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[FM11][WIP] BBC Sport/MoTD


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After looking at Chris22's, BBC Sports skin, it gave me inspiration to create my own.

I have little to no experience skinning Football Manager. This skin is more of a concept, to see what i'm capable of doing.

Direct link: http://buckch3rry.deviantart.com/art/ConceptFM2011-Skin-203260697


All constructive feedback and critism is welcome.

Release: TBA [This is my first skin, i'm currently working on it.]


29/04: I done the 'sitv' - which is the loading window between the days? But it still loads up the default graphics.

Inbox, i've done 90%.

Managers page, again, about 90%

I've also done the odd graphic on different pages, but this was more for some idea on locating where the graphic are in-game.

So, i am making some head way, just nothing that is worth showing.

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Hehe you say that you little to no experience, this skin looks very advanced and looks like you have made skins all your life. never seen this graphic and menu style before :)

When do you think you will be ready for the release of the final skin?

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This is ingame screenshots or mockups? It seems very nice to me.

Maybe the main colour (red in this case) would be better at the left side with the players' names, but I'll be checking this topic.

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This is ingame screenshots or mockups? It seems very nice to me.

Maybe the main colour (red in this case) would be better at the left side with the players' names, but I'll be checking this topic.

Yes when you say it i agree with you, i think the red colour should be on the left side with the liverpool name and logo and all that.

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I've been photoshoping for years. Forum signatures and Web design mostly.

It's a mock-up, and i used a screenshot from the game, to help me with the layout and stuff.

Although i've looked into making a skin for FM, i just never got around to making one.

I'm making a start on the 'real' skin after the Cricket.

The red was a last minute thingy. I prefer just using Yellow on Black, but it gets abit repeative. I'll try out your suggestions. Thanks for the feedback. ;)

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The OP has said that it's just a mockup at the moment - none of it is in-game so it won't be close to a release.

At the same time, what we don't like to see around here are requests for release dates. Please no more from anyone thanks.

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It looks really good! I love it.

Just my thoughts on how maybe it could improve: The tabs/buttons under the manager name could be better. They look a bit off-centre, like the far left one and the far right one. The yellow tabs look a little tacky, it's just solid yellow and nothing separating them. Assistant isn't spelt with 4 s's. And personally I would get a little irritated with not having a mailbox button. :p


But I really like it.

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It looks really good! I love it.

Just my thoughts on how maybe it could improve: The tabs/buttons under the manager name could be better. They look a bit off-centre, like the far left one and the far right one. The yellow tabs look a little tacky, it's just solid yellow and nothing separating them. Assistant isn't spelt with 4 s's. And personally I would get a little irritated with not having a mailbox button. :p


But I really like it.

Thank you!

I thought the yellow tabs looked great. I did it with the Drop Shadow blending mode, and because it's a mock-up, i thought i could cut a few corners and just make the seperate buttons as one bar... Hench why there is no space between them. Not sure how it might look in the final version.

I removed the mailbox, so the AI managers couldn't mock me! Nah, i can't believe i didn't put that on there. Lol *facepalm* Good spot! ;)

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Actually did you already start working on the mod, or did you just take a screenshot and then photoshop it?

I think it looks really good already, if you release it like this i'm sure it would be one of the top 3 mods for sure.

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So sorry guys i haven't done an update.

My PC was still running XP with 512mb RAM. Having both FM'011 and Photoshop open, made my computer lag right out. I cleared everything off, and i forgot to add what i have done to a USB stick. So i gotta start again.

But, good news. My new laptop came today, just installed PS and now i'm installing FM'011.

It shouldn't take me long to get to where i was, so i'll update this thread in 2/3days.

Thanks for the comments. Always appreciated! ;)

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29/04: I done the 'sitv' - which is the loading window between the days? But it still loads up the default graphics.

Inbox, i've done 90%.

Managers page, again, about 90%

I've also done the odd graphic on different pages, but this was more for some idea on locating where the graphic are in-game.

So, i am making some head way, just nothing that is worth showing.

Tbh, i didn't know what i was letting myself in for xD Thanks for being patience :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am also looking forward to it mate.

The first thing, when I wake up is checking this thread for new updates.

I hope you can tell us, when its going to be uploaded/finished.

Anyway have a nice day and good luck!

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A skin is hard work, it's not something that just takes a few hours, or days, or even weeks in many cases, to complete. The skinner has specified that he has never tried his hand at skinning, he's not going to just magic something up and release it in the shortest time possible, especially if he wants it to look good and work well, which I'm sure all those clamouring for it would appreciate.

I know it's in very short supply in instances such as this, but I'm sure the OP would love everyone to have some patience, and not just to take a lack of update as losing interest etc.

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Think it might be best to temporarily close this thread.

Without any real progress reports or in-game screens we're not going to get anything constructive from comments for now. OP - once you have some progress to report PM me or my fellow skinning mod michealtmurrayuk and we'll reopen the thread. :thup:

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