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Current Ability?


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I'm about to add some extra players by using the editor. But my problem is that i don't know exactly how the relation is between attributes and CA. As far as i know it works as some points that can be used to raise attributes. BUT some attributes require more points than others. For instance: finnishing cost more as penalty taking. This even depends on the position: for a striker finnishing cost more points than if the same player would be a defender. There are some attributes that don't have an impact on the CA like influence. Preffered moves, positions and his legs (how good the weak foot is) "consume" points too. But my question is: how EXACTLY does it work? I want to make a player by filling in his attributes and give the player a matching CA.

PS: i tried leaving the CA at 0 and was hoping the game would determine itself but this didn't work (the CA was set at 125 and the attributes were declined to match the 125)

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You're unlikely to get a reply from anybody who knows. The biggest problem is that the relationship between CA and attribute scores is dependent on more than just attributes - it's affected by how good his weaker foot is, how well he plays other positions, and probably several other factors.

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Attributes have to be balanced for the position. For example if creating a striker to be good enough for SPL or L1 but no higher, you would not give him the finishing and composure attributes of Messi and the defensive skills of central defender in the Blue Square South.

How exactly does it work? When researchers enter stats, the research tool suggests a suitable CA. It also works in reverse - setting a CA produces suggested stats for each attribute.

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Is it possible to get this "research tool"?

unless you are a researcher, no

if you want to get the overall balance but not make the player superman... you could set great stats for the player and then set a lower CA/PA...

the game qill automatically lower the players stats

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