell to his knees in anguish as the referee blew the whistle to signal the end of the game.

Woking were pushed all the way and had picked up the win.

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It was late Monday evening and Mark was all alone in his office. The ground now empty apart from the security guards.

The last to leave had been asst manager Mike Kilgour.

Mark had been toying for some time over possible team selections for the upcoming Stevenage game.

He had listened to the coaching staff run through the reserve team options and even the under 18's.

Who was in form and who could make an instant impact. The team was a cigarette paper away from being a force to be reckoned with and when playing well they had already demonstrated that they were a side rich on quality who would trouble anyone.

Defensive frailties which included the odd loss of concentration was holding back progress.

Of the defence unit Bailey was out of form and needed a break.

Jarman was struggling with a niggling injury and keeper Northmore who had been a rock all season long seemed to be sucked into a vortex of uncertainty and now was prone to errors that David 'Donkey' James would have been proud of. (He Haw He Haw always lets one in!!!) Gary Thorne and Craig Rand could come in at centre half and both were match fit and kilgour had agreed that both would be raring to play. Food for thought.

The reserve group of players in their entirety were struggling in their own league and the regular hammering from the Premier / Championship clubs was hardly helping confidence. Matt Somner had joined the club which had been a relief for Mark. Somner would make an instant return for the belief shown in him. But he was nowhere near match fit. If Mark was lucky maybe 2 - 3 games away from a debut.

Mark heard a door click at the end of the corridor and then the slow clicking of stilletto heels echoing up the corridor.

The sound came close to Mark's office. Unless Mike Kilgour had forgotten to tell him something about his nocturnal activities, Mark had absolutely no idea who was in the corridor. He stared at the open door intrigued as the sound finally arrived in person.

'Hello gorgeous' purred the vision of loveliness that appeared before his very eyes.

Mark just stared, becoming fully aware that the sight of his mouth open wide and his jaw hitting the desk in awe was hardy an attractive feature quickly recovered before stammering the words.......

'Www what on earth are you doing here at this time of night Carolyn?'

Mark's mouth now firmly back in place and the shock of her arrival slowly disappaiting....

Carolyn Smith, Mark's agent did not just appear unannounced.

No meeting scheduled. It was if she was a genie in the bottle as she had appeared out of nowhere.......................

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Mark quickly recovered his composure.

'Carolyn what on earth are you doing here at this time of night? How did you get in?'

Carolyn amused at Mark's obvious shock at her mysterious arrival replied 'The security guard let me in and I needed to chat to you simple really. I was going to just pop in tomorrow morning but I rang the club to find out what time you would be around tomorrow and the security guard said he didn't know but you were still here. So I thought I'd drop in unannounced. The security guard did give me a wink as he let me in so I guess he thinks we are going to get upto no good'

Mark grimaced at the thought of the security guard spreading the gossip of a late night liaison between him and the mysterious lady.

'No wonder he gave you a wink. You look absolutely amazing and it's very late. Did you tell him that you were my agent?'

'Of course gorgeous and I hope he wouldn't let just anyone in otherwise he isn't much of a security deterant. Now what does a girl need to do to get a drink around here?'

Mark the night before a long away fixture had begun to stay locally.

The joys of the conference making the travelling to distant towns much more regular than the previous season but by staying over it allowed him some thinking space and reduced the disturbance to his family life of an early morning start.

He was now a regular at a top notch Western hotel and the hotel manager a season ticket holder often made available a suite for his use. Mark had finished his team deliberations and had made his mind up confirming that he would play the same team that had faced Woking with Somner added to the subs bench. Whilst the option of a drink was readily available at the ground either hot, cold or much stronger the surroundings were not condusive to a late night conversation.

Mark switched off all of the lights in his office and after locking the door both walked down the corridor making their way to the exit.

Mark dressed in his normal training kit shorts, t-shirt and for lolling around the office his comfy flip flops looked completely at odds with Carolyn who looking sensational in her designed clobber drew raised eyebrows from the old security guard manning the club entrance. He gave Mark a knowing wink which Mark tried to ignore but his face flushed immediately giving away his obvious embarrassment at the situation.

Carolyn caught the wink and revelled in Mark's uncomfort laughing as the exited the ground.

Carolyn had booked a room at the same hotel as her client and in seperate cars they made their way across town before meeting 30 minutes for that long awaited drink in Mark's suite. Mark very much on the back foot still had no clear idea why Carolyn had appeared without prior warning poured her a drink from the room's mini bar and opened a can of diet coke for himself.

He could wait no longer.

' Carolyn are you going to put me out of my misery and tell me why you are here?'

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Mark's hotel suite had been recently refurbished. The room was luxurious but the furniture and paintings on the walls a reminder of home comforts. The suite itself compromised of two rooms, one a large lounge full of leather upholstered furniture leading to a bedroom with ensuite facilities. Both rooms had stunning views out to sea, and was not cheap.

Drinks poured both Mark and Carolyn made themselves comfy in two large arm chairs.

Mark watched Carolyn stretch her long slim legs provocatively before she decided that she would be most comfortable with her legs draped over the side of an arm of the chair facing towards him. Carolyn had been aware of Mark's lingering stare but avoided eye contact concentrating on making herself comfortable. Mark's eyes refocused onto her face looking for some give away clue to the context of her unusual and unexpected arrival. He downed a large gulp of diet coke aware that he had been staring a little to intently.

They had known each from when they were both in their mid 20's.

Carolyn had been involved in negotiating a new contract for him at Stamford Bridge. At the time Carolyn had worked for a larger agency and was a just hired hand learning the ropes of client management. Mark had just been one of the football and media stars on her former boss's books and her first big assignment.

For Carolyn it had been love at first sight and although other close friends had spotted the lingering, furtive glances towards Mark, Mark himself had been oblivious to the tell tale signs. The closeness and the sparks that flew all missed by the footballer.

Mark had also had intense feelings towards Carolyn in those early days but always felt that she had been out of reach and way off limits. Together they were some team both on and off of the pitch.

Not long afterwards Carolyn had broken off from the large agency to start her own fledgling business and Mark became her first client jumping ship almost immediately and firmly nailing his colours to her mast. Together they had conquered the world.

Mark continued to rise in importance in improving Chelsea team winning cups, medals before going onto captain both club and country.

There had been the personal milestones of a wedding and the birth of his precious son to celebrate. Over the same time Carolyn had become one of the most important agents in the UK. For Carolyn there had been a marriage.

It hadn't lasted and her ex-husband bitterly complained that she always seemed to be searching for a lost love.

In truth Carolyn would have openly confirmed these thoughts. For her there had only ever been one love.

Mark drank slowly from his can and looked casually towards Carolyn.

She had been part of his life forever. She was beautiful, stunning and astute and the best friend he'd ever had.

Right now though he was bemused to think why she should be here. He was no longer her most important client but still she continued to deal with him as if he was her no.1. What was the urgency that brought her all the way from London?

The fire light bounced shadows all around the lounge adding to the intimacy of the room.

'Carolyn, why are you here?'

'Mark I wanted to see you for two reasons, one business and two pleasure.

The business is simple. I want to know when you are going to stop playing this game of ostrich?

I have Premier League chairman interested in you and sounding me out on a regular basis.

And here you are in this quiet footballing haven trying to prove something to yourself.

I believe in you and so do many others. It's time to remove your head from the sand and look to what you want from the world.

I haven't spoken to you face to face but I want to hear from you now just what do you want to do.

Even Paul Bliss knows you won't be around for ever hence his rationale for waving a three year deal under your nose.

Self preservation for when a big club comes in for you. I also have a consortium buying a London club. They want you to be manager but want to know if you are interested. And finally 'Mr Western Super Mare', Chelsea want you to become one of their new coaches.

They want to start grooming a potential successor to Jose and have two or three similar positions available for favoured sons.

If you remember last season Spurs grabbed the manager from Exeter in a similar long term progression plan.'

Mark had been taken aback by the ferocity of her opening statement. So much to take in and she had hardly paused for breath. It was if she had been rehearsing the statement for some time.

'So, Marky what do you think to those thoughts?' asked Carolyn earnestly as she downed the remainder of her drink before reaching for the bottle and pouring herself a little more alcohol.


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Mark struggled for the right response to Carolyn's statement.

'I still don't know why you are here. You could have told me all of this over the phone and in likelyhood you will probably know my answers already. What on earth was the need for the mysterious cloak and dagger appearance?'

Carolyn crumbled before his eyes before dashing to the bathroom in distress managed to blub the words 'I love you, you clot and miss you so much it hurts and now you are miles away I don't think I can do this anymore!'

Mark followed her to the bathroom but found the door locked.

His mind chased the words around, love, hurt and can't do this anymore.......

Ten minutes later and the door opened, Mark waited for Carolyn to emerge before pulling her closely to him and holding her tightly before their lips locked in a passionate kiss. Together they had both conquered their own worlds. The worlds were now colliding.

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Mark woke in the early hours of the morning. The days early light glimmered into the room as he looked across towasds his right. The tousled head of his agent Carolyn Smith lay still beside him. They had spent a long night trying to piece together an action plan and despite the heartfelt conversations between the two much was still to be resolved. The closeness of the evening and the revelations uncovered meant that one thing led to another and a bridge had been crossed.

It was too late for regret. It was also late for Mark who on realising the time raced to get organised and out of the door before the coach arrived for the journey to Stevenage. Carolyn roused shortly after hearing the shower come to life and propped herself up on the bed as Mark raced around the room looking. Lustful glances and a lingering kiss were all that time allowed for.

Mark promised in those last few snatched moments that they would catch up very soon and that they would agree the way forward together. Carolyn laughed as her lover hunted high and low for his car keys before stepping on them and leaping around as if he had stepped on hot coals. Socks and shoes on mark grabbed his jacket and before leaving the room pulled the covers back and planted a kiss firmly on Carolyn's lips. Uncovered and bathed in the early morning light she looked a million dollars.

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Mike Kilgour WSM's asst manager journey to Stevenage had been one in stoney silence. As always he was sat next to Mark.

The two would normally talk through the opposition and key messages to land to the players during pre match preparations. Kilgour had learned a lot and was keen to learn more from the experienced pro. Today Mark was preoccupied and his mind was miles away.

Mike Kilgour had been the first to arrive at the ground that morning and as always had a chat to Fred the old security guard at the desk. Fred had jokingly mentioned the late night arrival of a sexy agent and what did Mike think was going on.

Mike had warned Fred to be very careful or he might lose the season ticket he so cherished.

Fred had turned into Zippy from Rainbow.

Kilgour knew that Carolyn Smith was the best agent in the country and her arrival could well spell trouble for WSM.

Kilgour and Mark had got on like a house on fire from day one. Kilgour hoped that Mark would want to work with him long term and quite happily remained silent for the length of the journey. Whatever was on Mark's mind obviously troubled him.

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Stevenage - away


A torrential downpour welcomed the WSM players onto the pitch. 200 supporters had made the damp journey across country.

Mark had woken from his troubles and prepared his team with the usual gusto. The same team would face Stevenage that had played against Woking. Stevenage were in every way a similar team to Woking.

Always knocking on the promotion door year after year but despite their supposed wealth at this level, decent fan base and a back room that had a talent for unearthing a gem or two always missed out.

Problems with their ground in the recent past had denied them promotion when they had eraned the right for their league placing.

For Mark this had been of much interest at the time.

Stevenage denial to the league had meant saviour for his home town club Torquay. Torquay would have been relegated but for the hand of fate. Stevenage were again showing the form of potential champions. Still some distance from league leaders Torquay but close enough to catch them if they could put a decent run together. Play offs were almost guaranteed even at this relatively early point of the season.

As Mark sat in the dugout in the first half the rain pouring into his face his team disintegated. His mood darkened as the Stevenage team tore WSM apart. Lambs to the slaughter. He began to blame himself for the peformance. had he not been focused, had the events of the night before impacted on the team. Should he really be here when his mind was close to blowing apart with the recent revelations. Guilt also racked hard.

Just what had he done?

At 3 nil down after 40 minutes he was ready to quit. It was too late to turn the clock back and the genie was out of the bottle.

As the whistle blew Mark had already made his way to the changing rooms. Waiting for the drowned and well beaten players to appear he paced angrily the floor. The players sat down and whilst changing into fresh kit began to get the team talk of their lives.

Each of them knew that they had not performed as a team but here in front of them was a boiling mad, at times abusive and overtly agressive boss. For ten minutes Mark did not let up.

But like Thomas the tank engine he soon ran out of steam.

Abruptly he stormed back to the dug out and sat alone as the players prepared themselves for the second half. The rain did not let up for a moment and he sat in silence, soaking wet and as alone as he had ever felt in his footballing career.

No changes had been made to the starting line up. Matt Somner on the bench had been told to sit down and not even to warm up.

The first eleven had to sink or swim. Stirred into action WSM were a different team.

Walker and Kirk quickly grabbed a goal a piece and Newbold beginning to purr latched onto a Benyon flick on and gleefully lashed the ball past the keeper. Three all and all to play for. Stevenage were in disarray but their experience and a couple of changes soon steadied the ship. Both teams had blown themselves out and looked to be holding for the draw.

Mark concious that the back four were falling to far back and defending much too deep for his liking introduced Somner in place of Bailey. Somner knew the message to relay. Jarman began to push up the defensive unit.

With the game almost over Jarman slipped on the sodden pitch allowing the Stevenage striker a yard of space which he made full use of bursting past the first challenge and into the box. Just about to unleash a shot Jarman caught him from behind.

To be fair to Jarman he caught the ball first but the referee not at the best angle had no doubt about the penalty.

'Gooaaaaaaaaal' screamed the Stevenage fans as the penalty was put neatly away.

The rain still pouring down would mask any WSM tears. So close but so far. Another lost point.

Soaked to the skin Mark showered and when once more wrapped in warm clothes he sat in the changing room and extolled the virtues of his team to all of the players at some length. The second half show had been nothing short of magnificent.

Mark even told them all that at 3 down he had been close to quitting but nothing could be further from his mind right now.

He was proud of each and everyone of them. He would strive to get the team at least into the play off mix.

The rest would be upto them. The younger lads were on the verge of tears but Mark chose not to look.

Even hardened souls such as Rose, Jarman and asst manager Mike Kilgour were silenced.

The journey home was much brighter and whatever spell Mark had been under had been truly washed away on the eventful evening.

The match had been televised and Mark had no idea that his miserable image would feature so prominantly in the post match analysis.

Every minute had been watched by Carolyn. Now back in London she had watched the face of the man she loved turn from despair to outright pride. Tears had ran down her face at her pride watching the animated and forceful Man at work.

She awaited his call.

In Mark's own mind he still had much to resolve. He had people to talk to and decisions to be made but tonight he would enjoy the camaderie of a fantastic group of player. The simplest and the easiest decison was done. WSM would remain the priority for the rest of the season. Business before pleasure!

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The week after the Stevenage game had past in a whirlwind. For Mark it had been the most hectic of all since his arrival at WSM.

It had started with the monthly meeting with Paul Bliss. A review of the month ahead, player performance updates and time for reflection on just which direction WSM were headed. Just like two ships colliding in the mid atlantic, one carrying yellow paint, the other red, the crew were marooned. This was how WSM now found themselves in the conference league. Not close enough to the play offs but far enough away from the relegation haunted clubs.

WSM were in 18th position their lowest of the campaign so far but despite the recent losses were still huddled together with a group of 6 or 7 clubs. A couple of wins and results going in the favour and WSM could easily be back to the play off periphery.

5 games lay ahead and apart from Eastbourne all of the clubs they would face were all amongst this mid table group.

The chance for place improvement if a win or two could be gained.

