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Bizarre problem with any skin I use

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I don't know if anyone will be able to help me out here - bit of a strange one... For ages I've been using the Better Backgrounds skin but I fancied a change so went for the Tyrfing skin because it was dark, fully transparent and different. But then I decided I preferred the screen layout on the Better Backgrounds skin, so decided to go back to is but try and make the backgrounds totally visible (ie. fully transparent) So I edited the global panels to but this all went t*ts up due to the fact I am useless when it comes to editing these things! So in the end I decided to just stick to what I had originally and I re-downloaded the Better Backgrounds skin from scratch. But then... the font on my News Inbox was white and impossible to read, and the panels/boxes were white and looked different too - very odd! I switched to the normal FM11 default skin (that comes with the game) and the same thing was happening. You can't even edit those default skins as far as I'm aware... So it's now as if whatever skin I use, for some reason my news items are white - both the font and the panels - the whole news block on the left hand side. It's impossible to read unless I use a dark skin just to be able to see it!

Has anyone heard of this happening before, or know why it could be happening? So strange that any skin I use is affected.

Incidentally, I've just noticed this amazing looking skin uploaded just this morning! Looks brilliant. Might just use that.. :)

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