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lone striker settings ?

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what are the best player roles and settings for a lone striker?in my man utd save i play 4231 with rooney as my lone striker as complete forward support with aml/c/r/ on inside forward attack duties to support him.his performances though are very puzzling,sometimes great but sometimes awful.i have him on mixed rfd,mixed ttb,high cf,move in channels,roam from position and hold up ball.his mentality is 3 notches below the 3 inside forwards who are all on run from deep.

i could do with some tips on how to improve ie as a lone striker should i be giving him loads of freedom to roam or does he need to be central?

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If your 3 AM's are all attackers then Rooney should be on a support duty, probably as a deep lying forward, possibly as a complete striker. This is to allow him to be a play-maker for the other three players, Rooney is creative and should thrive in this role. I haven't had much success with it but I've generally played at a lower level and didn't have players of Rooney's calibre to experiment with. You should also consider where his supply is coming from - are the 3 AM's dribbling straight for goal or trying to play him in? I'd think as inside forwards they would be looking to score so it may be that Rooney is supplied mainly by your CM's and FB's so it's worth considering their role in Rooney's play.

This thread discusses in great detail your exact query - http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php/259848-Analysing-the-4-2-3-1-Why-Your-Playmaker-Should-Be-Upfront.

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