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Central Midfield

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This is the area i have most issues with in FM, it seems as though no matter what system i play if i have a good side, my central midfielders are always marked out of the game, they barely get a kick of the ball.

anyone else have this issue? any suggestions on what to do to combat this problem?

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This is my main problem too, I don't know how to combat it properly but I have used Ball winning midfielders one defend and the other support and it has done me very well. Until now that is.

I am in the championship with a poor North ferriby side (we got took over and lost our good players and couldn't buy and decent replacements) and im getting dominated a so Im back to square one.

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Not much info to go on but have you tried adding a DM or AM to add another body into midfield?

Are you being dominated by a 3-man midfield or a narrow diamond which overwhelms your 2 CMs? Are you playing with 2 CM's? What roles have you tried? How many games have you tried them for? Are your midfielders suited to the roles you have given them?

Are your midfielders supported by wingers, full-backs, a ball-playing defender and/or a deep lying forward?

Try to think about why they are being marked out of the game. Are the opposition playing a difficult formation for you? Are the opposition better than your players? Are your players in good form? Have they got good morale?

For anyone to help you, you're going to have to go into more depth

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I'm playing as barca, i'm fully aware the CPU will be using lots of OI's to counter my playing style.

The issues were happening trying to pay there traditional 4-1-2-3, i've since changed my shape to a 4-2-3-1 which has helped, pushing Iniesta into the hole.

Now im playing:-

Sweeper Keeper - Valdes

Right Wingback - Dani Alves

Ball playing CB - Pique

CB - Puyol

Left Wingback - Maxwell

CML - Busquets (balling winning mid)(def)

Advanced player maker - Xavi (Attack)

Attacking Mid - (support) Iniesta

Inside Forwards - Villa and Pedrito (Attack)

Complete striker - messi (Support)

trying to work all the creativity of barca into FM's match engine is pretty challenging my results are fine. I'm just not happy with the lack of creation coming from my Iniesta and Xavi, even with high creative freedom mixed passing...

I'll get there just gotta tweak

I was just asking more on the bases of how everyone else managed there Centre Midfield and made their players dictate the game.

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Blimey, hard to sympathise with a manager who can't get the Barcelona midfield to keep possession!!!

I'm a non-league manager using a 4-1-3-2 formation, so maybe my tips are irrelevant, but here goes anyway:

Are your midfielders close enough to your forwards and defenders? They should be quick of thought but they need passing options.

Do have a balance of roles? Maybe too many are on attack mentality which means they bomb forward and are unavailable for a pass (at least if your style is tippy-tappy).

I change player roles every match depending on my starting XI and opposition, but most commonly my DMC will be a DLP (S), my central MC will be a CM(A) and the left and right MC will be CM(S) if I'm dominating or BWM(S) if I need to get stuck in. I don't have any flair/creativity in my squad, however.

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Not asking for any sympathy, just trying to create some good possession based play which involves xiavi dictating the game...

You can see my roles in a earlier post...

My team are playing in a fluid style so players should be close to one another, maybe i should try putting everyone on support to see how that plays out lol

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Is there much interplay between busquets and xavi? Just wondering if the difference in roles and duties might be causing a slight issue, I'd be tempted to switch Xavi to a deep-lying playmaker (support) so that your 2 MC's hold a little deeper on the pitch than the formation screen suggests. I've had little success with 4-2-3-1 but I would think that the best position for the 2 MCs is somewhere between DMC and MC which is why this formation is still a little difficult to play realistically in FM - it can be done though!

By dropping Xavi deeper in line with Busquets it should pull the opposition mids a little further up the pitch than they would like, particularly if OI's have been set to closing down Xavi. By dragging the opposition mids forward Iniesta will have a permanent smile on his face. I like the support duty for Iniesta as this should help get him in the hole.

With Xavi changed to support you'll only have 2 attack duties but that may not be a problem if you want to keep the ball. If the opposition pushes up their defensive line the pitch will become cramped and with Messi on support you'll have few options to push back the d-line. Even though it isn't his natural game I'd consider putting Messi on an attack duty, it will give Iniesta more aggressive passing options and push back the opposition d-line creating space for everyone.

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I play my 4-2-3-1 with two deep lying playmakers next to each other. I find it gives a good balance between creative freedom and defensive responsibility and they keep their position really well.

Maybe your wingbacks go too far forward which leaves your MC's without wide options to pass to?

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