Eastbourne were in trouble. Unable to pick up wins they were cannon fodder for the conference teams.

Mark felt sorry for Eastbourne. The previous season they had pushed WSM hard deserving promotion for their efforts.

Once up they were struggling and now would be lucky to escape the drop.

Circumstances might change if they could pick up wins but leaking goals like a sieve and a couple of 5 nil drubbings not good for confidence. Only October and the league had already settled down into a rigid pattern.

Pre season favourites all jostling for promotion.

The also rans chasing scraps.

Mark suggested a target of three wins were there for the taking but after recent team performances there was work to do to impact realistically on this optimistic target. Players and the further adding to the squad had been an interesting debate. Bliss wanted success and keen for mark to use every ounce of the wage budget.

Mark continued to hunt for the players who could make a difference. later that day he would fly to Manchester to check out Christian Roberts and Matthew Tipton. Both could be available and both were the type of striker who could turn a tight game to WSM's advantage. Benyon and Newbold were potentially the best pairing in the league but injury and suspension could leave the team threadbare. Hence the need for experience and a potential match winner.

Bliss had not been his usual focused self during the meeting. The man couldn't keep still.

He had been made aware of the cloak and dagger visit of Carolyn Smith to the club and was waiting for the ramifications to land.

Mark had said nothing and Bliss like a small boy waiting for Christmas, lost patience and wanted to know what was going on.

Mark looked him in the eye.

'Paul I am not going anywhere. I have not changed my mind and I confirm that I am here for this season and will review my future in the Summer. If you no longer want my services let me know at any point and I will leave. No if's or but's or maybe's I will go. But I will not talk contracts with you now or talk to any club until the destiny of this club is confirmed this season. You have my word.'

The meeting finished soon afterwards and Paul still not sure of how or why the meeting had turned sour was left with more questions than answers. Mark had no time to add more to the debate. He had a plane to catch at Exeter airport and a short flight to Manchester with a two night stop over. He had a chauffeur organised for transport around the area at the other end.

Carolyn Smith. She was in the city looking after a couple of her clients and the timing beneficial to both.

The two had much to discuss and many loose ends to tie up and maybe the time together would provide a way forward.

The had a couple of very tense almost nervous encounters on the phone over the last few days. Being face to face again might provide some resolution and break the ice. Both had crossed a line in their relationship and time could not be turned back.

A lot to do in a short space of time and Halifax next up on Saturday for WSM. A very hectic schedule.

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The chauffeur awaiting Mark at the arrivals lounge at Manchester airport on a damp Tuesday evening was probably the best looking chauffeur in the world. Certainly the most expensively dressed. Carolyn Smith his agent had been waiting for the delayed flight and finished a client call just as Mark appeared through the gate.

Mark felt his heart beat faster. He mouthed the word 'wow' which made Carolyn laugh before he disappeared amongst a group of autograph hunters. Emerging at last he found her sat in her car parked close by to the exit. Quickly placing his bag in the back of the car he climbed into the passenger seat of the new merc. A quick affectionate kiss and they soon weaving their were their way away from the city. Utd were at home in a European clash but Mark and Carolyn were heading for the M56 and a short dash to Wrexham to pick up a reserve match featuring Christian Roberts.

Roberts could not agree a contract and remained on a month to month deal.

Negotiations had not only stalled but were effectively over. Roberts was considering walking away and starting fresh elsewhere.

Lee Houghton had done his homework and Carolyn herself at Mark's bequest had asked around through her agent contacts to verify Roberts position. All of the information gleamed added up to being a potential deal for WSM.

On a damp and dark evening the two would watch Roberts in action. Mark wanted to make the deal but wanted to see the player close up for himself. The journey North allowed him some breathing space from the day to day WSM work.

Time he could spend with Carolyn and together they could at least stop 'dancing around' the issues they now faced.

Football not for the first time in his or her life came first tonight. Roberts played well but was not fully match fit. Whilst not over weight he just didn't look as if he was match ready and the lack of regular first team action did not help his evenings work.

First touch and the eye for the target still but overall he was a yard short of his usual standard. Replaced on 80 minutes Mark knew that on the evidence observed that another piece of the WSM jigsaw had been found. A deal could be done dependant on Roberts demands and his willingness to move to the South West.

Later that night Mark and Carolyn were holed up in the Yang Sing restaurant in the centre of Manchester's china town.

Mark had been several times before on club trips with Chelsea and after signing the obligatory autograph for the owner they were seated in an exclusive and secluded part of the restaurant. Time for talking...........

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The banquet ordered Mark and Carolyn began to talk earnestly about the unfolding events of the past few days.

After working together for almost 20 years things would never be the same. The sums soon added up for Mark.

Whilst normally alert and aware of what was going on around him, a habit that served him so well on the pitch, he had not seen his impact on Carolyn at all. A shadow on his wall. Whilst with him always tactile and flirtacious he had made the assumption that the astute business woman managed her clients on how they reacted towards her. he had always been open, upfront, and from his point of view himself. From day one they had always got on like a house on fire. Their sense of humour, the things they liked and when working together their uncanny way of knowing what the other was already thinking.

Carolyn poured her heart out. For Mark it was uncomfortable listening. Clearly emotional over how she had felt over the time they had been together brought right up to date by the culmination of the very recent events.

For her it was a crossroads.

Either they sorted out their immediate futures both business and personal or they would have to move off into different directions.

No brainer...... for both they could only go forward in one direction.

That road was complicated and Carolyn didn't want to break any relationship.

All she would ever ask for from Mark is recognition of their strong bond and that they would spend time together wherever and whenever possible. A closer working relationship and much more besides but at the same time she was being realistic.

She would always be there for him , however their relationship would unfold from here on in.

Mark could not offer anymore and despite recent events didn't want to break up the happy home.

But he didn't want to take advantage of the situation, nor to have your cake and eat it.

Carolyn meant far to much to him for that. Complicated for sure but time would put a better perspective on their personal relationship. Take it nice and slow the best advice for both. On the business front a few ideas were firmly put to bed. No immediate move to a major club this season. No involvment in any coaching posts and regardless of who was involved he would not play any part in being parachuted into a club by a buy out. The future then a move to a London club would best serve his needs. He had a flat in the city and from Carolyn's point of view could always find a bed at her house. Hopefully hers she added with a gentle smile.

The meal as usual at the Yang Sing had been exceptional and after paying the bill they both made the short walk to the hotel.

They had booked two rooms both were on the same floor but a corridor away. After exiting the lift on the 9th floor Mark's room appeared first. Opening the door he looked towards Carolyn before saying 'Are you coming' and laughed as Carolyn pushed him through the open door adding the suggestive comment 'no I always walk this way'.

Business wasn't the only thing put to bed that night.

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After a much disturbed night and the two showered and refreshed, enjoyed breakfast together before making their way towards the city and a meeting with Christian Roberts representative. Carolyn had been amazing in action and within one hour of making a call to him the meeting was on. The outcome that Roberts was most definetly interested but wanted to look around the club was positive news. The deal all but done at a price that was value for money for the club. Mark's former player status probably the overriding factor in the move.

Paul Bliss would do the final deal if Roberts confirmed his interest in joining.

Roberts would not be available until the January transfer window the only disappointment for Mark but Roberts still needed to be convinced. Work to do. The rest of the day had been at leisure and the two had wandered around the Trafford Centre both frequently interupted by their mobile phones. Mark updated Mike Kilgour on the Roberts position and kept abreast of the training ground goings on whilst Carolyn soothed the fevered brows of a couple of movie stars. A spat on a movie set in Hollywood thousand of miles away calmy sorted.

That night another match. Macclesfield reserves to watch Matthew Tipton. Tipton like Roberts out of contract but training with the club and mixing with the youth and the other reserves. An old style target man and a regular goalscorer with a ratio of a goal every couple of games or so and someone Mark felt could add a point of difference to attack especially if Walker and Story could deliver the right ball. Tonight almost static in movment he still tore Northwich Victoria to shreds claiming three goals and two assists. Macc were mad to let him go but he had obviosly fallen far from grace. Not fit but another player that WSM would benefit from.

Mark again making use of Carolyn's contacts had all but done a deal.

Wages had been a concern but Mark explained the money he had left to the agent involved and that parity against the better earners at the club would be on offer. It was agreed that Tipton would journey south for a look around the club and again a fairly positive outcome to the dealings. Tipton likewise tied till January.

Two days soon passed and the two sadly departed at the airport. Carolyn had her own business to continue with in the North and Mark had a game to prepare for. A last lingering kiss and Mark was on his way to the check in gate. Carolyn watched him until she lost sight of him in the crowd. Tears welled at her feelings of being lost and alone.

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Returning to the club Mark purposefully stayed away from his desk spending time on the training ground.

Mark had already determined the side that would play Halifax. Sam Bailey to be replaced by the fully fit Somner the only change to team that had fought well against Stevenage. Kilgour noticed the immediate difference between Mark of the previous week and now.

More relaxed, almost glowing with confidence and keener than ever for the players to improve and work even harder.

Invaluable work done on the training ground hopefully to benefit the results later in the season.

Halifax - home


Mark was in excellent humour as he took his place in the stand. As the game kicked off he was completely at ease. The pre match decisions made and confident that WSM could gain from this match. Halifax were in the mid table pack and for either team to win a rise up the table would be automatic. Opening a new pack of gum he surveyed the shape of the team and with 15 minutes already gone WSM were already beginning to excert significant pressure on a decent Halifax side.

All was calm on the 'western front' and the drama of the next few minutes were still to unfold.

Matt Somner making his full debut was felled by a wayward elbow on 18 minutes. Not even a booking given for the act.

With blood streaming from his face the WSM physio team quickly cleaned him up and assessed his ability to carry on.

Temporarily down to ten men WSM were struggling to cope and the 7 minutes or so that passed, Halifax took full advantage of the extra man scoring a well taken goal from a free kick. Poor marking costing the goal. The extra space created to their obvious glee.

Mark moved from the stands to the touch line. He was livid at the marking and from the stands could watch only in agony at the Halifax goal. He had seen the danger early on from his seating angle.

Somner couldn't continue so Bailey would return to the frey. Mark calmly expressed to the physio that from his position in the stands it was obvious that Somner was struggling and the faffing about had cost the team a goal.

Minutes after being introduced Bailey stupidly handled the ball in the box.

Mark had gone from a relaxed, calm figure to attila all in the space of 35 minutes.

WSM were in all of the drama, playing well, but Halifax defending stoutly ensured the scoreline remained in positively in their favour.

Walker hugging the touchline closest to Mark was told to push up further almost making a third in attack.

Kirk seeing the game open up infront of him and that Walker had open space to run into drove the ball deep into Halifax territory.

Walker's pace took him past the right back and picking up the ball just outside the box he smacked the ball early towards the far post. The arrowed drive and the awkward bounce caught the keeper out. WSM would go into the break 2:1 down.

The tweak in tactics had worked.

The team talk glossed over the first half misfortunes and Mark demanded that the team go on and claim the win that their play deserved. At last a second half to remember for the 2518 fans. WSM were magnificent.

Benyon and Newbold the greatest duo to play in town since the halcyon days of Morecombe and Wise grabbed a goal a piece.

Benyon diverted a miss hit Kirk shot into the net. Who cares how it went in but the equaliser upped the ante for the WSM players.

Desperate for the win they played like demons.

Walker clipped a cross into the box on 73 minutes which Newbold powerfully headed past the keeper. What a match and what a performance. A five goal bonanza!

Matt Somner now fully alert again celebrated with the bench at the turn in fortunes. Mark's screaming banshee impression as the third goal created a lovely photo for the next day's newspaper. WSM closed the game out confidently and without scare but should have extended the score line. Walker, Newbold and Benyon the goalscorers but the whole team performance especially second half a joy to behold. WSM climbed the table to 16th passing Halifax on the way up.

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Kettering - away


Mark lined the same eleven players up for the Kettering match. Kettering had been divebombing towards the lower reaches of the league. After a superb start the season they had now gone 5 games without so much as a point.

Kettering close to Northampton one of the longest away journey's for the club to face. The colder weather had begun to make life uncomfortable and the ability to walk around the coach limited all meant that Mark had a miserable trip. He tried to get some sleep but without success. The card schools had never interested him so he grabbed his personal dvd player from his case and sat down to watch Bad Boys 2. One of his personal favourites all stemming from his footballing lifestyle. He had gone to several premieres in the West End and in this case had met both Will Smith and Martin Lawrence.

The two stars had been interested in the soccer player and Carolyn had wangled them a couple of seats for the Chelsea v Arsenal match whilst they were over promoting the film. The match had ended 2 all and the Hollywood superstars had been converted to the joys of the game. The crowd, the intensity and the sheer entertainment of the night had won them over.

Another damp october evening welcomed two teams to the pitch. 1100 souls braved the elements.

WSM keen to continue from the level of intensity they had finished the game the previous Saturday were like Mike Tyson in his heydey. From the whistle the pace, power and cleverness of the football displayed worthy of a higher level.

On 9 minutes Benyon broke from just inside his own half and strode clear of the leaden legged defenders coolly placed the ball past a spread eagled keeper. A lovely goal to break the ice of the evenings entertainment.

5 minutes later a similar move found Benyon striding free again only to be clipped from behind.

Falling in a heep Benyon lay still. The Kettering defender sent for an early bath left the pitch the same time as the WSM player. Benyon in agony on a stretcher.

A stark choice for Mark. Fobi Edusel or Marc McGregor. Based purely on goal scoring form McGregor got the nod.

He was playing well for the reserves and finding the net with great gusto.

11 versus 10 and for WSM a challenge. Kettering went into a shell demanding that WSM break them down.

Walker playing well on the left raised his game in recognition of the challenge faced. A mom performance for his efforts.

Runs, passes, crosses he ran the WSM show. On 42 minutes McGregor picked up a Newbold flick on and scored his first for the season.

2 up as half time approached.

Mark asked for the same again and introduced Edusel in place of Newbold and Bailey for Somner. Newbold had picked up a knock and Somner was blowing like an old steam train. Whatever Kettering drank at half time was a potent brew.

Staring defeat in the face and with nothing to lose they started to hit a direct ball looking for the knock down from the towering centre forward and to feed off the scraps. Adding another striker moving to three at the back they were going for it.

Unbelievably WSM blew the lead and three certain points. Kirk nearly had a heart attack at the teams shambolic second 45 minute performance. From coasting to a win to losing hard for everyone to bear.

Walker even had the last chance to steal the points but blazed his penalty over the bar in stoppage time.

One point instead of three meant no movement in the table for either team but a tightening of the mid table pack.

The post mortem after the game as uncomfortable ride for the players as Mark's long coach trip.

The unability to string wins together hampering progress.

Worse news to follow with Benyon sidelined for 3 weeks with a slight hamstring tear.

On the way home Mark sent a text to Carolyn. Despite the late hour the almost instant reply made his heart leap. The words said it all.

'Seen teletext score, omg can't believe it. Are you ok? Love C!'

Arriving back in Western Super Mare at 3 in the morning Mark drove home before collapsing in his own bed at around 4am.

Tired, exhausted and still unable to believe that the team had blown 3 points he would sleep until lunchtime.

The house still and everyone in it sound a sleep.

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Oxford - home


Oxford with Jim Smith at the helm had failed spectacularly to return to league 2 in the previous season. Blowing a 12 point lead with just ten games to go. Their play off chances also fell apart as Morecambe thumped them 3 nil in the first leg a defeat that ultimately condemned them to another season in the conference despite the result and performance in the second game.

Despite Oxford having a decent start to the season too many draws meant they were mid table but in 12th position only six points from a play off spot. The pace of the season not letting up and 3 days after the Kettering match WSM geared up for a very tough fixture. 2800 fans turned up to watch an improvement on recent weeks but the travelling 'U's had added plenty to the gate.

