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Way to hide the attributes?


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I know its an unusual request but is there any way to hide all attributes on a players profile using the default FM 11 skin? I've tried turning them white but I can still see a few if I look hard enough.

I'm after a complete wipeout of them all.


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player profile.xml is the file you'd need to edit. Simply find the line that tells the attributes panel to show:

<!-- Attributes Container -->
       	<container class="player_attributes_panel" id="patp">
<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" />

and delete it.

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Radestock you are a legend! Thanks buddy!

EDIT: Can't seem to find that file. I have 2 folders: "Panels", "Settings"... inside "Settings" is config.xml and fm11 settings.xml. Inside "Panels" we have breadcrumbs, calendar timeline view, config, continue, footer, global panels, header, match title bar, menubar, picking, tabs, timeline day button, timeline day detail button, titlebar.xml

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Hi Suge, all the panels ect. are stored in the data folder of your FM installation, as *.fmf files.

You should open Resource Archiver (FM Path\tools\resource archiver), extract the panels.fmf into some (temporary) directory.

Now pick from there the panel you need and copy it into the Panels directory of your skin, edit it & save.

Reload the skin and you are ready to go.

(additional panels, graphics... come withe the updates: <FM Path>\data\updates\update-1130\ for example).

Good luck :)

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