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Noob question regarding CA/PA & attributes

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as far as i understand it players attributes calculate to the amount of their CA, never really bothered too much using the training section so just have a few questions to ask..

basically.. are players attributes capped by anything other than the overall PA, or can you train them in a specific area till there PA's maxed out or they hit that 20 stat..obviously you would have to sacrifice other areas of the players development or is there a limit each indivual attribute can reach?

Also given that not training an area would lead to the attribute declining, would i then be able to use the amount that attribute declined in an area i was lookin for the player to improve in.. for example:

if my DM 's CA was maxed out at say 125(PA 125) and i took him out of all shooting training and he lost 4 "ability points" from his attributes in this area, would that mean that the other area's i was training him could gain an extra 4 and keep his CA at 125??

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In a word, yes. For example, I never criticise a DC whom my AssMan has told me has done badly in Training (Shooting). The whole point of the regime is to reduce shooting points and reassign them elsewhere, so it indicates the schedule is working, not him failing.

Personally, I'd advise worrying about a players CA or PA. If his attributes fit the role you are playing him in and he's performing, that is all that maters.

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thanks for confirming that..

im never to concerned with the CA/PA, just using them in this instance to try and get my question across.. for example my ball winning midfielder is exactly that.. he's not someone that my tactics dictate should be anywhere near the opponents box.. My attack minded players are there for that.. he just sits in midfield regaining possession and passing it off to an attacking player, on the rare occasion i have seen them get forward their shots are never on target anyway.. at the end of the day missing is missing.. doesnt matter to me whether its by an inch or a mile.. so im hoping to improve the attributes relevant his position/role within the team by intentionally re-distributing wasted stats..


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Fowler-9, If he doesn't already have it, the PPM 'Looks for pass rather than attempting to score' might be useful and while he's learning it lower the shooting training and just hope he doesn't lose Composure.

Correct me if I'm wrong somebody, but I'm pretty certain that all that PPM does is lower their Long Shots slider one notch. If it's already at 0 (rarely) it stays at 0.

Also, I would always advise setting up your tactic properly before PPMs, the former is much easier to undo if you realise you don't like the way they're playing.

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Correct me if I'm wrong somebody, but I'm pretty certain that all that PPM does is lower their Long Shots slider one notch. If it's already at 0 (rarely) it stays at 0.

I don't know how that PPM achieves what it states, but I would be very surprised if that was all it did.

Also, I would always advise setting up your tactic properly before PPMs, the former is much easier to undo if you realise you don't like the way they're playing.

If they don't already have some PPMs and you don't use PPMs to contribute to your tactic.

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