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Making Your Strikers Close Down

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Your own area means your own, as in where your keeper is. Getting your strikers to close down is down by either using the opposition instructions to close down their defence or the tactics screen, telling them to close down all over the pitch.

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Probably worth noting that all you can do is request that your strikers close down, not force them to. If they have low work-rate (for example) then they won't be inclined to close down at all. Compare someone like Tevez to someone like Balotelli. The former is known as a bit of a Bulldog, who will chase down lost causes and put defenders under pressure. Balotelli, not so much.

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If you set the strikers closing down to "own area" it means they will hardly every track back and hold their position, set the closing down to maximum on the slider will see them closing down more , but whether they will track all the way back to your box to close down is another thing.

One way I have found helps to make wingers track back is to set them to man mark attacking fullbacks tightly for example your aml to man mark the opponents rb etc, maybe setting the striker to man mark a certain player will help you out.

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So there is no direct way for making your strikers to close down in the final third ?

What has been said.

If their work rate is high and they have good stamina, set it to 'whole pitch'. Or close down the center backs on the opposition instructions pitch. Failing that, play them as a defensive forward.

Be aware that by asking them to close down will mean they will no longer lead the line and they'll be pulled from position.

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Work Rate, sing it out loud, it is the key to this game and without it, most other stats will lose there edge to a certain degree. As ZdlR pointed out with the two Man City example players, If you ever managed Man UTD with Fletcher and Park you could not stop them from closing down. So have a look at your front players and determine which ones are unlikely to want to run all day. I also think that teamwork would have some impact on the situation.

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