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Training tool.

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Hey all.

I'm starting to get more and more knowledge about the game, and it's getting much more enjoyable than "continue, continue, continue, play match, continue, continue...".

One thing I'm wondering, is if anyone got a training tool that people can download? I remember seeing Zdlr posting a picture of something that I think is a brilliant piece of work: http://4mm.co.uk/FMTrainingEditor.jpg

Easy, quick and simple way to get a training schedule for every single one of your players. Anyone got the knowledge to make one of those, or some other brilliant tools that can help training players and shape them as you'd like?

For example: I do use GenieScout to check new regens and talents PA. It might sound like cheating to some, but my aim is to be better to judge PA out of looking at stats and scout reports etc so I don't have to "cheat". I now have a talent with 188 PA and 106 CA who's 17 years old (Central defender), and I figured that I might be able to get whatever I want from him. Quick defender, strong defender, great at marking and tackling, more a passing defender or whatever suits my team.

This tool would help me and others a lot with developing players and pay more attention to other aspects of the game that appears to be forgotten by some.

Any help/comments/feedback on this would be great!

Cheers :-)

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Stop dreaming, cause you can't "shape them as you'd like" or "get whatever I want from him"....You are not raising chickens. You can "show the way to" in a big club with great training structure, but you don't have complete control on training. Coach are there to help players to develop in their career, not to raise chickens.

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I agree, the training doesn't do much apart from putting the focus of development on different areas. The different focus areas allow you to focus you players in a few areas: Strength, Speed and agility, Technique, Movement and decision making, Defensive skills and concentration, Attacking skills and creativity and Shooting skills and composure.

When I choose where to focus just ask myself the following questions:

Does he need to be strong?

Does he need to be fast and nimble?

Does he need technical skills to give him more options and make him more dangerous with the ball at his feet?

Does he need high mental attributes? How important is his movement and decision making?

Does he need defensive skills and are the tackles he makes important?

Does he need attacking skills and creativity? Does he need to make simple passes or open up play with throughballs or crosses?

Does he need shooting skills to score goals and how often will he get a scoring chance?

These are the tools you have and they only have a limited effect on the growth of players. A lot of the growth a player makes is depends on the position he plays. With the schedule you only try to work on a weakness in a player or try to get him a bit stronger in the area's you value higher than others.

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Thanks for the comments.

What I was, or am, thinking, is that if I have a player (say Hernandez) who's not very strong nor got a great first touch - then I can make a training schedule for him to be stronger or to get a better first touch? Given that he has the PA needed, of course. Or say that I get a talent who I want to use as a poucher, but he's 16 years old and have 9 on pace, can't I then put him on a training schedule that focus on pace until he have 15+?

The tool will of course only save time for making the individual training schedules that I find very time consuming given that I have to play full screen which I don't enjoy.

Cheers :)

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That's definiatly something you can use the training schedules for. Just don't expect too much from training. I agree that making schedules is rather tedious in the way that it is set up but I don't think there are any tools out to make them out of game and than use them in game.

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That's definiatly something you can use the training schedules for. Just don't expect too much from training. I agree that making schedules is rather tedious in the way that it is set up but I don't think there are any tools out to make them out of game and than use them in game.

Alrighty then. The game have changed so much since I was into it ;-) I used to develop players through giving them first-team experience. Now if I find a massive talent and use him regularly on the first team, he peaks too early and CA=PA for a (much) shorter time it seems.

I guess I'll just have to learn from testing it, and see for myself what difference it makes, and if it's worth it. Though SFrasier ( I think ) makes extremely good guides, so I can try to understand them as well ;-=

Thanks for helping me out, much appreciated :-)

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