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default_kit_textures dimensions issue for 3d kits

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Okay, this seems weird so I thought I would share and see if anyone else has the same problem.

I've decided to create some 3d kits (and 2d but 3d is the point of discussion here) for a massive league edit i did. I did the same with FM2010 and had little problem.

Now, I looked up the default kits within C://Program Files etc (the bright red/fluoro green ones that correspond with the kits created in the official editor) and created a photoshop template to use for my editing based off these. I'm not a professional photoshop wizard but I know more than enough to get by so I doubt my photoshopping is the issue. It seems that the dimensions for created kits aren't the same as the default ones unlike FM2010 (in the previous release they were squared off while the new ones have strange shapes instead, especially the shirt and sleeves). I thought I'd investigate and using the resource archiver I extracted the licensed graphics to have a look at their format eg MLS kits - they are the same as the defaults in their design. However if I simply copy one of those and then paste it in to the folder where i put my downloaded graphics the dimensions become wrong again. Looking at the default_kit_textures file in the same folder as the default kits it gives dimensions for where the kit parts are read but they are completely different to all the kits that come with the game (eg the width of the sleeves panel reads 512 pixels across as part of a defined rectangle - the width of the entire png file - while those that come with the game are maybe half that width). Further, all downloadable 3D kits made by users follow the default kits format and don't display correctly either.

I can overcome this with some tinkering and I likely will succeed - I did however find this all very odd and might suggest it is the reason there seems to be a lack of custom 3D kits made for FM2011 compared to FM2010.

Anyone know anything about this and might suggest if i have inadvertantly tinkered with something I shouldn't have which is producing this issue which is why I can find no mention of it on the forums?

Cheers, for the help.

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Sorry if I was unclear - I have used the ones you've cited as a base but they don't work fine. The areas that are black in those (ie the background) are showing up in the game - especially on the shoulders but also a strip down the socks. That is the problem. If i change teh background colour then that colour shows up on the kits as well (so it isn't a shadow). Can't work out why this is happening.

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I've just copied over the default halved shirt in replace of the kit I've create for my team and that shows in game as just green and red none of the black background is showing I also changed the background colour and that doesn't show either.

Have you got a screenshot and the png file you are using?

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I actually kind of gave up on trying to get it to work with the default template and decided that if I ended up editing the template to make it more "square" like the one for FM2010 it would solve the problem. It did work but it means that a lot of the detail is missing because it's harder to be certain of where the panels start and end but I guess I can live with that because the 3D match engine doesn't really show all that much detail on the kits anyway (unless I can edit the distance of the camera from the match but that could be opening a whole new can of worms) and the one's I am making are deliberately simple (no fancy squiggly designs, just major block panels like different coloured sleeves, hoops, stripes, halves, sashes, chevrons etc. My whole idea was the create league wide kit sponsors with simple designs starting with Adidas in the MLS, then on to Reebok in the A-League, and then considering some other leagues after that). I suppose I was just trying to be a completest for the sake of being so. And since I doubt many people will be interested in what I'm creating for their own use (i mean the difference prolly isn't that big compared to what one can create with the ingame editor kit designs anyway) I won't really have to worry about conforming to the default template for the sake of distribution ease.

If you are particularly interested from a technical standpoint I could do some screen shots for you, but I would have to recreate the template and since it seems to be only my problem it must've been something that I edited and forgot somewhere along the line. Or maybe it's a driver issue. Or perhaps my uninstalls of previous versions were not quite complete and left a few gremlin-esque relics behind that are confusing the game for all I know.

Anyway, all's well that end's well. Cheers for replying though, michaelmurrayuk :)

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