Mark selected the same team that had played at Kettering but for just one change. The injured Benyon replaced by McGregor.

As Mark moved towards the dugout he saw Jim Smith for the first time. Smith pulled him into a big bear hug and then affectionately tapped him on the cheek. Smith had tried to sign Mark when he had been at Oxford in their glory days of Aldridge and Houghton. Mark still then just making his way into the first team ranks at Stamford Bridge. The deal never got going as the clubs couldn't agree a price. Smith now looked his age but still had the enthusiasm of his youth!

A game of chess between two teams closely matched and determined not to lose.

Both prepared to wait patiently for an opening. For any neutral the match would have held their interest for a considerable time. The quality of football exceptional with the teams playing free flowing football, thrusting and parrying for the right opening and an opportunity to score. Second half and Mark introduced Richard Harris in place of Newbold up front approaching 70 minutes.

Harris more of a traditional centre forward with the build and pace to trouble a tiring defence now linked with McGregor. They had gelled well playing for the reserves and Mark hoped that the partnership would trouble Oxford at the back.

Within 15 minutes WSM scored the winner and Mark's 'inspired' substitution opening the locked Oxford goal.

'Inspired' was the local newspaper headline.

'Jammy' and 'flukey' more realistic and probably the adjectives that both Smith and Mark would have used.

Walker had swung in a free kick from wide on the right close to the corner flag.

An inswinging kick that Harris leapt to head goalwards. Mistiming his leap the ball bounced off his shoulder and went in completely the wrong direction landing at the feet of the unmarked and very surprised Jermyn.

Jermyn drove the ball home via a couple of richochets that in truth could have gone anywhere.

The Oxford keeper beaten by a deflection fell to his knees head raised towards the heavens.

A pinball goal....

Oxford were beaten and WSM moved upto 14th with Oxford down one place to 13th.

The mid table pack were all still very close but importantly the gap to the play off group for the 12th placed team down to just 5 points. For WSM and Oxford 7 points the difference between a promotion prospect or mid table misery.

Mark and Smith caught up post match and shared a father and son moment. Smith commented that he thought that WSM had been one of the toughest games they had played all season and that the team had the potential to get in amongst the play offs.

See you at the Brittannia Stadium in May his last comment to Mark before boarding the coach for the trip back to Oxford.

Amongst the crowd potential signing Christian Roberts had seen enough and quickly agreed to join the WSM team on a short term deal with the option of a further year. January couldn't come soon enough for Mark.

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Mark had no respite from the game frequency. Preparation and an away fixture to Eastbourne all bounced into just two days.

Paul Bliss had appeared at the training ground and personally thanked the team for their efforts and result against Oxford.

Bliss had brought to training Matthew Tipton who later that same day signed a deal similar to Roberts.

Not quite buy one get one free but two for a decent price from the finance point of view.

To sign up two well known and experienced pros a benefit to the second half of the season and both should make an impact at the sharp end of the league campaign. Money wise Bliss confirmed later that day that the purse strings were now pulled tight and that's your lot. January still some way off.

In terms of the squad there was now a decent balance between youth and experience but most importantly when the injuries and suspension hit quality back up. The example for all clearly visible following Elliot Benyon's recent absence.

The only area of concern was in the striking department and in one week this had been sorted positively.

McGregor one of the stars from the year before and struggling to make an impact at the higher level despite his recent first team run.

Harris and Edusel recent additions to the squad in August both working hard in training and ever keen to impress were no where near the class of the main pairing. Mike Kilgour's assessment of the the two new guys backed up Mark's thought process. Decent lads but short of the key indgrediants. Who knows they might yet have a part to play.

With them plugging away in the reserves a run of form and a torrent of goals may force the situation into their favour.

Harris's second half introduction had changed the result of the last game but he didn't look to have the game to trouble defences consistently. Mark would work with them both one to one for the next few weeks in training and encouraging signs could impact the team sheet.

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Eastbourne - away


The clash of the top two from last years southern league. Garry Wilson the Eastbourne Manager and Mark warmly shook hands on meeting and briefly chatted about life in the higher division. Wilson's team were struggling and late into October still without a win.

The same side that had played so well were out of depth and in trouble. No funds and low gates hampering the ability to attract new players. Mark felt some sympathy for his fellow manager.

The difference between the two clubs were stark at this moment in time. WSM had a decent support with many sell out games and a wage budget that had the flexibility to match the bigger teams. They also had Mark a Chelsea and England player.

His ability to attract players a bonus at this level. Eastbourne were desperate for a win but confidence low.

The game started with a flurry of Eastbourne attacks. All came to nothing and as the clock ticked to 20 minutes a dominant and forceful WSM took full control. 25 minutes and Newbold chipped sensationaly into the net. The Keeper well beaten all ends up.

Just before the break Somner headed past the keeper following a corner. His Elvis impression in celebration at the corner flag left much to be desired but added some humour to the half time team talk.

2nd half and a similar story developed.

Eastbourne determined to give the game a real go pegged the game back. A powerful run and strike from the impressive Douglas left Northmore felling for air. A lovely goal to cheer the Boro faithful. Walker soon restored status quo and the two goal lead. Owen Story beat the offside trap and delivered an inviting cross missed by everyone but landed at the feet of Scott Walker. 3:1 and the game was all over bar the shouting. Eastbourne should have been well beaten and WSM failed to take advantage. Newbold hit the post late on but WSM would have been flattered by an increased score line.

A great win against the league whipping boys and now up to 12 and just four points from the play offs.

October now looking promising and with a game to go unbeaten for the month.

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Southport - home


Mark pitched up at the training ground just after 11am the first day back after a panic call from the coaching staff.

The sight that met him resembled a war zone. Suffering from post match injuries defender Steve Evans, star man Scott Walker and striker Blake Newbold. Striker Elliot Benyon already ruled out for three more weeks the walking wounded another body blow to future game plans.

To risk all three unrealistic and potentially jeapordising the season.

Mark talked through with Kilgour the options in terms of reserve team players and their current form.

Defence would be a close call between Sam Bailey or Gary Thorne. Thorne had been one of the key players from the previous season and although now 31 dependable and form wise bang on the money. Bailey's confidence still causing the jitters in his play.

Thorne got the nod. In midfield Walker was probably unreplaceable. Out an out WSM's best player.

A simple choice on the left new summer signing Paul Harkness a recognised wide left midfielder and now showing his ability in the reserves. His chance to impact on the first team one that he would make the most of. Harkness on arrival had hoped to walk straight into the team. But unable to force his way into the team he had worked hard to impress and Kilgour was delighted for the lad to get his opportunity. Harkness could also move forward and in the reserve league had hit the net on a regular basis.

The biggest decision to make though surrounded striker Blake Newbold. To risk him in the Southport game one that Mark was prepared to take. Harris and Edusel would sit on the bench and be able back up. But a less than 100% fit Newbold the best solution for WSM goals. McGregor would be required to do all of the legwork with Newbold conserving energy whenever possible.

Pure risk and time would tell if the risk had been worthwhile.

Driving home the night before the game Mark heard the news on five live that Nigel Clough had been appointed manager at Forest. Mark was delighted for his old friend. Burton's season had not fired into life and they were at the wrong end of the table. Clough's Forest background had been the deciding factor over league form. Who cares, Clough deserved the move.

The phone burst in to life and silencing the radio just as Mark Lawrenson's weekend predictions were to be aired.

Mark's annoyance soon diasppeared as Carolyn Smith voice replaced Lawro's.

'Sorry Lawro no competion mate' Mark's first words in response to Carolyn's hello.

She had just returned from a week in Hollywood with some soap star keen to break the USA. Mark didn't have a clue who she was but Carolyn was convinced she could make the grade. The catch up banter moved quickly onto when the two could meet up.

Mark had been struggling with the work and home balance but had missed Carolyn during her time away.

Carolyn's idea of him taking in Chelsea versus Arsenal with him as her guest an offer not to be turned down.

He could drive up on Sunday morning and stay over before returning to the South West on the Monday.

It was just the matter of finding a bed for the night.....

A sell out crowd welcomed Southport to the west country. WSM much changed from their previous game and keen to extend the unbeaten run which now was four games started the game positively. Lovely early interplay between Kirk and Harkness created two early chances for the front pairing. Newbold who had missed an easy chance on 5 minutes didn't miss at the second time of asking. Story smacked a hopeful cross into the box that landed perfectly for the in form striker.

Three neat touches and a half volley all added to the quality of the goal scored.

The crowd roared in delight as much in expectation of a goal feast as at the goal itself.

WSM despite the unknown faces amongst the ranks were playing some lovely stuff. Harkness the best of the three.

As the first half closed there was only one team in the game despite the miserly score line.

The second half began to a last touch of Autumn sunshine crossing the pitch. Floodlights already on added to the brightness of the game. WSM continued to press for the second goal. Newbold had done a great job and was replaced by Harris on 55 minutes.

Harkness beginning to tire after his excellent performance substituted just on the hour mark.

Mark threw Edusel on the left in the hope that his pace could be utilised. The final move never got to be tested.

Southport lifeless and poor for the majority of the game but still only one down upped the pace making three quick changes.

Three poorly defended set pieces would cost WSM the points.

Two corners and a free kick the downfall to a team that on 70 minutes were the only winner of the game.

The team trudged off the pitch to the sound of boos. Jarman smashed his foot into the changing room door and best summed up Mark's thoughts of the game. WSM had been mugged out of a win.

Mark was lost for words.

WSM were the better team but Southport had the win, three points and had climbed the table overtaking WSM in the process.

The stats were uncomfortable reading. 60% of the pocession, 12 shots on goal and nothing to show for their efforts.

Apart from the late autumn sunshine the only other news to brighten the afternoon's gloom that Newbold had come through the game unscathed and perhaps more remarkably the play off pack were still only 5 points away. The mid table promotion pack of eight clubs were close enough to more than make up the numbers. Putting a string of wins together for all clubs in the league except the top three not an easy feat. Torquay, Woking and Grays were off into the distance. The rest were chasing just two play off spots.

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Mark couldn't sleep. He had been restless for most of the night and as the light dawned he got up showered and went out into the cold morning for a gentle jog and to buy a couple of Sunday paper's. The gentle jog turned into a 5 mile run and by the time he had enough pounding of the pavement the pain in his knee began to scream that it was time to walk. Still dark he surprised the local shopkeeper by appearing out of the gloom just as the door to the shop was opened.

Mark flicked the papers to the back pages and after glancing at the headlines bought a couple to read at the breakfast table.

Showered once more he poured himself a cup of tea and began to read the football news in detail. It had been a quiet weekend so far especially in the Premiership. The big game at 4pm live on Sky at Stamford Bridge.

Mark flicked through the football pages' until he found the non league round up. The WSM debacle received some attention.

The league table whilst not time yet for the razor blades still depressing. Halloween had not even arrived and Torquay were so far in front the game was pretty much over for the rest.

The house began to stir and the normality of everyday home life kicked in. Guilt never far from the surface of Mark's mind.

Time for play and football and the rest of Mark's baggage put to one side.

Guilt, hard to swallow when you driveaway from the house watched by the ones you love.

The porsche strained at the leash until set free on the motorway. The journey to London held no major hold ups.

Mark parked his car in the garage of his Knightsbridge flat. A short journey in the lift and on opening the door of the flat he was hit by the smell of freshly ground coffee. Carolyn had made herself at home and very comfortable.

Looking as stunning as ever and at home in the surroundings. The two wasted no time in reacquaintance.

Three hours later they were safely housed in sponsored box enjoying the best that the premiership had to offer.

Chelsea dominated a decent Arsenal side going onto win 2 nil. Already looking to secure a third title in succession.

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With the injury count mounting up against the welcome respite from the weekly bump and grind of the league appeared on the horizon in the guise of the fa cup. In the final qualifying game WSM had drawn Chippenham.

Mark had seen the signposts for Chippenham on the M4 and that was probably as much as he knew about the team.

The game however would allow Mark to make sweeping changes from the usual starting eleven and introduce some new faces. If the reserves couldn't beat Chippenham there would follow the night of the long knives.

In training the reserves impressed working especially hard hoping that their efforts would pay off and that their name would appear on the scoresheet. All season they had been thumped by teams much better than them. Now was a chance to take advantage of weaker prey.

Kilgour suggested the team and Mark encouraged by the reserves during the week saw no reason to tweak.

The team that faced Chippenham unrecognisable from the previous Saturday. The crowd a pitiful 1200.

Harris and McGregor the front pairing quickly got straight down to business. Harris hitting two speculative shots before 5 minutes had registered on the clock. Both brought out decent saves from the keeper and suggested that it would be a long afternoon for the Chippenham keeper. Seconds later the game had already turned WSM's way.

A poor clearance from the Chippenham keeper landed at the feet of Harris. A quick pass towards the left wing and Harkness broke free. A floated hopeful cross found the head of McGregor who could only move the ball goalwards. Fortunately Harris had anticipated the flick on and buried a header into the back of the net.

20 minutes and WSM celebrated a second. Another poor clearance eventually found it's way to Marvin Brown on the right wing. Beating his marker with a lovely step over he smashed a cross into the 6 yard area.

Harris and McGregor raced to get something onto the cross but their arrival just panicked the Chippenham centre half who headed past a surprised goalie.

WSM were coasting and continued to press for a third. The ability to leak like a sieve is a phrase found on 'wikepiedia' and features a picture of the WSM back four to demonstrate it's meaning. With no work to do for much of the first half they allowed a Chippenham striker an easy chance. A 'chip' from Dale beating the static Northmore.

Mark launched into some choice words and before he had dotted the i's and crossed the t's a Harkness daisy cutter creaped past a diving keeper restoring the two goal advantage.

Mark expressed his disappointment in the first 45 minutes performane and demanced great vigour second half.

The second half never got going. Chippenham keen to keep the scoreline down resorted to packing men behind the ball. WSM not clever enough to change the game. The second half drifted away into some tedious boredom. The quality from both teams very limited. Mark threw Scott Walker and Blake Newbold on for the last 10 minutes to try and increase the pace from standing to at least walking. The change quickly paid off and added to the scoreboard.

Walker slipped past his marker and all alone tapped the ball through the keepers legs and with it the 4th goal. WSM had been rubbish and the scoreline whilst suggesting otherwise just masked several individuals and their all round performance. Only Marvin Brown had played to the level Mark would even consider for a regular spot in the first team.

The arrival of Snow White at the end of the game would have been entirely appropriate.

Mark turned into grumpy guts in the changing room.

The peformance had been sub standard and the players were soon told of their short comings.

For WSM the prize of the win an away fixture to Grimsby in the first round proper but the reserves would be lucky to play any part in that match. For many the chance to play regularly for the first team gone for good.

Chippenham - fa cup final qulaifying round


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Feast to famine? Mark sat down with Paul Bliss on a miserable day at the beginning of November.

It was time for reflection and a review of the months games. Games? trial and tribulation more like.

Deals for players concluded, money spent. Now was the time for the club to stand firm. Bliss overall still couldn't believe that his investment were still on the outskirts of the play off group. Mid table was a nice place to be and with Eastbourne suffering so badly at the higher level a stark reminder of how fortunes could have fared. However with luck and a fair wind who knows where the club could end up. The addition of two experienced footballers in Roberts and Tipton both regular goalscorers at a higher level an omen of further good times to come. Both had been persuaded to drop down the league with a salary drop too and that had been all down to Mark and his powers of persuasion. From the almost twice weekly fixtures of October, November was almost starved of games.

