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Don't Overcomplicate Your Players!

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I have not played Football Manager for some time already and recently I went back into it after seeing how Barcelona was playing possession football in a most beautiful way. But this is not what the thread is about.

When I set about trying to recreate the formation I found myself getting carried away with the sheer number of instructions that I could give to my players and with the different sliders, it was essentially 1,000,000 permutations that one can create. When I analyzed the game on Full Match, I realized that the players did not seem to be playing what I thought I gave them instructions to do. The ball was being given away far too easily, the formation was not kept and the opposition found it all too easy to get possession of the ball.

Well, what I decided to do was to then ensure that not too many of my players had too different figures for each set of instructions. For example, when it comes to Closing Down, I divided my team into three groups (based primarily on position and role) and assigned settings for each group and then implementing them accordingly. Same went for mentalities and so on. What I found was that my players started playing more as a team and more like how I wanted them to play with lesser specific instructions.

In my opinion, I found that it was important to spend some time to think about minimizing too specific instructions and focus more on giving instructions in groups so as not to overcomplicate the players.

What do you think?

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For me, it raises a big question. Is it more difficult to become familiar (match preparation wise) with more tweaked tactics, and could this be the issue you've encountered. If so, it could be advisable to start simple and tweak during the season. Otherwise, your idea would make tactics creating a lot more simplistic than perceaved on many forums.

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For me, it raises a big question. Is it more difficult to become familiar (match preparation wise) with more tweaked tactics, and could this be the issue you've encountered. If so, it could be advisable to start simple and tweak during the season. Otherwise, you're idea would make tactics creating a lot more simplistic than perceaved on many forums.

Exactly. I am not proposing for just creating a tactic and throwing it onto the field, but to start simple and moving it on from there. And to always keep in mind things like positioning and formation shape when introducing changes.

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That's how you create cohesion. It's essential for designing a successful tactical framework. Each 'team' should probably have 3-4 (possibly more) of these groups that work together to create your team and your style of play.

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What do you think?

Easier said then done. Ive tried many a time to set up a K.I.S.S. tactic and i wouldnt know where to stop. Id someone has a proper guide on how to do so i would love to hear it. Has your attempt been successful ? Care to take us through the entire process.

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