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Edited file. Game not asking me to register squad numbers before the start of season.


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The game does prompt you to register a squad and in some edited leagues you get asked to register numbers but not in all. For example in Leagues One and Two you are not asked to submit numbers, but in the Premier League you are. I'm not sure about the Championship - I can't remember - but I think that league did not prompt me for squad numbers. I think all the others are fine, I havent had a chance to run through them all. I'm checking the editor file now for any obvious things like the "uses Squad numbers" tick box not being ticked, but I doubt that will be the problem so I thought I'd ask here while I do that.

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Never mind, I think I've located the problem. In case anyone has similar issues and comes looking in future, it was a lack of squad rules for the leagues in question (Championship, League One, League Two) that caused the problem, or so I currently believe.

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