Three league games, struggling Stafford away, Cambridge and Aldershot at home. Cambridge part of the packed mid table group of clubs and Aldershot firmly placed in the play off pack. There was also the FA Cup game at Grimsby to look forward to.

For Mark the challenge of picking up points against Stafford and Cambridge were critical.

Aldershot were playing well and even with WSM being at home this game would be very tough and even a point would be a fantastic return from the game. Aldershot were one of the leagues class acts and but for a poor start to the season would have been amonst the breakaway group at the top of the league. They were a cast iron certainty for a play off berth.

Two wins the target for November plus the hope to give Grimsby a good go...

The injury front was now improving and of the key men Benyon days away from a return, Walker and Newbold back to full fitness.

The only concern now surrounded Owen Story. He had picked up a knock against Stafford and despite physio prognosis on the bright side for a quick return Story looked to be away from the front line for at least 3-4 games. Marvin Brown about the only plus point from the Chippenham cup game would get a deserved start against Stafford.

Morale remained high despite the Southport drubbing. Work on the training ground sharp and keen. The reserves had even managed a draw - their first point of the season. Mark put that down to global warming....... but Mike Kilgour rightly celebrated the result as a good sign and the reserves all benefitted from the point gained against Spurs...

One point and bottom of the league. It would be interesting to watch the reserves train after a win.

The squad still paper thin. The fitness and hopefully a lack of suspensions to the first team players would be critical to league performance.

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Stafford - away


Lowly Stafford were on collision course for relegation. Unable to buy a win they were being taken apart by the class acts of the league. Potentially they were better prepared for a play off berth. This was no longer an option and their team morale had suffered accordingly. However in their forward line Olayoe and Madjo were a combination much admired by drooling managers. Together they were an awesome combination and as a pairing as good as anything else in the league. A potential mind field for the WSM defence and their preparations focussed their energy on combatting the 'gruesome twosome'.

Mark had already tasked Lee Houghton to run the rule over the two players. Both had sparked his interest and as either back up or straight replacement for Benyon and Newbold an exciting proposition. Houghton's reports had confirmed their ability and for Mark they would be added to the small list of short listed players. Like sharks the two hunted in a pair feeding frenzily off any defensive weakness.

The first team lined up, Brown replacing Storey and Edusel coming in to replace Mcgregor up front.

The sharks took advantage of weak opponents. Madjo and Olayoe combined triumphantly on 5 minutes creating the opportunity to for Madjo to lash home. Northmore launched into a post mortem with his static colleagues. The row rumbled on for a futher couple of minutes before Mark landed the message verbally to shut it and get on with the game..... (perhaps not so politely at the time)

The midfield four for WSM began to run the roost. Walker and Brown willing outlets for kirk and Jermyn. Edusel keen to make an impact working hard ploughing a furrow that created space for Newbold's pace and power.

The chances for WSM began to mount up.

Walker hit the post and crossbar on separate occasions, Newbold smashing a shot that glimmered past the right hand upright.

WSM were playing the football that Stafford were struggling to cope with. At last an equaliser, Newbold playing deep in his own half picked up a defensive clearance and similar to a Benny Hill scene was chased by the entire Stafford rear line.

Gasping for air after his lung busting run he cooly placed the ball to the unmarked Eduslel who had chased Newbold in parallel all the way. Edusel couldn't miss, but he tried hard. His shot bouncing off his knee and off the underside of the cross bar. A goal on 43 minutes and the game all square.

Second half WSM were whirling tasmanian devils. keen to grab a win and pinning Stafford back in their half. Stafford now playing the nervous footbll that had been the cause of their season long problems just hacked the ball clear with no style of finesse.

The hunting pack of Madjo and Olayoe ineffective without the ball wandered deeper and deeper to help maintain order.

WSM deserving the points for the win could only pick up the one point. For all of the pocession and shots on goal the second wouldn't come. The subs made to no impact. A point apiece - useless for both teams.

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Grimsby - away FA Cup First Round


The FA Cup over the years had been good to Mark. Two winners medals to show for his efforts along with a long discarded losers medal. Now pitched into the FA proper he was surprised that the fixture attracted TV interest.

There were much tastier ties this time around but the reasoning that an FA Cup winner was sat on the bench guiding the minnows of the round against a sea fairing town, and much bigger fish to boot enough to wet the appetite.

Billed as the 'Catch of the Day' a clever pun from the MOTD team.

The excitement and the glamour of the FA Cup and WSM's first entry to the FA CUP proper all served up a full stadium.

WSM fans waved their scarves against the background of the inflatable fish displayed by the home crowd.

TV cameras honing in to the bench caught Mark trying to be on his best behaviour becoming his alto ego, Attila.

In the full glare of the tv and with Grimsby out to make sure they played to their true ability WSM froze.

The seat in the dugout was barely even warm and WSM were staring a real pasting in the face. 3 down after just 20 minutes enough to question the sanity of any Manager let alone one trying to be on good behaviour. WSM were as bad as Grimsby were good.

Apart from the still unfit Benyon it was pretty much the best team WSM could put on the pitch.

A fourth goal on 40 minutes adding insult to injury.

Mark despatched a second half rocket and post break WSM began to play some decent football.

The tables had turned and Grimsby faded from the level of dominance on display for the first 45 minutes.

WSM kept cranking up the pace. The Grimsby keeper on top form foiled two or three real chances. The cross bar added further protection. With 15 minutes left Mark shuffled the pack. Benyon, Rose and Bailey thrown in to try and rescue some pride.

Chance after chance fell to WSM but they pin a tail on a donkey without a blinfold being in sight.

Benyon's 15 minutes of work almost sent the WSM fans home with something to show for their trip. Tripped in the box after a lovely break, Walker stepped up and soundly lifted the ball over the bar. Full time and no one could deny the difference in class.

But the second half showing all too late from a 'well beaten team' enough to keep the tv boys purring. All of the second half highlights belonged to the Grimsby keeper and the WSM team attacking. WSM had shown they could play some decent football and Grimsby but for a torrent of goals in the first half would have been involved in a close game.

Walker picked up the mom award for his second half exploits. A goal would have added gloss to his performance.

Grimsby progressed to the next round and WSM were in the cup less than it took to make tea with a tea bag.

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Cambridge - home


With the team needing lifting following the recent cup exit, Mark spent the whole week on the training ground. With just two weeks and two games before December the focus on lifting morale, sharing of ideas and grabbing maximum points. The first team despite two recent drubbings were still showing signs of maturity and confidence poured through each session delivered. The second half effort at Grimsby had set a standard that they were all keen to continue.

Benyon's back screamed the Western Mercury News. After 15 minutes action Benyon was now raring to go and his training performances demanded an instant recall. With Steve Evan's suspended Sam Bailey would return to centre of defence alongside Jarman. The only injury worry for the team now Owen Story. Marvin Brown his automatic replacement was doing well in his place and the team hadn't really noticed the difference. Seamless and all credit to the player himself.

Mark and Carolyn Smith were ships that missed in the night. Her future oscar starlet taking up much time in Hollywood and her November diary impacted by the long stayover in LA. Mobile phone bills leaped in value with their regular communication.

She had watched the Cup match on satellite ensconsed in some posh hotel and suggested that Mark needed to get out more and widen his vocabulary. The temptation to drop everything and head for the LA sunshine not too much to consider. The weather in November just wet. Mark hadn't seen Noah but any sign of animals lineing up in twos wouldn't have surprised him.

Despite the fact that they were rarely together apart thousands of miles hurt.

But life continues both on the work and home front. A difficult balancing act complicated by the Carolyn situation. Pictures of them together at the recent Chelsea game although innocent were still portrayed all over the press.

The fact that sat with them were a posse of old Chelsea stars including Di Matteo, Zola, Wise and Gullit further reason for the publication. The photos just made both aware of the difficulties of a 'secret' relationship.

Time could not be turned back....

Cambridge were part of the mid table group of clubs all hanging on to a dream albeit distant of promotion via the play offs.

WSM and Oxford were the teams closest to that reality. Cambridge knew the importance of the game and shortly after the whistle had blown started to stamp their mark on the direction the match would flow. Another long ball, direct team all about playing the percentage ball. After taking time to find their feet, WSM began to take control willed on by a sell out crowd.

Benyon although rusty started to lead the line dominantly and Newbold enjoying the freedom and space his strike partner delivered also playing his part in harrying a 'leaky' defence. Cambridge similarly had found the keeping of clean sheets difficult but had managed to win games by scoring more than the opposition. A nice habit to have.....

Newbold and Benyon would challenge this ability. Newbold put through on 20 minutes by a clever ball by Kirk cleared the last man before rounding the spread eagled keeper and joyfully adding to his season's goal tally. On 40 minutes a Walker free kick headed goalwards by Sam Bailey dropped kindly for the alert Benyon whose sharp turn and blast with his left foot hit the back of the net taking the keeper with it. Jubilation from the home support.

Second half and Benyon and Newbold searched for further goals. Half chances kept falling the pairs way before Newbold was brought down by the keeper on route to goal. The keeper sent off adding to the WSM fans glee. Benyon stepped up and lashed his spot kick into the crowd. Jeers of dersion from the away support. With the game almost over and 10 men Cambridge reluctant to attack WSM yet again failed to keep a clean sheet. One long ball disected the back four and Northmore could only watch as a spectacular shot flew into the top corner. Some goal but the game was over and WSM despite the very late scare had picked up three points.

Results went for them and WSM were now up to 9th and just three points from a play off berth.

They were closely joined by four other teams all looking to close the gap on closest rivals Exeter, Stevenage and Aldershot.

For WSM Aldershot up next.

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Aldershot - home


Aldershot and a difficult fixture for WSM to be watched by another sell out crowd at Woodspring Park. Aldershot for Mark were definetly a club that should be playing at a higher level. The total package superb. However one major 'but' in the process.

Every year Aldershot swould suffer misfortune of one kind or another and miss out on a promotion party. This year looked no different.

But for the top three flying away with the league Aldershot were a match to them in every department. Losses against Torquay, Woking and Grays had impacted on their league postion. Against everyone else they were picking up the wins.

This season a play off run would probably be the best they could hope for. Shocking to think November was shaping the league final placings 6 months away. For the first time in weeks WSM lined up their first choice eleven and bouyed by a baying and noisy crowd started to play the stylish football that had become their hallmark. 90 minutes of superb football followed.

Aldershot never out of the match but always having to defend well and repel the wave after wave of determined attack.

The game had nil nil written all over it but it was edge of the seat, hide behind the sofa entertainment.

Aldershot hung in grimly but at any time looked likely to scores on the counter attack.

Newbold, Benyon and Walker all missed chances that normally were bread and butter chances for glory.

A couple of slight scares for Northmore in the WSM goal kept him on his toes but as the game progressed only one team looked likely winners. WSM! Beyon still not sharp post kept being offered the chance to win the match but time was running out.

As the final whistle blew Aldershot almost celebrated a win.

The two managers shook hands on the touchline and Mark heard the kind words - 'best team we've played all year, Good Luck!'

Nice hearing the words but WSM actions on the pitch had deserved the win. The loss of two points could be crucial.

The league table however post match showed a closing of the pack and the play off group. 8 teams into four places would not go!

December would shake the promotion chasing group up once and for all. Merry Christmas one and all!

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December opened to unseasonally warm weather to the point where work on the outside training ground continued as normal.

Unbeaten through November had helped to position the club close to the play off slots. Their football positive and impressing the neutrals. The ability to beat the better teams remained elusive and worse still the bad habit of allowing teams back into games with a lapse of concentration jeapordising any promotion push.

However there were many positives to report at the December review between Mark and Paul Bliss.

Bliss now concious that the team were at least guaranteed mid table for a season's work and no longer needed to concern themselves with a relegation fight. The Eastbourne freefall had woken up a sense of realism at the board room.

With no money to spend, limited funds for new players and with the club still essentially part time recognition that Mark and the players were actually doing a fantastic job were the order of the day. Paul tried to steer the meeting towards a new contract for Mark. Mark body swerved the question as ably as any tackle he had avoided during his career. Even the sound of WSM having funds for transfer to the tune of £53k failed to ignite any contract discussions. Carolyn would have been proud of his change of pace and subject.

December still short on fixtures despite a busy festive period featured four league and one FA Trophy match.

But critically the games during the month contained only one home match for the fans to turn out in any force.

Bliss suggested that a run in the FA Trophy would be good news for the club but Mark firmly responded that the Trophy match was the least of his concerns. League games were his priority and nothing else mattered. 4 games and the challenge to the players to remain unbeaten. Easier said than done especially with the last game being against runaway leaders Torquay.

To maintain momentum 3 or 4 wins would be required. Anything less and the slim chance of a play off place would disappear from the horizon. The first team were pretty much back to full fitness barring the odd twinge. No worries yet from suspensions.

New signings would pitch up in January and would add to the team dynamic.

No point of their arrival if they were miles away from the play off places.

December the time for make or break......

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Crawley - away


Crawley one of the five or six teams involved in the relegation battle. Now unbeaten in three games with two wins and a draw they were making a fist of getting out of the mess they were in. The alarm bells were warning Mark well in advance of the match that Crawley would certainly go for the win infront of a decent crowd. WSM were well prepared and up to date on just what to expect and how they themselves could pick up an away win. A full strength team now emerged onto the pitch.

No injuries of note with Benyon and Newbold back in tandem to score the goals to drive the team forward.

Crawley tactics set to create immediate confusion.

Lining up 4,5,1 on paper they deployed a 4,3,3 and with a fair wind behind them went straight for the jugular.

WSM began to soak up the pressure but cleverly Kirk and Jermyn dropped deeper protecting the back four.

With their range of passing began to thread a series of diagonal balls towards the runs of Walker and the returning Story.

Newbold and Benyon also keen to explore the space offered by Walker and Story's movement.

Crawley playing neat attractive football, mixing it up and trying to outwit their opponents with well worked moves, soon created an opening goal. A corner kick on the right met perfectly by a Crawley centre half, who headed past the desperate dive of Northmore.

Despite playing some lovely football themselves, WSM having perhaps the better opportunities still looking for a clear cut chance to fall. On 25 minutes WSM were rocked to the core by a second Crawley goal.

An incisive move from the pacy left winger left Somner for dead before he hammered a looping cross into the box.

Northmore's immediate back pedalling signalled his real concern as the ball cleared him and landed in the back of the unprotected net.

Crawley Town fans rubbed thier eyes in disbelief. 2 up in less than 30 minutes.

The chants of easy, easy, who are ya deafening Mark on the bench.

WSM refused to buckle under the pressure exerted and within two minutes of the restart pulled a goal back and back into the game.

A free kick on the halway line knocked forward more in hope than anything else landed at the feet of Somner who cracked in a 30 yard screamer. The Crawley keeper given no chance. 2:1 and all to play for. Crawley now wobbled like a weeble.

The wind had been taken out of their sails and they now keen to protect their lead defended deep. The Crawley manager almost purple with rage and concern bellowed at them to go foward. The warning left unheeded as Walker on 40 minutes stepped over the ball dummied his marker and broke free before crossing a delightful ball picking out Benyon in the middle. No mistakes from the WSM striker who caught the ball full on the volley and dispathed the ball into the bottom left hand corner. 2 all at half time.

With words of encouragment and a greater desire to win the game WSM piled forward for the winner. 70 minutes on the clock and Newbold was mauled to the ground as he prepared for a corner kick. An easy option for the ref - penalty.

After recent misses the penalty taking duty handed over to the captain. Kirk using some enterprise and guile chipped the ball straight down the middle. The keeper diving to the left watching the tame shot gently caress the back of the net.

The travelling WSM fans danced in the ailse's.

What a turnaround from being two down and the first time during the season that WSM had picked up the points in high scoring game.

