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Triangle Mids

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I'm not interested in downloading a tactic file and opening it up in-game, but I'm guessing that you're using AML/R in you 4-2-1-2-1. So it would basically be a wide and very defensive 433, right?

I would think that you would be a bit light on the attacking end, so you might lack support from your midfield. For that I'd imagine that a more attacking type of player would be good for the MC slot. Sometimes he might not have enough space if the DM's hang back, so you could try to use a defensive midfielder/support role for one or both of them. You could even try changing the run from deep instruction of one of them to often.

At first I would try using two defensive midfielder/support's and a advanced playmaker with support or attack depending on the player you employ here.

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I would use (and have used with some success) a DMC(defend),a deep lying playmaker(support) and an advanced playmaker(attack) in order to have all three roles to give me a more balanced midfield.

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I played a similair set up with Bayern once which I got to work quite well, Used Schweinstieger on Deep Playmaker (Defend), Tymoshuck as Defensive Midfielder (Defend) and Kroos as as an Advanced Playmaker (Support + Roaming On).

However the idea was basically to build up play very slowly in deep positions and then, when the chance arose play a quick killer ball through to one of the front (Ribery, Robben, Klose).

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My backup formation is a 4231 with 2xMC + 1xAMC to form my midfield.

The midfield instructions are fairly neutral but the MC's are several notches lower in mentality than the rest of the team whilst the AMC is slightly lower so that all 3 drop deeper in the formation than the formation screen suggests. Maybe this would suit you. The lower mentality also restricts their flair & (to some extent) their creativity so I make sure that I compensate for this otherwise you'll potentially end up with a slightly dull & safe midfield which might not suit.

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In my current Marseille save, I have found that playing a 4-3-3 can really limit your attacking opportunities. However, it goes without say that it really stabilises your defence and prevents you from conceding many goals. My set-up looked a little like this:

DMC - Cissé, Defensive Midfield, Defend

MCL - Cheyrou/Kabore, Box-to-Box, Support

MCR - Lucho/Ayew, Advanced Playmaker, Attack

And even though this is quite an attacking mentality, it didn't work too well for me. Sure, I haven't lost a single Domestic game yet (I lost to Man United in Manchester in the groups of the CL), but as Marseille I don't think a series of 1-0 results are what I should be doing. Every goal felt like a massive relief, because it came to the point where I didn't see where a goal could possibly come from. However, I tweaked this tactic slightly; I needed more goals to contend with the two teams above me (Lille and Lyon, who were 5 and 4 ahead of me respectively). I set:

DMC - Kaboré, Anchor Man, Defend

MCL - Charlie Adam, Advanced Playmaker, Attack

MCR - Lucho, Midfield Centre, Attack

By simply making Lucho an MCa, and still having an APa, I could create much more going forwards. Adam and Lucho were linking up very well and still making a team effort to prevent goals from leaking in. Kaboré as an Anchor Man meant that he sat firmly ahead of Mbia and Hilton (Diawara was injured at this point), and in my first game of this new set-up, I won 4-0. In the second game, I won 2-0 in Italy against a very strong Sampdoria side (Champions League, obviously). I'm now tied equal with Lyon and 1 behind Lille, after a strong series of results where I only dropped 2 points in total (drew 2-2, following Mandanda kicking the ball off of Babacar Sanogo, and then Mandanda dropping the ball from a corner at Sanogo's feet to go down 2-0 to Saint-Etienne, but we fought back).

Basically, what I'm trying to say is that trying to play with a Midfield Trio and score plenty of goals at the same time is difficult and requires maybe a bit more risk than you would like. Having two attack-minded MCs as well as a Defensive non-creative DM is perhaps the best way to create plenty for the wingers (Jeffren on the Left and Valbuena on the Right, by the way) and the striker (Gignac, occasionally Vossen). It's strange, because the idea of an APa and a B2B would suggest that you would be fine, but I find that the B2B midfielder doesn't do what they should (maybe just Cheyrou being rubbish, I'm not a fan). Despite what you may think, the APa and MCa still help out in defensive duties a lot. Although this may just be Charlie Adam's team spirit and mentality, I'm unsure.

If you're not happy with 2 Attack-minded Central Midfielders, it may be an idea to have a Ball Winning Support and have them making a lot of FWD Runs and Runs from Deep.

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I change certain statistics based on what the player are capable of. If my APa can't hit good long shots, I reduce this to Rarely. If he's excellent at long shots, I set it to sometimes (I hate making long shots often, I will never do it). If a player has good decisions and stamina, set him to make forward runs often etc. - base it around your players, not a template.

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