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Getting skinned

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I play LLM on 2010 and have a 20 year old midfielder set to box to box. Although he has been playing really well he often get "Being skinned to often" from my Ass Man.

I make the assumption that he is perhaps closing down too hard and doesn't have the acceleration to keep up with his opposite number who goes past him. Haven't had a chance to analyse it in great depth as yet but does anyone have any thoughts on this. His acceleration and pace stats are very good for the level I play at which seems at odds with him getting skinned.

Am I misreading this and missing something obvious. When I get time I will try and check if his Opp number on these occasions has much better acc/pace stats but any suggestions in the meantime would be useful.

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Isn't asking for help against LLM rules? ;)

Anyhow, it might be linked to closing down and then perhaps agility and balance come into play but I suspect it is more to do with a lack of mentals. What are his positioning, decision making & anticipation like?

Also, check to see if he is regularly being over-run by 2 (or more) opponents. For example, if you played a 451 where both MCs were attacking then a DMC would likely get over-run if the opponents played a narrow 4231 as he'd effectively have to mark AMCL,AMC & AMCR.

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I should say I play in a lower league not that I subscribe to LLM :D

You may be on to something as Pos 3, Dec 5, Ant 12. His agility is 10 and Balance 8. I play a narrow 4-4-2 diamond normally with an MC support alongside. I have run his stats through a role spreadsheet and it appears he is more suited to a ball winner so may look at this possibility. I guess I need to work on his positioning and decisions.

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Just be careful with a ball-winning as they have VERY high closing down, probably much higher than their surrounding team-mates which can cause further positional problems particularly as this dumb-nut will pick bad times to close down hard.

With that low positioning & decisions he's always going to have problems but he has a relatively high anticipation so its not all doom & gloom. You'll probably just have to put up with it, if his MC partner and DMC back-up can cover for him then it's probably not so bad.

As I'm sure you know, LLM is all about picking up errors and deciding which ones you can live with.

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I do tend to play a high closing down in midfield generally anyway so assumed this was where the problem lay so maybe I need to do a bit of tweaking. For all his poor stats he has played some blinders for me so as you say you take the rough with the smooth. My DMC is only 17 but is playing very well and growing fast so will probably be able to cover him anyway. As I have only conceded 10 in 16 games I guess I can afford the luxury of having him in midfield

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Before you go changing things that possibly don't need changing, do you trust your assman? have you seen it happening in the match? I find most info provided by assmen is junk, I go by what I see on the pitch.(I watch matches in full)

I've had this 'skinned to often' feedback and only seen the guy skinned once. Maybe that's enough to prompt the assman to mention it, maybe there's not much else to report and he feels the need to justify his wage, whatever the reason, if it isn't causing a problem then ignore him.

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Good point as my Ass Man is not that tactically sound. I also watch matches in full but am not very good at reading the game even now. I have started to watch matches in the analysis and stopping the play to try to see what is happening but still seem to struggle with it. The problem is I still tend to follow the ball and don't seem to see what the opposition are doing. At least now I do have some specifics to try and hone in on which should make it easier to identify.

I think it would be really good if you could just watch the match highlights of an individual player then at least you could be more aware of how he is performing. I know you can run the analysis on each move of a player but it would be really good if you could just hit play and see all his highlights one after the other. Don't have FM11 but assume it wasn't included in that.

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Interestingly I have just played a game I was expected to lose and galloped home 2-0 with 61% possession, 11 shots and no shots against! I gave my man the role of ball winner and the Ass Man said throughout the game he was misplacing passes. At the end the summary said that my man hardly put a foot wrong and dominated the midfield!! I assume this feedback comes from the AI and is based on match stats? Looks like the Ass Man is as Ass!

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What his tackling setting? it would indicate to me that he's missing alot of tackles, which can be a consequence of hard tackling.

It will certainly become apparent against a good winger.

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Interestingly I have just played a game I was expected to lose and galloped home 2-0 with 61% possession, 11 shots and no shots against! I gave my man the role of ball winner and the Ass Man said throughout the game he was misplacing passes. At the end the summary said that my man hardly put a foot wrong and dominated the midfield!! I assume this feedback comes from the AI and is based on match stats? Looks like the Ass Man is as Ass!

:thup: It's not unusual.

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What his tackling setting? it would indicate to me that he's missing alot of tackles, which can be a consequence of hard tackling.

It will certainly become apparent against a good winger.

I was about to post something similar as I noticed that message in a game recently and looking at this thread my conclusion was "maybe my full-back should have had his tackling reduced to EASY so he picks his moment better". I will try this next time I get this message. Or just take the numpty off...

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If you're watching the full game I wouldn't bother with the assman's advice much. Unless you find yourself screaming at the player that he's an idiot and is letting his man passed too often, he's doing fine. Trust yourself first.

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If your playing a narrow 4-4-2 diamond perhaps this means he's letting opposition wingers and or fullbacks run past on the flank? Usually the centre midfielders in these formations move across when the ball is played out wide, if your not conceding goals it probably doesn't matter though.

You could also be right about your Ass man talking B******t I have noticed this happening at this level.

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What his tackling setting? it would indicate to me that he's missing alot of tackles, which can be a consequence of hard tackling.

It will certainly become apparent against a good winger.

^ this.........

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