WSM picked up three points and moved upto 7th in the league. Strange times as WSM were the only team in the top 10 other than Torquay to pick up maximum points. Just Two points now separated 5th and 7th and five points between 5th and 9th.

Christmas had come early for WSM. Not for the back four though. They were destined for hard work back on the training ground learning the art of defending free kicks.

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Chester - home


An expectant 2910 turned up to watch the Chester clash. With the local paper screaming that WSM were beginning to gain pace against the league's best and the slim chance of promotion evident for all to see it was no wonder the crowd was high despite the temptation for Christmas shopping. In truth the crowd had been bumped up by a special Christmas offer - a quid for a kid. The sound of young voices singing along to the Christmas entertainment added to the usual anticipation of the only match at Woodspring part during the month. Santa supports WSM t shirts and the must have santa hat evident across each stand.

Chester were mid table. Now isolated in a small group of clubs going nowhere and for some happy to be there. Manager Mark Wright desperate for a decent perfromance wrung the changes to a side without a goal for three games. Set to defend and catch WSM on the break a pacy front line selected for the job. WSM fielding the same eleven that had won so well at Crawley, confident and determined to win set off at a lightning pace. Crash, bang, wallop Newbold and Benyon each making themselves a nuisance in the search of the first goal. The fans didn't have long to wait.

Jermyn tackled his opponent hard in the centre of the park picking up the ball before making one of his trade mark runs.

Newbold and Benyon like the red arrows dived off in all directions creating a hole in the middle of the area wide enough to drive a bus. Jermyn kept on going and clipped a drive past the keeper. 1:0

The fans expected so much more than the 9th minute opener. Both teams looked to create chances but as the game wore on and all substitutions made the game wound down to nothing. Three points more for the WSM collection and up to 6th still 2 points from a play off berth. The top three in the league miles clear but Aldershot, Stevenage, Exeter and a fast gaining WSM all looking and playing for two play off spots.

It's Christmas bellowed the WSM tannoy as Noddy Holder sang his famous festive tune.

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Forest Green - away FA Trophy


Forest Green were a long standing conference side bordering the West Country and firmly placed in the middle of the table.

For them the FA Trophy a chance to glean some silverware. For Mark the game an annoyance in the way of a decent league run.

But keen to maintain momentum with a win and 'ever so mindful of Bliss's desire to win something' Mark fielded the same team that had picked up a win at home to Chester.

As the game drew near Mark recognised that the desire to win had overtaken the desire not to be involved in the competition at all.

The energy and focus burned as bright as ever in pre match conversations and as the team lined up at the start of the game there was every confidence that the team would look to play Forest Green off the park and win with a sense of purpose and style.

Kirk and Jermyn determined to starve the Forest green attack of the ball quickly stamped their authority all over the game. The midfield du then began to stroke the ball around the park encouraging runs for the ever hard working Walker and Brown.

Up front the deadly duo were keeping their markers occupied and trying to create the space for maximum chaos.

The game played for the first 20 minutes all in the opponents half but little or no shots on goal for their early effort.

30 minutes past before Newbold picked up a Walker pass and called the keeper into action. An acrobatic save comfortably keeping the ball from hitting the net. Picture postcard technique and drew applause from the home crowd.

The applause turned to boos shortly afterwards. Kirk broke into the box keen to get on the end of a Story cross and was blocked from doing so. Penalty..

Kirk stepped up and smashed the ball venomously past the Forest Green keeper. 1 nil and looking good for the win.

Mark demanded even more from the team for the second half especially with the delivery of the final ball. Keen to score more WSM drove forward in search of goals. With time running down Mark introduced three substitutions. Newold and Benyon replaced by Harris and Harkness and a tiring Jermyn by Rose. 80 minutes and WSM were in the box seat and through to the next round.

What happened next? Something Mark had played with the Question of Sport team in the past and something even he would query in the hours post game. All hell broke loose. From nothing to show for 80 minutes work after 85 minutes and Forest Green had won the game and were marching triumphantly through to the next round.

One breakaway goal caught Bailey napping and ditthering over the ball and instead of just getting rid of hit he allowed the Forest Green striker starved of any chances his goal. One shot one goal a great ratio.

Self inflicted. The fans rubbed their eyes in disbelief and straight from the kick off were pinching themselves to wake up from their dream.

To take the pace from the game and to allow time for regrouping Kirk hit a pass back towards Northmore.

Northmore and Bailey got in each others way and just stood watching the ball as Forest Green scored a second.

Northmore took full blame and apologised to his colleagues for his obvious mistake. Why he didn't call for the ball he would never more.

Mark threw the water bottle he had been holding against the dugout. It exploded spilling it's contents and soaking a shocked Mike Kilgour. To lose a game when they were in complete control - unbelievable. The WSM fans jeered the team at the whistle.

Mark laid in to the players as they sat down feeling sorry for themselves in the changing room.

A couple tried to speak up to suggest that the performance outweighed the result.

Mark rammed their feeble words of reply back down their throat. Since when did a losing side merit praise about the quality of their football.


'Crap happens' but the best way to respond was to remember the feeling of loss and strive to make sure it didn't happen again.

There was a message for all to remember - 3 points on boxing day, same team as today and the best reply to me is to win and prove that this was a one off. Words mean nothing it's your actions that matter.

Mark stormed off to face the media and the stare of Bliss and the fellow directors who had made the journey for nothing.

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York - home


The oddness of the wonderful fixture computer created a huge gap in December. Following the FA Trophy game and thier eviction from the tournament there was a huge gap of almost a fortnight until the Boxing Day game. Time for some fun in the sun. Mark took the chance to escape for a week or so Orlando to soak up the rays and to get some Christmas shopping done early.

Christmas would be very difficult this year with two away games sandwiched between Christmas Day and New Year and made worse by the York game being away. Christmas Day festivities would be curtailed for the overnight trip required.

Florida was as hot and welcoming as ever. The chance to swim every day in the Hotel pool one not to be missed, the late night shopping a delight and with everyone in festive mood but without the stress life was good. Daily Mark would recieve a fax from the coaching team updating him on the team but all reportedly fit and well and raring for the York game. Mark had allowed the team some time off. The iron fist in the velvet glove. At least everyone could have some family time before the Boxing Day game.

The only other person to contact Mark on his holiday Carolyn. A couple of furtive calls and discussions on when and where to meet up quickly confirmed. It had been several weeks since their last time together. Carolyn still making the shuttle flight to LA for long periods of time. The casting couches of Hollywood requiring her to be with her starlet. The starlet however was becoming a primadona and Mark helped to soothe a fevered brow.

The backdrop of the Disney Castle at the Magic kingdom surreal when the topic of conversation between the two returned to football and the troubles for Steve Mclaren. Mark had been entered in the betting odds to be the next England manager at 33/1.

The other names all heayweights compared to his. Pearce and Southgate were 4/1 with Bryan Robson 40/1.

Mark revelled in the odds before returning to reality and the firework display behind him.

The shock of the cold air on his return to the UK a shock to the system.

The last couple of days before Christmas were the final detail of how to beat York.

York after a bright start now stagnating in mid table. Putting together two wins the reason for their position. Hard to beat but not heavy goalscorers. Boxing Day and the phrase turning pear shape summing up the festive action for WSM.

Unchanged and keen to make amends for their recent dismeanor.

100 WSM fans braving the elements and the long journey.

York started well and looked keen for an early breakthrough. 25 minutes and WSM were beginning to take control.

Somner booked after 10 minutes for a clumsy tackle the only blip against the team.

A hit and hope ball from York found the lumbering centre forward completly unmarked and he didn't miss. Only one problem he was two miles offside let alone one. After fumbling with his boot laces he had slowly amboled back to the centre line only for the ball to land at his feet. Mark was furious, Somner couldn't believe it and led the protests on the field. What ever was said offended the ref. A second yellow followed by a red card. Miles from home, 1 down and down to 10 men on Boxing Day a fair idea of how pear shape the game plan had gone.

Choices for Mark lay in changing the shape by adding a defender in place of Newbold or Benyon. Alternatively stay as they were with a huge gap behind Story in midfield and hope that the attacking formation would lead York to some confusion.

Early in the second half the plan and after holding York to the one goal the tactics came to life and WSM reaped the reward biting firmly into the pear. First Newbold picked up a Kirk pass and lashed past the watching keeper. One all and WSM now drove on in the final 15 minutes looking for the goal. Story was exhausted and replaced by Marvin Brown. Brown became the hero as the game ebbed away. Bailey playing the game of the season and on his way to the mom award firmly tackled the ball carrier and quickly released the ball and found Kirk in space. Brown was on his way and the freshest legs on the pitch were never going to be caught.

A perfect pass landing just in his stride and with time to way up his options he raced around the keeper and wacked the ball into the empty net.

The fans were delirious silencing the large home support. The ref blew the whistle and ended the game.

Mark joined the players who ran over to the away end. News spread quickly that with the other results coming in WSM were now in 5th place and the last of the play off spots. Stevenage were 6th but this was only due to a better goal difference for WSM.

Torquay the runaway leaders up next for a rising WSM team.

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Torquay - away


Everything preparation wise for the game at Torquay had gone like clockwork. No serious knocks for the physio to worry about which was a blessing with just three days since the last game.

Matt Somner had picked up a suspension for his straight red card and was the only change to the side that had beaten York. Steve Evans happy to be back in the first team at centre half with Sam Bailey moving back to the right back position.

Forgetting the FA Trophy blip WSM were unbeaten in 6 games and on the rise league position wise. A confident and determined side would face the league leaders just before New Year.

Torquay with Ian Atkins at the helm had survived relegation the previous season and keeping the nucleus of the same side together and rocketed to the top of the league and remained unbeaten for the season.

A tough home coming for Torquay's favoured son.

Only 2000 fans braved the wet afternoon. A torrential downpour just before kickoff making the pitch trecherous in places. Mark walked on to the touchline and heard the words - 'fat boy fat boy gives a wave'.

Turning he was surprised to see the whole Leeds squad sat behind his duigout with Dennis Wise leaning across the top.

Leeds back in the Premier league and due to play Plymouth at Home Park the next day had stopped over at Torquay. A shake of the hands between the ex blues and a wave to Ken Bates wrapped in a blanket in the directors box.

No time for chit chat the game kicked off minutes later.

Torquay were an excellent side but for fifteen minutes struggled to cope with WSM. Walker at his mercurial best and creating havov. Newbold and Benyon both having half chances but unable to hit the net.

The pace of the pairing giving the experienced centre half combination a torrid time.

Torquay happy to clear their lines in the initial minutes started to work their way into the game and show thier true ability.

20 minutes and a corner found a Torquay defender all alone an allowed a free run at the ball. One header back of the net, Northmore no chance.

Torquay relaxed and despite the goal advantage allowed WSm the time to play their pretty football.

Torquay had no answer to the WSM style of football but as they remained unscathed at the back defended deep without major alarm bells ringing.

On 42 minutes they were made to pay for their relaxation. Walker broke free after a Wilce ball deep into the corner. Walker looked up and crossed first time. Newbold flung himself ast the ball and connected perfectly. One all at half time and both teams much to play for.

Mark stressed at half time that the game was theirs for the taken. The team should be more than level. No changes made to either side and round two of the titanic struggle kicked off.

Dennis Wise caught up with Mark close to the dugout and cheekily asked how much did he want for the front pairing plus Walker. 'More than you've got matey' Marks immediate response.

Torquay started the second half with some vigour.

A couple of rough challenges setting the tone of the game.

A nasty knock to Kirk meaning a substition had to be made. Paul Harkness got the nod to replace him.

In the immediate aftermath of the change Toruay snuck a goal. A Jarman clearance sliced towards the Torquay striker who dutifully despatched the ball into the net.

Two minutes later they were three one up only for the goal to be ruled offside. The late flag sent Mark over the edge. The assistant apologised almost immedaitely to him.

The game then exploded into life for WSM two simple passes released newbold. One on the left and the second on the right. Two chances and two well taken goals. The first a run and smash into the left hand corner the second from an acute angle from wide on the right.

65 minutes gone and WSM were in front and the Torquay crowd witnessing their unbeaten team being taken to the cleaners.

The dispair lasted less than a minute. Straight from the kick off Torquay scored. One missed tackle the root of the problem. Still on cloud nine after the third goal WSM had given Torquay a simple chance to level.

Go for the win or take the draw? WSM went for the win and with all of the play in the Torquay half there could only be one winner. Several chances fell to Newbold.

The hatrick boy should have passed to his better placed teammates but each time he balloned his chance.

Torquay then snatched the win. Jarman trapped the ball and as the Torquay man closed he slipped on the wet ground. A clear route to goal and no one was going to stop the lightning quick Reid Torquay's leading goalscorer. The crowd hushed before Reid cheekily tapped the ball through Northmore's legs.

Unbelievable stuff. WSM yet again had lost in a high scoring encounter.

All of the plaudits and kind words towards the team meant nothing. WSM were beaten and the loss allowed Stevenage the chance to move back to 5th.

In the bar with Wise and crew post game the conversation was muted.

All knew that WSM deserved something from the game but despite having 60% of the ball and twice as many chances as Torquay it all added upto nothing.

Happy New Year! at least Leeds picked up a 2:1 win at Plymouth and celebrated the New Year with style.

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Grays - home


When the going get's tough....

With the bells of the New Year still echoing WSM lined up to play Grays.

Just three days after the car crash of a game at Torquay a much changed side faced up to play 2nd in the league Grays.

Torquay followed by Grays not the easiest of fixtures to crash land around the New Year Period.

Changes to the side had to be made. Players had run themselves into the ground searching for the win were still suffering from the physical effects of the Torquay game. Suspension for bookings also now hampering Mark's team selection.

A 'sober' manager had been selecting the team since the early hours of New Year.

All of the first team and reserve squad had been made aware of their opportunity to play and were ready and waiting.

At the ground from 9.30am the players underwent their usual pre match warm up.

The early arrival at the ground required for Mark to assess the fitness and availability of each of them.

By 11am the team had been picked although much of the picks were enforced rather than by choice.

Newbold the major loss. He was on fire and at the turn of the year well on his way to being the Conference leagues top scorer.

Even in eventual defeat his hatrick had been nothing short of sensational. The boy was class. The difference in just two seasons unbelievable. Mark knew that there were several clubs watching him and even Dennis Wise although at the time tongue in cheek had recognised his ability and wouldn't forget the boys obviously talent for hitting the net.

In addition his all round footballing ability with the knack of either creating space or the final pass for a team mate were all showing improvement.

Leading the line in tandem with the pacy an equally talented Benyon still a combination that left Mark drooling.

Northmore keeper, Gary Thorne right back, Wilce left back, Evans and Bailey in the centre of defence.

Midfield Harkness on the left, Rose and Kirk in the centre with Marvin Brown on the right.

Up front Harris and Benyon.

The changes made were all forced and if life not difficult enough for the home side next up a team that had trounced them 4:1 at Grays.

A dry and mild afternoon welcomed Grays to Woodspring Park along with a sell out crowd of 3000.

Grays playing the confident and cocky football that had propelled them to the top of the league lined up pre match favourites.

Within minutes of kick off justified their tag as likely winners.

First in to the tackle and assured with their touch Grays began to assault the WSM goal area.

Mark dragged the back four back trying to get them to stand a yard or so their opponent. This gave Grays space and time but at least WSM defenders could see the ball and be a yard ahead of the attacker should a direct ball bypass them.

The balance of defending deep but not to deep utter most in Mark's mind.

The prodding and poking from Grays continued for the first 35 minutes. Northmore whilst wary and alert still untroubled.

Free kicks needlessly given away the first cause for concern. Grays piled players forward at every free kick.

Twice within minutes a near scare for WSM as the game moved towards half time.

