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Discussion of superior young players for various positions.

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Hey delightful folk of the Good Player & Team Guide forum. I've got a few questions regarding who you think are the bees knees in regards to young, established players. I'll keep it short and simple, with lots of room for discussion! It's basically a 'if you were to start a new team from a blank slate today, who would you choose?'

GOALKEEPERS! It's probably the one I'm having the most trouble with. I'm torn between Rene Adler and Hugo Lloris. What are your thoughts team? Which one, or someone complete different?

Central defenders! Chiellini or Pique. Or again, someone complete different? (the reason I say or, is because I think it's obvious one should be Vidic. Which is again open for discussion).

WB's! Assuming a combination of both attack and offence, would I be right assuming Gareth Bale on the left and Alves on the right are the best here? Or Maicon > Alves? Suggestions! I know both the DR's aren't exactly young, but are their any players capable of matching their ability?

MC: Defensive and play making abilities. Are Fabregas' defensive technical abilities enough for this role? Would De Rossi be more suitable?

AM(CL/CR)'s: Because with a dream team I'm building, I'm going to try my best at a fast paced, short passing game. Assuming team work being pretty vital here, and not having to splash out for the BIG players (because the young ones aren't too far behind in quality like some previous positions mentioned), who would be your picking here? Paulo Henrique, Marik Hamsik, Javier Pastore, Eden Hazard, and the list goes on. So many to choose from, but who would you have?

AMC: More of a TREQ role here, so team work can rightfully go out the window. Messi, surely...

And finally, the SC: Probably a poacher role of sorts. Another position I'm finding it very hard to decide! Pato, Neymar, Rooney, Aguero, Torres, maybe even Cristiano Ronaldo? All have their pros and cons.

Well there it is. Sorry if it's a bit hard to read and the aim of the post hasn't come through, but let me know what you think!!


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Hmm, may have to agree to disagree with some replacements there. Although I can be persuaded with some discussion instead of just name dropping :D

Don't know why you rate Stekelenburg higher than the two I mentioned for a start. Defence there looks very solid, can probably understand having Ramos over Vidic to an extent and I've always found it hard to decide the DL out of Evra, Cole and Bale. Can see where you are coming from with the rest, but again, wouldn't mind a discussion with why you find them superior :) Unfortunately, I don't think I'll find Ronaldo effective in my current setup, not having any AML/R's. Only place he may fit in is the FC role. Also, I don't have any MC's and can't imagine finding Xavi suitable anywhere else.

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A dream team you say.......

GK: Adler, Loris, Neuer - all world class options, but for me, Akinfeev is the choice.

CB: Is vidic a little old to be considered 'young'? If you want young yet established then it has to be a combination of Chiellini and Piqué.

WB's: Again, I'd say Alves/Maicon are too old to fit this brief. I'd have Sergio Ramos on the right. An effective modern wing-back still needs to be competent in defence, while I think we all know Bale is not. However, there's not much choice otherwise so I'd stick with him and hope his speed and determination will make up for his poor positioning.

MC: Fabregas could be good here, you'll have to retrain his Positioning stats but he should be good enough.

AM(CL/CR): I'd have Hamsik and Ozil, or maybe even Sheijder. Paulo Henrique is a god, and I'd love to have him in any team I was making but is he established enough at the start of the game?

AMC: In the previous position you say, "not having to splash out for the BIG players" which implies these players have to be affordable, yet you mention Messi for this role? I'm going to assume you mean money/reputation is no option? If so, yes Messi's your man. If not, then that is a tough question. I don't think there are any young, established, genuine classic No.10's good enough for this team so maybe a change in thinking.. Bring forward Fabregas as an advanced playmaker and maybe have Busquets as your CM?

ST: Torres has been brilliant for Chelsea in my game, so definitely stick with him. Pure poacher.

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Subtle thread about the best players for each position? Any kind of dream team building is best if you break this down to each position/category. Try using the below relevant threads as a starting point and/or your club thread (if there is one);

Good Youngsters

Good Goalkeepers

Good Full Backs

Good Centre Backs

Good Midfielders, attacking and defending

Good Wingers

Good Strikers

Rate and/or Improve my team

What team should I be

Player role and duty

Shortlist CA/PA

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