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Confusion About Direct Passing

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Isn't "direct" vague in terms of passing style of tactics panel or is it intra-lingual semantics failing ?

When somebody speaks of "direct passing" to me a Barça-esque style one-touch play in the midfield which, if applied via skillful players, averts any kind of closing down comes to my mind. Tiki taka, as they call it.

However if my linguistic skills and logic are not failing me, direct passing is the extreme of longer passing -much like how underdog teams do it when they counter-attack.

So isn't that one-touch play without controlling and thinking of where to "direct passing" ?

If not, do you happen to reach tiki-taka kind of passing through "more shorter" kind of passing ?

Thanks in advance.

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Short passing : short pass from player to player to go to opponent goal.

Direct passing : player with the ball try to pass the ball to the forwarder by the quickest and most direct way to go.

Long passing : kick the ball very far and hope someone will get it.

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Barca's play would be short with a high tempo aided by PPM's.

Short passing isn't afraid to go back or sidewards to create an opening, direct passing is more likely to only go forwards. You're right though, complete direct passing is an underdog counter-attack style.

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Directness has nothing to do with one touch. How many touches a player makes before passing is probably influenced by tempo, time wasting, run with ball instruction and hold up ball instruction. The directness influences the length (and target) of the pass. More direct passing results in more attacking "direct" football but is more prone to interceptions and giving away possession.

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