Each time despite a clearance being made the ball would be pinged back into the box and Grays should have taken their chances.

Northmore's brilliant save followed by a goal line clearance from Bailey protected the scoreline.

As the whistle blew WSM like a punch drunk boxer staggered towards the changing rooms.

Out played, out fought and out witted by a very very good side.

Mark looked at the players in front of him. Several were exhausted and there was still another 45 minutes of action. Changes had to be made. Benyon complained of injury and Edusel a straight swap. Benyon had made a couple darting of runs but felt as if he had tweaked a hamstring. Nervous of further damage Mark had no choice but to sub him.

Kirk another suffering from too many high tempo games. The lack of options now biting WSM severly.

Bailey moved to midfield alongside the experienced Rose with Craig Rand moving into defence.

When the going gets tough....

Second half and the writing was on the wall. Sam Bailey out of his usual comfort zone was completely out of his depth. Mark knew within minutes that the switch hadn't worked. Harris was removed seconds later for Mark to send on Story. Story not fully fit but needed to add soem experience in the centre of the pitch. Edusel left to plough a lonely furrow up front whist WSM packed the midfield.

All to no avail. Grays continued to press forward and went to three at the back to counter all of Mark's most recent changes. Harkness and Brown two players who were used to providing an out ball penned into defensive duties.

Dark clouds began to appear over the pitch as well as on it.

Clinging on for at best a draw the only hope for WSM. The fans did their best to rouse a rear guard effort. Many wishing they had bought a pillow to hide behind. Desperate stuff as WSM fought for a point.

Grays were not to be denied. Once the first goal went in the second quickly followed.

On 80 minutes a free kick just outside of the area whizzed past Northmore. He never saw the ball until he picked it out from the net.

A cracker and worthy of the points. Before the final whistle Grays rubbed salt in the wound.

Desperate to clear the ball from their area Bailey lunged in and took the ball and the man. Harsh but often a penalty offense.

Grays smashed the ball home and extended the gap of the top three versus the also rans.

WSM were not even close to being able to emulate Grays. The lack of depth and experience amongst the WSM ranks had played it's part.

Grays were miles in front and WSM were well beaten.

No bright light on the horizon but for the due arrival of Christian Roberts and Matt Tipton.

Never more were two experienced heads required.

Worse news for WSM fans followed. Benyon now sidelined for at least 6 weeks.

Dumped out of the play off places and back in 7th the New Year omens were not looking down with any affection for Mark and his team.

Press commentary post game suggested that WSM like 'Thomas the tank' had run out of steam and the end of the over achievement in league placings was now at an end.

Questions of Mark staying or moving on also quickly resurfaced.

Suggestions of lack of money for quality replacements or new faces the root of the problem according to sources close to the club.

Mark had no idea what they were talking about but didn't see any point of getting involved in the conversation.

The January review with Paul Bliss something he would really look forward to.....

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January 2008 Review

Mark sat in the boardroom. He had been at the ground since the early hours of the morning. Another sleepless night leaving no point to just lying in the bed.

Arriving at the ground before daylight he had made himself at home in the boardroom. He was prepared for the searching questions from Paul Bliss about recent performances and their projected final league position.

Matt Tipton and Christian Roberts were due to arrive later the same day and their intergration into the sqaud extremely important to the longevity of any promotion hunt.

The matter of player contracts would need to be considered and just who would be offered a further deal.

On this thorny subject Mark had decided not to renew contracts in January but would postpone the wheeling and dealing until late Spring. The fate of the season would be known by then and decisions would be much simpler to agree. The only grey area regards this stance would be over the three or four cast iron certaintys who were part of the WSM future. Walker, Benyon and Newbold.

Did Mark lock these three players in to a longer deal now or gamble that by waqiting no one else would sniff an opportunity to sign them.

There was also the consideration of the impact of offering them a deal and the impact on the rest of the team.

Lack of sleep had been of some benefit. He had bounced the idea around long enough.

No deal for anyone until March.

More sleepless nights to follow. If WSM went no where he would have to consider a major overhaul of the squad. If they did get back into the play offs then someone else would be aware of the talent at WSM.

With WSM no longer being involved in the cups the remainder of the January fixtures were crammed into the latter half.

4 fixtures in two weeks with no games until mid month.

Ridiculous but at least allowing time for recuperation and some serious training sessions. Tipton and Roberts wouold also benefit from serious work on the training ground.

Bliss and Mark after debating the contracts scenario moved onto the games.

Forest Green, Kidderminster, Burton and Exeter.

Mark wanted 3 wins. The first three games were winnable. Kidderminster and burton both at the wrong end of the table were must win games. Forest Green although recent winners against WSM would offer no surprises and the team should pick up another three points.

The voodoo of not beating a top 6 club would need to be broken if anything was to be gained in the Exeter game. Nine points a minimum set.

Bliss remained optimistic. The club were making money, were miles ahead of the club predecitions and yet he had allowed himself to be sucked into the promotion dream.

Mark could see the fire in his eyes. January would either burn his house down or ignite the dream further.

Bliss passed a piece of paper across the table. £53k were the only words.

'Yours to spend..... available from now'

Mark stared at the paper and before he had a chance to respond the door to the board room burst open. In stepped Carolyn. Mark caught his breath. He had no idea that she would appear as his last call on New Years Eve had been to her in the USA.

A kiss on the cheek for her client and a shake of the hand for Bliss.

Bliss did all the talking. 'I asked for Carolyn to attend today but didn't tell her why. We want to talk contracts. You won't even discuss the subject with me but I wanted to move some earth with the debate. Carolyn obviously is involved in your decision making so that is why she is here. Cut to the chase sort of thing I guess you would say.'

Bliss then offered a three year deal or a shorter one year deal but on less money.

Carolyn grimaced. She was suffering jet lag and whilst making the journey for purely personal reasons she was still astute enough and right now awake enough to smell a rat when she saw one.

Without making eye contact with Mark she uttered the immortal words 'Deal or no deal. Paul no deal, my client will not sign up to a new contract today, next week or next month. We will sit down again in the Summer and discuss the subject at the appropriate time. That time is not now. I don't appreciate being summened like this especially as I could have told you all of this over the phone.

Mark foolish though he can be where WSM are concerned will not talk to another club until we have met again in the summer. That is the best deal you are going to get today. There is interest in him that you will know but nothing I repeat nothing will be done until you, Mark and myself have resolved the scenario first.

Now where can I get some more of this fresh coffee.'

The meeting bounced along for another 40 minutes or so before Bliss recognising a glorious failure in his attempt to move matters in his direction called a halt.

Mark was due on the teaining ground in twenty minutes but couldn't leave the exhauseted Carolyn to her own devices. he drove her to the hotel and after putting her to bed and not taking advantage of a helpless lady promised to return later.

Mark hit the training ground on fire and took most of the late morning session himself. The new boys had arrived and were given to Kilgour for an intensive work out. Both unlikely to feature in the first team for a couple of weeks until their match fitness levels were at their peak.

The 5 a side match after lunch had allowed mark some serious fun and the old skills and timing had not been lost. Picking up a couple of goals and avoiding any damage to his knee he had fun in the winter sun.

Mark spent the rest of the afternoon under the covers checking through all of the finer details with his agent.

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Forest Green - away


The week between the Grays loss and the game between Forest Green had literally flown by. Training and the introduction of the two new players had been positive and time well spent especially as Mark had time to work with the 'team' defending set plays which hopefully would go someway to halt the alarming leaking of goals through this route.

Mark had also spent time on the motorway looking at a couple of potential signings. He had taken in the Southport v Stafford game which featured two or three interesting striker options. The time away had been in the accompany of Carolyn Smith.

A Brief encounter before her return trip to LA.

Together they had watched the game before she flew out next morning and as per usual she had done the homework on the scouting options.

All could be signed and would cost money, but with WSM having 53k to spend no longer 'no goes'. No longer out of reach.

The Stafford front pair were as usual electric but Stafford were awful and apparantly doomed to relegation. Mark wanted both as cover for Benyon and Newbold.

Michael Moore for Southport had taken WSM apart late last year and played in this game witha vigour and drive that reminded Mark of himself. Moore had a dream game and led the line superbly picking up a goal and an assist as Southport picked up an easy win.

Mark drove Carolyn to the airport early next morning and with a heavy heart made his way south wards.

Life was complicated enough without acting like a lovesick teenager and no hurt his family.

The F Green game was something to fire the soul. Revenge.....

After being dumped out of the FA Trophy just 4 weeks before a return trip to WSM a chance to make amends.

Forest Green now on a run of four wins out of five and unbeaten in six pressing to get back into play off contention and WSM needing a win to get back on track. An interesting game and FG were clear favourites.

Twenty minutes gone and WSM were on fire. Whoever said revenge is a dish best served cold was talking rubbish. Walker and Newbold had already gone close to opening their account and FG were grimly holding on under the pressure.

Benyon was flattened at a corner kick. A haymaker landed right on the money. Penalty and after the noise had subsided and a red card shown Walker placed the penalty into the bottom right hand corner.

At half time the scoreline remained 1:0.

Mark far from happy that the amount of chances versus goals scored rallied the players for a greater pace and more movement from the front two in the second half.

FG were all over the place.

Feeling the loss of their captain and centre half and now unable to cope with the lively football being played out in front of them they continued to defend as if their lives depended on it.

Newbold and Benyon heeding the request for movement carved out a goal a piece.

Both picked up a Walker pass and with acres of time ran on to the ball and slammed a shot past the keeper.

The goals came on the 70th and 76th minutes all about movement, timing and sheer pace.

Two more replica goals were added before the final whistle but inexplicably were ruled out each time for offside.

Despite the thumping win and a certain three points Mark lost his rag on the touchline and despite a lecture from the ref kept up a running commentary to thew asst in front of him. Fortunatley the words were seen as friendly banter and there was no further penalty taken against the WSM boss.

WSM deserved much more than a three nil win.

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Kidderminster - home


The frequency of the January games now coming along with little time to draw breath. The away midweek fixture to Kidderminster a chance for WSM to add stimulus to their stalling hunt for a play off berth.

Kidderminster were in the bottom three. A change of manager over the New year period had brought instant payback and the team remained unbeaten under their new jockey.

An unchanged and confident WSM who were still awaiting the arrival of the calvary on the scene in the form of Roberts and Tipton had been dealt a dvastating blow in training just hours before kick off. Roberts closing in on match fitness had fallen awkwardly and had been ruled out for 4 weeks. Longer probably to regain full fitness. Tipton however would finally appear on the bench. Not fully fit but able to make an impact for 20 minutes or so.

Mark had to deal with a strop from Harris and Edusel who both feared for their WSM longevity.

Working hard in the reserves, scoring lots of goals the only way they could force themselves back into the team were the only words of comfort that Mark could offer. Both had the chance to make a claim for a place but hadn't made the grade. Edusel had picked himself immediately but a sullen Harris had trained for the last 24 hours.

With the wind behind them of a decent win against Forest Green, Kidderminster were rocked back straight from kick off. Excellent link play between the front two left defenders chasing shadows and in the darkness Jermyn thumped home a 30 yard cracker. He could have run on but as the ball bounced up invitingly he struck it on the volley. A barnstorming start for WSM and one up after 7 minutes.

One way traffic for the remainder of the half puctured by the odd break out attempt from Kidderminster.

WSM were looking comfortable and as the break closed Benyon made an opportunity for himself. After dithering amongst the Kiddie defence Benyon still had work to do with the ball but after a series of step overs the closest defender now forlorn in a heap leaving him one on one with the keeper providing him with the chance to double the score. No mistake.

2:0 at half time.

WSM were playing some sensational football and despite the 15 minute cooling down period commenced the 2nd half in the same sparkling form as they left the first.

Benyon keen to explore a lack of pace amongst the Kiddie back four picked up a wonderful Kirk through ball on 50 minutes and as he 'lifted his right foot' to chase the ball goalwards a sickening clash followed as his standing leg was taken away.

The yellow card instantly produced for the offender not sufficient to calm Mark.

A clear goal scoring chance lost and made worse by a prostrate Benyon who hadn't moved since the incident.

Benyon had been clearly taken out and the yellow card rubbed salt in the wounds.

Kilgour pulled Mark back to the dugout to protect his boss from trouble.

Tipton warmed up and replaced Benyon.

The physio suggested to Mark as he followed the stretcher down the tunnel that the injury to Benyon looked nasty and that 6-8 weeks out would be a best guess at the minute. Benyon was on his way to hospital.. he had already responded quickly to treatment during the season when he looked a long term casualty but this time everyone knew the damage was long term.

Mark stared silently towards the heavens.

Blood pressure and the red mist descended on WSM. Niggling fouls and off the ball incidents began to mount.

Kidderminster now saw a chance and took it. WSM were at boiling point and suffered the indignity of being hauled back to level.

The focus and desire had been knocked out of them.

The first goal a penalty after Jarman felled his man. The second from a corner kick which Evans climbed to clear but could only head the ball past a stricken Northmore.

On 75 minutes 2 all.

Mark threw Brown and Rose on to steady the midfield. The yellow card count rising rapidly and their was a fear that WSM would lose a man.

The move calmed the storm and Rose the club captain quickly got amongst the team making sure Mark's words and deeds were landed.

With 10 minutes on the clock there was still everything to play for.

Tipton waited until the 89th minute before making himself an instant hero.

A Walker free kick curled towards the centre of the box and as a flurry of bodys began to move towards the ball Tipton rose quickest and despatched a firm header into the net. Unstoppable! The team and the few WSM supporters making the journey celebrated as much as in relief as delight.

Kidderminster were beaten, three more points for the cause.

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Burton - away


Since Nigel Clough had left the club Burton had gone into a freefall dive. A further managerial change had made no difference.

Like the scottish soldier in Dads Army - they were all doomed! Rock bottom and needing to win 90% of the matches left in the season to have any chance of safety. With the games left for them this was probaly nigh on impossible.

Mark had warned that Burton would hold for the draw and put eleven men behind the ball and look for WSM to break them down.

250 screaming WSM fans hoping that two wins could move to three and keep the pressure on the clubs above them had made the journey to the East Midlands.

All the time game by game a small group of clubs was now in clear open water.

The top three, Torquay, Grays and Woking were in reality out of sight but with the clubs playing each other the gap was now closing.

In the pack breathing down on a play off berth were Exeter, Stevenage, Aldershot and Wester Super Mare.

Halifax and Southport with a very slim chance of being in the final mix needed to put an unbeaten run together of some numbers for any hope.

As it stood one promotion spot and four play off berths for a total of 7 clubs in the running.

WSM now needed to consolidate their run. Anything less than a win here today would be castastrophic even as early as January.

Burton wanted a point nothing more nothing less.

Without a recognised striker, one long gone to Notts Forest and the rest injured. They had no choice but to fight for a draw asking WSM to break them down.

WSM laboured under the wet conditions. Tipton the only change from the team that had beaten Kidderminster making his full debut led from the front. The chances began to mount up but as the rain continued to pour down still the game remained scoreless.

At half time Mark had made up his mind to go for broke. Evans made way for Brown.

Brown would move to play just behind the front to with WSM moving to a three at the back.

Newbold and Tipton were struggling to create chances and Brown darting behind them added stimulus to their efforts.

The game changed.

The knockdowns started to fall to WSM men. Burton creaked with the pressure but as the game moved to it's final quarter still no score.

Tipton was now dead on his feet. Mark shouted at Edusel to get ready to go on and Edusel ran back to the dugout and started to strip off just as the ball arrived to a packed midfield. Kirk passed the ball forward searching out Brown who turned his marker for dead and quickly made for the box. The Burton defence cleverly marshalled him out to the right. As he moved at pace he glanced up spotted Tiptons run and drove the ball across the area. Tipton had followed the run and although now running on empty launched himself at the ball connecting perfectly. The keeper flapped as the ball cut across his body into the bottom right hand corner.

Tipton flat out in the area, lying deep in muddy surface water was joined in his bath by ten colleagues.

WSM calmly saw the game clock run down with Mark throwing on Edusel for goalscorer Tipton and Harkness for Walker.

Another three points, another win against a determined Burton team.

Burton may have been bottom and supposedly the worst team in the league but across the two games played in the season only one goal had been scored. No wonder the celebration continued long after the game finished.

Tipton was fast becoming a local hero!

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Exeter - home


Exeter had hammered WSM 5: in thier previous meeting. They had been superb.

Now in January they were again in dominant form and ready for a Woodspring Park welcome.

But for a pre Christmas run of games that stretched to 5 without a win they could have been much closer to the the three league leaders. Costly losses against the lesser names in the league affecting their chances. But now long forgotten, back in their stride and scoring goals for fun.

Mark named the same 11 players that had won at Burton.

A sellout crowd on a dry, cold January afternoon. Mark's prediction of three wins for January completed now the chalklenge of picking up a forth and trying to win a game against a top five club. Something that they had not achieved all season.

Tipton now at full fitness and aware of his colleagues movement would play a much more important role.

The team had not forgotten thier early drubbing at the hands of Mark's local team....

3000 fans welcomed Exter to Woodspring Park. The game televised and creating much interest kicked off at 5pm.

Anyone turning on the tv late missed the early drama.

Mark demanded a ferocious start and that the tempo not allow Exeter time to think. He got what he asked for....

Walker broke down the wing in the very first minute and hit an early cross towards Newbold.

Newbold knocked the ball towards Tipton who with time on his side and a couple of deft touches cracked a shot past a sleeping keeper. Simple and effective.

On five minutes the combination worked a trick again. Tipton fired the ball diagonally towards the corner flag after Newbolds knockdown on the centre circle. Walker exploded off his blocks beating the right back for space. Not even looking up he crossed the ball first time and Tipton thundered a header into the back of the net.

Dreamland stuff and WSM went for the juggular.

Jermyn ever effective in midfield broke up an Exeter attack and hit a long ball route one style over the top turning the Exeter back four.

Newbold keen to grab some of the action tore past a labouring defence and dummeyed the keeper before rolling the ball itno an empty net.

Three up and still less than 20 minutes played.

Some teams would now play the game out. Not WSM.

Smelling blood on their defeated and outgunned opponents they went for the kill.

A corner kick on 32 minutes found Tipton unmarked and he headed into the net for his second goal of the game.

Just before half time Tipton claimed a hatrick. Story picked him out with a grass cutter of a pass and Tipton smashed home from just inside the area. Sensational stuff but Tipton wasn't finished. Exeter had fallen to pieces and had no response to this electric performance.

The referee had checked his watch and the ground now aware that the whistle was due to blow watched in amazement as Somner overlapped Story on a hopeful run and Story found him with a return pass he was clear and on his way to the penalty area. Tipton and Newbold matched him stride for stride.

Somner laid the ball onto a plate but Newbold anxious for a second miscued his shot but the luck now pouring in WSM direction his miss kick fell invitingly for Tipton. A whoop of jubilation as he belted the ball into the roof of the net. He couldn't miss.

5 nil and half time.

Mark and Mike Kilgour spent 15 minutes pulling the team off the ceiling.

Still 45 minutes to go, be careful but the performance was superb so more of the same please.

The second half dull was in comparison.

Exeter battered but now regrouped and WSM with the fires still burning but almost out in comparison to the venomous dynamic play of earlier.

Very few chances for either side as the game wound to a finish.

A last minute goal nothing but a consolation for Exeter.

They had been thrashed by a fantastic WSM performance as good as anything seen on tv all season long.

Tipton was about to become a freeman of the town......

Mark's side were back in the play off places and after this performance deservedly so.

Still time for fate to wave it's wand but WSM were one of the form teams of the league and at last had broken the voodoo of not being able to win against the top 5.

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February 2008

Paul Bliss was hyperactive in the board room. WSM were now in amongst the play off hopefuls and the season was heading for an exciting finish whatever happened her on in. Four wins out of five in January adding to the desire to achieve more.

To any nuetral WSM were the surprise package of the league. Coming from no where to challenge the league regulars.

Having the only ex premier league player as manager drawing an obvious conclusion as far as Bliss was concerned.

A potentially great young manager with a cracking track record as a player and the ability to prise more out of cutrrent players and still add to the squad because of his name with quality.

Whilst Bliss knew that Mark had originally come to the club as a favour to an old friend he could see the burning ambition in Mark to succeed.

The rumours suggesting he would move on sooner rather than later would continue but Mark was here now and there was everychance that even if he left at the end of the season WSM would be in a far better condition than Bliss could ever of dreamed for his business purchase.

A brilliant ground, great crowds with regular sell outs, punching well above their weight in the league, financially sound and with money to spend and perhaps most of all making his investment grow dramatically.

February review time. Four games to play and potentially all winnable. For Mark the only worry was the last game. Stevenage.

Home fixtures versus Weymouth and Stevenage and away games at Northwich and Gravesend.

Stevenage at home would be the crunch game. A win and again proof that WSM had broken the top 5 voodoo and were able to win against the leagues top opposition. The top 6 were all closing in on each other and even Aldershot now firmly in seventh were making a charge. Torquay were turning wins into draws which had cute thier lead. Still undefeated but without the strut of before. Grays and Woking were not making serious inroads into Torquay's lead at the top.

The top clubs were beginning to find themselves walking in treacle. All still moving forward but not quick enough to be off into the sunset. Wins for all were becoming critical and the three points versus one for a draw were playing the part in any tense and nervous run for the line.

The Magnificent seven proclaimed the 'Non League Newspaper' suggesting a shoot out to the finish and the closest title battle ever.

Any team from the seven stringing an unbeatun run together now could really create a gap.

Benyon still a long term injury but the squad were almost 100% fit and ready for the rollercoaster ride ahead.

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Weymouth - home


After picking up the player of the month for January Matt Tipton was determined to carry on where he left off against Exeter.

Mark fielded the same eleven.

Cue a sell out and full attendance for mid table Weymouth.

Weymouth had been one of the teams destined for a promotion challenge.

Bumping around the lower regions of the league not in the script.

Whilst not likely to be relegated with the teams below them much worse in terms of ability and points on the board they really needed to kick start their season again. Weymouth had just been taken to the cleaners by Halifax and the 4 goal margin clouded a performance that deserved a real hammering much closer to double that.

Weymouth made major changes but with WSM now in a real run of form not the best time to arrive on the Somerset coast.

Tipton and Newbold had worked hard in training to create an even better understanding. Walker and the midfield crew were much more aware of the best ball to play towards Tipton. Newbold would also benefit from what he had learnt during those long sessions.

3000 packed the ground and cheered on a side looking to go 5 wins on the trot.

Weymouth sluggish and struggling to cope with WSM movement were lambs to the slaughter on the spring like Saturday afternoon.

After early chances all falling to WSM the breakthrough came midway through the first half.

Tipton headed goalwards a superb Story cross on 28 minutes initially saved by the keeper but as the keeper clamboured to control the ball Newbold nipped in an toe poked the ball into the empty net.

The same combination linked up on 34 minutes. Newbold played through by Jermyn scampered away from his marker. As he approached the edge of the box he stepped over the ball and carried on with his run. Tipton who had chased his colleague up the park found the ball at his feet and drove the ball goalwards. Catching the ball on it's sweet spot it sailed into the top corner leaving the keeper no chance.

A fluke? Not that Tipton cared especailly as it would win goal of the month.

2 nil and the game all but over.

The WSM fans sang their hearts out. The football nothing short of sensational.

Second half Weymouth were given another hard lesson in finishing. Tipton and Newbold were the masters of chaos and everytime the ball encroached the goal area panic ensued. If they weren't involved with the ball, the space and movement would allow others a shot on target.

It was all one way traffic on a road that was becoming a 4 lane motorway.

Tipton was felled by a rough challenge 35 yards from goal. Walker in constant communication with the ref took a chance to take it early and curled the freekick goalwards. Three nil.

The flight caught out the Weymouth keeper and he had no time to scamble across his goal and make a save.

Walker was for Mark's money the mom.

Everytime he had the ball you could see the front two darting off like well co-ordinated stunt pilots.

With Walker's pace and the ball at his feet he had the Weymouth full back on toast. Double marking made no difference to the WSM star.

His assist count climbing all the time as the goal count mounted.

As Walker made his way to the byline the defender had nibbled at a tackle several times and in an effort to catch Walker he clipped his heels and Walker sprawled into the area.

Penalty screamed the home faithful and the ref awarded the spot kick without even speaking to his assistant.

Walker thumped home the forth sparking all out celebration around the ground.

Mark made three quick substitutions for the last twenty minutes. The game ground to a halt.

With the game over a dubious consolation goal for Weymouth.

Mark felt the goal should have been disallowed for offside but at four one up he saw no point in creating a scene.

Game over and WSM were now the leagues form side since New Years Day. 5th place now held with some style.

The top of the table were coming back towards the 4 play off chasing teams.

Spring was just arriving but things were definetly getting warm.....

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Mark had spent the week before the Northwich game travelling up and down the motorway. He was joined by scout Lee Houghton who had spent months on providing the information on the players Mark had identified or Lee himself had unearthed on his journey around the grounds.

Now was the time to put some markers in the sand and look to spend some of the money assigned for new recruits.

In the process of scouting there was also the potential of finding another bosman signing of a free agent providing the best of both worlds.

Farborough Town were playing Sutton in the Conference South and Mark had been watching keenly the situation with young Michael Charles.

A free agent but with a 60k release fee. Out of WSM range but he had interestingly refused to sign a new contract and had been on a monthly deal since the start of the season.

Charles was an attacking midfielder who could play as a striker. Top scorer at Farnborough proof in his shooting ability.

During the game Charles hadn't scored but had created a couple of half chances for his striking partner.

The 0:0 result not the most exciting game Mark had watched but Charles had done enough to stir and confirm WSM interest.

Mark and seen the lad drop deep and hunt the ball and then almost Rooneyesque have time on the ball to find the right pass.

Still raw but the talent to make an impact at a much higher level clearly evident.

Returning to WSM Mark tabled a bid. £1k enough to persuade Farnborough to let him leave.

Charles needed no persuading and signed next day but as part of the deal he wouldn't be able to join WSM until July 1st.

Mark and Houghton next dropped into Stafford to watch the two players he coveted most.

Madjo and Olaoye were still scoring regularly in a poor team. Watching them as a neutral it was easy to understand why.

Their pace alone enough to frighten any defence. Together they were nothing short of sensational.

Stafford versus Burton a battle of the relegation facing teams was a ferocious encounter. With Madjo hitting two goals and providing the base for the Stafford win it was chance to watch their pair at their very best.

Pacy and athletic their were perfect for WSM's style of play.

Whilst later concluding a deal for Michael Charles, Mark tabled bids for both Stafford players.

Despite offering decent money the offer rejected out of hand.

An increased offer changed minds.

Olaoye sold to WSM for 3k an unbelivable deal and he signed to WSM the same day as Charles.

The news on Madjo not so good. Mark wanted both players and Stafford rejected all offers and there was no deal to be done.

The shutters came down and Stafford made it clear that Mado was going no where.

One out of two wasn't a bad swoop.

Mark would continue to hunt Madjo but without offering over the top money he would have to look elsewhere.

Michael Moore at Southport would now come in for further inspection.

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Northwich - away


Mark's return to the club to finaliase pre match preparation for the Northwich game was much interupted.

The confirmation and introduction of the two new summer recruits had added to the week's adventure.

Mark had caught up with Elliot Benyon. Benyon still suffering from knee ligament problems which would keep him out of action for some time to come. Benyon was in despair. The team had hardly missed him especially with the in form Tipton banging in a shed full of goals. He was missing out on the action and banter of everyday life and the joy of putting his feet up and playing the xbox for days at a time long since passed.

Mark called a specialist from his playing days and got Benyon an appointment. The quicker that Benyon returned the better especially if the play offs beckoned. The cost considerable for a club like WSM but the benefits to the player would outweigh the consequences.

Several players had also broached the thorny subject of contracts but offering a body swerve Ronaldo would have been proud of they were all told to focus on current matters and contracts would be discussed at the appropriate time. but not now thanks.....

Northwich were in free fall. Playing the season out hoping that they could pick up enough points to avoid the drop. Early season form should make relegation concern purely mathematical but the alarming rate they were shipping goals setting the alarm bells into over drive. The ability to score regularly themselves a knack lost since the New Year fixtures.

Not the best time to face a free scoring WSM.

WSM unchanged and looking to continue the winning habit started the game brightly.

Mark joined on the bench by a fit again Christian Roberts now desperate for a chance to make his mark on the season.

WSM now cheered on by nearly 300 travelling fans were soon taking Northwich literally apart.

Walker and Story harrying the full backs and time after time leaving them for dead. Chances were being etched out as the team strove for a break through. Half chances falling to the striking pair failed to hit the target.

Northwich tweaked their tactics dropping from 442 to 451 to try and stem the flow of attacks at source.

Within minutes of the change WSM took full control of the game.

Jermyn clobbered the man in pocession and after picking up the ball just inside the Northwich half stormed forwards. There was no stopping him and as Newbold and Tipton careered left and right a gap wide enough for a double decker bus appeared allowing Jermyn to strike a shot goalwards. The keeper had no chance and watched the ball curl into his top right hand corner. Jermyn didn't score scrappy goals and this one was right up there with his seasons best. The Northwich defence had gone awol.

15 minutes gone and WSM on the road to three points.

Newbold in recent games had been the support man to Tipton but not this afternoon.

A Walker cross found him free and running towards the 6 yard line, two touches required before he could thrash the ball past the diving keeper. The WSM supporters expecting another goal glut sang for their lives.

25 minutes had past, WSM were 2 up and Northwich hadn't even mustered one chance at the WSM goal.

The Northwich bench rang the changes. Three substitutions all positive in terms of the personnel introduced. The Northwich manager had decided with nothing to lose to he would try something different. At 2 down no one could blame him.

Northwich went to three at the back moving to a 3,5,2 but with a midfielder pushing on to support the front two.

The changes began to have some impact. Northwich got a foot in the door and the pocession percentages creeped upwards in their favour.

Free kicks and corners remained Northwichs main opportunity to get back into the match.

After nothing to do for 30 minutes now Northmore the WSM keeper was the busiest man on the pitch.

he could do nothing to stop the first goal for Northwich. A freekick from outside of the box tamely headed towards a simple save before Jarman's boot deflected it into the net. A freak goal but added stimulus to Northwich.

The second a definite look of offside but after a darting run from the Northwich right winger turned last man Wilce inside out a shot ballooned the back of the net. Northmore sat on his knees looking towards his back four for some clue as to what went wrong.

Half time and time for regrouping. Time to win and time to steady the ship.

Mark moved to a flat back three and moved Matt Somner into midfield.

The second half started in similar fashion to how it had ended. Northwich searching for form and the goals to grab a win.

Story took a gamble and edged away from his marker.

Somner picked up a loose ball in the WSM box and catching that Story had a yard over his marker launced the ball over the top and into space. Story collected the ball in his stride and despite a flurry of players chasing him up the park he had the time to round the keeper and at an acute angle slide the ball goalwards.

Was it going in? Tipton couldn't have cared less as he smashed the ball into the open net.

Northwich wouldn't lie down and die. A corner on the left met with venom by the captain levelled the score again. Mark emerged from the dug out and launched into a series of verbals. Still over a quarter of the game to go and WSM were pulled once more into a high scoring game made much worse from their dominant position in the first half.

Apart from his goal Tipton had little or no change from the game. Roberts came on for his debut with 15 minutes to go.

Walker also less effective in the second half replaced by Paul Harkness.

Northwich had lost the drive to win the game now happy to collect an unlikely point.

The WSM fans watched the game from behind a pillow.

Too often their team had lost games like this in the past.

Christian Roberts now played his part to the full. Making a nuisance of himself after his introduction he fooled his marker with a dummy and then strode with pace towards the ball but never made it. Tripped he dived full length into the box.

The referee saw the foul as a free kick and just outside of the box.

Story stepped up and hit the freekick along the ground avoiding the wall who had jumped in unison.

The keeper expecting a high ball watched in despair as the ball almost tricked past him into the unguarded net.

A fourth WSM goal on 87 minutes sealed the win.

Game over and WSM had won the nailbiter 4:3. A close shave but WSM supporters didn't care. Another win and the unbeaten run continued.

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Prior to the Gravesend game Mark had been involved in some media work.

Soccer Am had always had a soft spot for him what with Tim Lovejoy's Chelsea connection and Helen Chamberlain's love for all things Torquay.

The programme had become more interested in the Conference during the season mainly because of Torquay's fall from grace but as WSM were now challenging the better known clubs it was time to ask 'just who WSM were'?

From the cross bar challenge through to meet the team the club had really taken advantage of the spotlight being shone on them. Mark's one to one interview with Helen had also gone well although her Torquay devotion wouldn't allow her to suggest that WSM were also now on her personal radar.

The training had gone very well the fact that the cameras were rolling did nothing to stop the players showboating which added to the camadarie in the run up to the next game.

WSM were now officially on the map and would get a regular mention on a Saturday morning. All good pr.

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Gravesend - away


Mark slammed the door to the changing room when the last of the players arrived.

After an exciting first 45 minutes of free flowing football for the neutrals attending the game the score remained deadlocked with the teams now sharing four goals.

The reason for Mark's annoyance the inability of the team to hold on to the ball long enough to find the right pass. The half had been littered with errors from WSM which had allowed Gravesend the chance to take the lead and then to equalise late in the half. Sandwiched in between had been a Kirk penalty on 15 minutes and a typical Newbold breakaway goal before the whisdtle called for the break.

WSM were not dominating the game and were missing a key ingrediant from their style of play.

Scott Walker the inspirational left winger had cried out of the game just before kick off after pulling up in the warmn up.

Mark had shuffled the pack moving Story to the left wing and Brown on the right.

Story playing out of position and had been unable to impose himself in Walker's manner or provide an outlet for the get out ball.

The team shape was all wrong and Mark after finishing his sermon to the masses pulled Story into a side room and quickly explained how he could influence play without trying to cut in onto his right.

The overall message close down Gravesend don't allow them time on the ball and look for the wide men with a

ball into the space behind the back four.

Kiss - keep it simple stupid! cut out the clever stuff and lets get the win.

Gravesend struggling for points and in the lower reaches of the league came out second half

with a different approach - Hold what we've got and look to counter attack, let WSM look to break us down.

The second half despite the introduction of three WSM sustitutes drew to a close, both sides having to settle for a point. WSM ran out of ideas and out of time but for the 90 minutes performance WSM didn't deserve the win.

The WSM coach ride home subdued by the news that Walker would be out for the rest of the season.

The knee twinge felt in warm up now looking much more serious. Walker would definetly miss the season run in but could yet make an impact in the play offs should the team progress that far.

Walker would be missed and Mark would need to conjure up a trick or two that David Copperfield would be proud of to cover for his long term absence.

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Mark had arrived home late into the night following the Gravesend excursion but even as dawn approached he couldn't sleep.

The house was still with no movement but even though he was exhausted and wanted to sleep his mind just wouldn't switch off.

His wife Claire awoke and was surprised to find he husband wide a wake.

Talking openly about the team and its recent performance she gently coaxed out of him the reasons for his sleep deprivation.

It had been weeks since he had slept soundly all night.

Something was going on...

On the football front Mark opened up about the team and the major doubts longer term over the quality of player at the club especially if the team could get promoted.

The new boys arriving in January with league experience were already showing their value to the team and whilst there were major talents at WSM not enough depth to continue fighting above their weight.

Choices and difficult ones had to be made.

If WSM were promoted they would be lucky to survive a season in the 2nd division.

At Conference level they would continue gain experience without concerns of being out of their depth and over time the benefit of remaining in the league would reap dividends for club progression.

For Mark this was where the sleep deprivation kicked in. He had always been a winner and a natural leader on the pitch. To settle for anything less impossible. Mark was now convinced the club would be in the play offs and with luck on their side and a fit first team could actually get promoted.

But WSM would then come to a crossroads. Open heart surgery would be required on the team.

Players such as Walker, Benyon and Newbold would remain integral to the club but significant changes for the club to survive and thrive at a higher level would be urgently required.

Would Mark be there to administer the treatment required was also in the mix and part of the concerns and the lack of sleep.

If he stayed then work would have to be done and Paul Bliss would need to cough up more than the £50k previously offered.

If he were to go at the end of the season then leave he could the problem to someone else.

Claire summarised that there was no way that he would do that.

She knew it and he knew it and it was time for Mark to grasp the nettle now and start to make the changes necessary.

Leave the concerns over where he would or would't be for another time. She read the papers and saw the gossip.

If a big club came calling then a decision could be made. But now tiem for the doctor to go to work and start surgery on the patient under his care.

Mark slept soundly until noon.

On awaking he made a call to Bliss asking for a meeting asap.

Bliss had been on the golf course and agreed to meet at the ground later that afternoon.

Bliss was concerned that something was in the air and wanted assurances from Mark on the phone that there was no need for him to panic.

Mark promised that the only conversations they would have would be about players, next season and that Bliss needed to bring his cheque book.

Three hours later the two men sat in the boardroom.

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Paul poured two hot drinks and pulled his chair close to the table before sitting down next to his manager.

Paul took a sip of the hot tea and waited patiently for Mark to begin. Mark picked up the hot cup and calmy introduced the reason for calling the meeting and the concerns about the long term future of WSM at conference or higher league level.

Mark asked Paul Bliss a starter for ten - 'Paul tell me about your three year plan for this club in particular which direction do you want to go?'

Paul Bliss didn't need long to consider the question ' Promotion to the league's proper and able to progress as quickly as possible to a level that we can sustain ourselves not for one season but longer term.

I want this club to be amongst the better supported teams in the South West and with our catchment area I can see us working to a Yeovil level in terms of crowds and packing 6000 or so into this ground. I know that the ground would need to be redeveloped but with you at the helm and continued success on the pitch both aims can be achieved.'

Mark responded 'Paul we can do all of that and more but we need several strands of fabric to be pulled together to ensure your aim is achieved.

1 We need real money for players, this team will not survive at a higher level without an impetous of league experienced pro's and we are not talking about a few names we are talking about almost a new team.

Wheeling and dealing is all very well at this level but we need to speculate to accumulate to progress higher. You don't want to go up and come straight back down....

2 We will need to see a mass exodus of players at the end of this year. Some won't work at the higher grade and apart from the real stars here and they are a handful at most then major changes need to be overseen. Significant changes to the contracts offered and we need to consider going full time.

The reserve squad have picked up two draws this season. Two points from 20 plus games, not good enough.... and Mike Kilgour knows that apart from a couple of the younger players with potential the barrel is empty and we are beyond just scraping it out.

Are you ready to finance this significant step change?

The first team struggle against classier opposition and whilst we can win against most of the clubs in our league we can't string back to back wins against the top 5. We will need to sell some of the current first team squad so get ready for a spring sale.... which in turn will help me to finance incoming talent.

3 If you want to succeed on the pitch youth development and the training ground need improvment. Again are you ready to back the changes with real money not token gestures. With some of the best gates in the division is 50k all that can be released?

4 I want this club to succeed and thrive and I will make the right decisions player wise for this club and in the process attract individuals that will drive WSM onwards.

I am not promising promotion straight away should we be lucky enough to get promoted this year but at least we can challenge and do more than survive.

If we can agree an action plan then I will start to make the changes starting now and then scout Lee Houghton will be tasked with a very specific brief on just who I want to target and start to earn his wages and bump up his expenses.

If we can agree an action plan around these areas I will then in return look at a longer term contract as part of my commitment. Carolyn will need to review the finer detail and will look for a big club clause to be in place.'

Mark grimaced at the mention of Carolyn's name. She would most probably kill him but for now she was in Hollywood and work had to be done at WSM.

Mark finished his well rehearsed sermon and asked Paul for his thoughts......... weeks of sleepless nights had made him almost word perfect.

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Paul Bliss looked across the table weighing up Mark's considered words and trying to assess if there was an underlying ultimatum if things did not go the ex Chelsea captains way.

Although they had been school friends in Torquay they had only got to really know each other of the past 18 months or so.

Bliss still had trouble reading his manager something that caused amusement to Mark himself.

To be fair Mark hid nothing but was quiet happy to play the game if it meant the menace of doubt always loomed.

It was part of his makeup and had made him a popular player throughout his career with either teammates or opponents.

Fair but with an underlying edge and a ruthless streak when required.

For Mark it was just pure determination to win and succeed but at the same time being true to himself.

Paul now roared into life and began to answer the key questions raised.

'I agree we need to start the plans for ground upgrading but that will need to wait until we are promoted to the 2nd division and we can see the projected revenue streams. I know we are selling out most weeks now but how much of that is your effect and how much of that is genuine interest in the club is still up for debate.

Give me promotion and one year in the 2nd division and I will give you a larger ground.

The youth development is easy, just tell me what you want and how much it's going to cost and within reason it's done.

Similarly the training ground needs to be brought upto scratch. We are ahead of my expected club progression plan and therefore we will invest to improve and hopefully it will increase the attractiveness of the club to prospective new players. I know several haven't wanted to touch the club because of our facilities.'

Paul paused for breath and poured himself another hot cup of tea before encroaching the subject of the WSM squad, 'Player wise I want to not only go up but stay up.

If we get promoted this year I will double the funds available to you from my own pocket and if you get any transfer funds you can have them added to the kitty. That is the best I can do but I will also increase the budget for wages based on a full time club again dependant on promotion. Hopefully this will improve your purchasing power somewhat.....

There is a down side - no promotion and no additional monies but I do want you to extend your contract here and now regardless of how the season pans out as it gives me some confidence going forward.

Should you go elsewhere I can get some compensation for the loss of your services. That is fair I think....

On the players side you do what you think is best. Will you change pretty much the whole make up of the squad if we remain in this league?'

Mark licked his lips smiled before replying 'Yes, Paul regardless of our end result I will make wholesale changes. The squad needs to grow in quality and quantity, quickly.

I need a back up squad ready to go and to have an impact when called into action. I don't have that today.

I need to add to the key squad players such as Walker and reduce the need for them to perfrom at the highest level week in week out. They can't do it and need help.

I have already identified several players who fit the profile and can play to my tactics.

My time with Lee Houghton has given him a clear idea of just what I want and I have confidence that he can unearth more talent.

But he will need to widen the net and go as far as Scotland.

2nd division wages are an equal to the Scottish Premier League apart from the big clubs.

I will also target the 2nd division now and look for the WSM future there.

Players playing at that level consistently well will make an immediate impact here.

We also have my current shortlist which can also be reviewed and confirmed.

But even a 100k is tight but I can work with that and make sure if we are promoted we aren't there just to make up the numbers.

Promise me I can keep all of the monies I create from sales? and I will sign a three year deal right now and suffer the wrath of Carolyn tomorrow.

Paul almost snatched Mark's hand to ensure they shook on the deal there and then.

WSM whatever happened between now and next season were in for an interesting ride with Mark calling the shots and making sweeping changes to the make up of the club.

Mark went back to his office and made a call to Houghton. Houghton was on his way to Glasgow that night.

Mark shouted for Mike Kilgour to join him. Kilgour nearly fell off his chair at the news. if the club were promoted then major changes would impact on his beloved club. 'Wow that's amazing news' were the first words he could utter.

The two began to go through the squad and within one hour had defined the long term players and those that would not be moved on.

No surprise which list was the longest.

There were several names on the to go list that shocked Kilgour.

Everything would be decided in the next 10 weeks. Promotion and all change.

New boys Tipton and Roberts wouldn't be part of that future.

Tipton had already impacted positively on the league performances and scored goals.

Both were seen by Mark as short term additions and if the club didn't get promoted then a change of heart would follow.

Unofficially both were effectively up for sale and would be touted as such.

Ironic that if they both scored goals to get WSM promoted they wouldn't be around to join the party. But then again neither would half of the squad.

Football could be a brutal game.

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Stevenage - Home


A full to the brim Woodspring Park welcomed Stevenage to the West Country.

Both teams chasing the promotion dream and with the final hurdle in sight able to almost taste success.

Still with an outside chance of outright promotion but still needing points on the board to make a play off berth certain.

Stevenage and WSM had been jockying for the 5th place and final play off spot for some weeks but with WSM now on an unbeaten run of seven games there was a gap between them.

This battle would go right to the wire regardless of the outcome of this match.

A much changed side matched up to Stevenage.

Injuries and suspension now taking it's toll on the first team.

In midfield Owen Story wide on the left, Marvin Brown wide on the right with the central pairing of Jermyn and Matthew Rose.

Upfront spearheading the attack the pairing of Tipton and Newbold with a fit again Christian Roberts pushing for a place.

Two tense teams kicked off on a damp Saturday afternoon.

WSM despite the infamiliar faces playing the brighter football but Stevenage with a more direct style of play the first to create a clear goal scoring chance. A lovely strike on goal from the Stevenage number 9 looked net bound before being clutched out of the air by an acrobatic save from Northmore. Picture perfect save with the ball arriving in his goal area at just the right height.

The game ebbed and flowed with forays into the other half but WSM were still looking to create some magic infront of goal.

The game changed on 23 minutes. Story getting to grips with Mark's game plan hugged the touchline after a Wilce ball found him in space and after cutting in on to his right he was upended by the right back.

Stepping up to the free kick he lashed the ball goalwards and after bouncing once it hit the back of the net. The flight of the ball caught the Stevenage keeper out and his despairing dive over the ball a clear mistake.

The WSM supporters didn't care and cheered the break through with some gusto.

The wind was soon taken from the sails. Stevenage almost straight from kick off levelled the score. A long ball caught out Jarman at the back allowing the Stevenage striker a half chance to score. He took it.

One all and Mark paced the touchline in fury.

Lack of concentration at the back the vent for his splene. How many times would that cost WSM points......

Second half despite a flurry of changes the score remain dead locked. The interesting chess match played on the green grass at times sensational but neither team really created a clean cut chance. Northmore watched calmly as some 30 yard efforts screamed high wide and handsome.

No scares at the back but WSM going foward in the second half was without the fluency of the first 45 minutes.

Story playing well in his new team role looked confident going forward but time and time failed to find the final ball.

Roberts introduced in place of Tipton had spent the time on pitch hunting the ball but ended the game booked for frustration after kicking out at a marker.

As the whistle blew two relieved managers shook hands.

A point better than nothing and WSM were now unbeaten in eight games.

Still the pack of promotion hunting teams remained closeted at the top of the league.

Mark considered post match that the point was good for the team, keeping the unbeaten run going and at least the gap between them and Stevenage remained the same.

The makeshift midfield had shaped up well against a very good side.

Story now more au fait with his left sided role would grow in confidence after picking up the mom award. He would need to as he was destined to hold this place for some time to come.

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