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The Official sortitoutsi.net Update 2011/2012


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The Official sortitoutsi.net Update 2011/2012

I am pleased to announce the official confirmation of the sortitoutsi.net Update for the 2011/2012 season. As always work has been underway for months and in the interest of relieving public pressure, I decided to delay the announcement until the groundwork was completed but without any further ado I am pleased to publically announce that there will indeed by an Official sortitoutsi.net Update for another year running.

With this in mind, let me address a few typical questions….

When will it be released?

Let’s all face it, this is the burning question that is repeatedly asked year after year so I felt it was appropriate to address this concern first. The Official sortitoutsi.net Update doesn’t have an official release date, I always work on the principle that it shall be released when it is at a high standard. I will be aiming to release the database shortly after the close of the transfer deadline, whether this will be September 1st or a few days later will be determined by the level of work remaining by the time this date arrives and how much transfer activity happens on the final day of the window.

The update will not be released before the end of the transfer window, it is a policy I have always preferred as there is just too much scope for errors and I know this can only disappoint you all, thus I find it is much better to release the update after all clubs business has been concluded.

Does this update include player cleansing?

Unfortunately this update does not include player cleansing (a term I coined to describe the editing of players arrival dates to allow more fluid transfers, i.e. a player who joined last season would willingly leave instead of declare his happiness to have joined). It is a very time consuming task to do the whole process justice and rather than apply a weak-willed effort I decided that, in the interest of time (player cleansing on the scale I used to do would take several weeks and months of 4-6 hour work the majority of the week) I have decided to not include this element in the update.

Do you update leagues outside of England?


Yes, countries outside England will receive attention, this is not an Anglo centric database as I am aware that people enjoy to play games across the globe (myself included) and it would be unfair on those outside of England if I didn’t dedicate the same amount of care and attention to other countries.

Naturally England will be the most indepth in terms of editing due to my own location and access to media, however when you download the update this year the file will include a large map which will be colour-coded to reflect how much attention a country has received in terms of modifications, so you will be able to gauge how accurate a country may or may not be.

Have clubs finances been updated


I take great pride in making sure clubs have accurate finances which reflect reality but also provide a challenge inside the game engine. Clubs like Manchester City, Paris Saint-Germain etc will of course have vast swathes of wealth to unleash on the transfer market as is the case in real life, whilst poorer clubs will be more restricted in their activity. In general I balance reality and gameplay to find a comfortable middle ground.

I am fully aware that not everybody will necessarily agree with my figures, but this is inevitable in a sport that is all about opinions.

Will league expansions etc work with you database?

I cannot confirm whether any of your other data files will work in conjunction with my database, effectively you will attempt to use them at your own risk and I strongly recommend only using files provided by myself that are 100% compatible to enjoy the best results.

This doesn’t mean you can’t, I just cannot determine what files my database would work in conjunction with.

I disagree with something in your update/I have found an error/U toetly sux

I am always open to constructive criticism, this year will be no different. If you find an error, omission or generally disagree with clubs bank balance for example you are welcome to post in this thread and I will answer you and either amend the problem or explain them.

What will not be tolerated is foul mouthed abuse. Bare in mind that these updates take hundreds of hours a year to assemble per year, are incredibly taxing on the mind and body and ultimately are provided to you all for no cost whatsoever. Criticism is welcome if it is polite and constructive, foul mouthed rants will be responded to in the tone they deserve or ignored entirely.

This isn’t direct at the majority of you, but sadly a minority makes this a necessity to point out.


If there are any other questions you may have please feel free to ask them in this thread and I will do my best to answer them. If you want to simply post comings and goings to make sure I include them for your own club etc or just want to see screenshots and so on feel free to do so.

Keep a look out on this thread for updates or follow me on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/sortitoutsiupdate


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Welcome back Minsterman and good luck. Its a lot of work..defo appreciate your time and effort m8. Always a class update. Feel free to put mine and wallys update on your website so people have something to play until your release.

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I've never tried one of these huge data updates before so I'm just wondering....do you actually change the year and have updated competition winners? As in, are just the clubs and players updated but you still start at the beginning of last season or is everything updated up to the beginning of this season, including last year's champions etc?

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I do not touch CA/PA, I leave it alone as it causes too many arguments, however I may release an OPTIONAL file with some tweaks in, but the main database itself will be unchanged.

Thanks, forgot to ask, what about player contracts etc, will these be changed? I.e- Gallas/Bale's new deals...

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did ALL European countries get updates? By all I mean all playable

Every single playable league in the world has had loans and injuries removed/backdated, hopefully a large proportion will receive transfer attention. All of them should have promotions/relegations etc.

I've never tried one of these huge data updates before so I'm just wondering....do you actually change the year and have updated competition winners? As in, are just the clubs and players updated but you still start at the beginning of last season or is everything updated up to the beginning of this season, including last year's champions etc?

As mentioned I cannot start the game in the summer of 2011 (believe me if SI allowed this as an option my life would be 100000000x easier), but everything is changed as if it were this summer instead of 2010 so competition winners, qualifiers etc are all updated to the 2011/2012 season.

For example...


You cannot change the year, so it starts from 2010. But in the other DB's in this forum, last yrs competition winners are changed, or so i believe. Not sure how this impacts histories or anything.

It doesn't have any impact thankfully. None that I have noticed.

Thanks, forgot to ask, what about player contracts etc, will these be changed? I.e- Gallas/Bale's new deals...

New contracts are, where spotted in news feeds, updated. Admittedly some may not be but again I don't mind updating any issues people discover.

Update sounds good - looking forward to it! Does the update include fixed competition names, etc?

It doesn't, no, I can always release the notepad files I use in my own game to do that if there is a demand but I believe there may be some more than are much, much more indepth now. With the "artists" permission I may include them OR a link to them.

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I hope the Bulgarian "A" group gets some attention as it is rarely updated in any other updates :) If needed I can make a full list of all the changes for my favorite CSKA (Sofia)? :)

Actually, there is plenty of time so I could translate a list from Bulgarian for the whole A group if you can't find a good source in English.

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I hope the Bulgarian "A" group gets some attention as it is rarely updated in any other updates :) If needed I can make a full list of all the changes for my favorite CSKA (Sofia)? :)

Actually, there is plenty of time so I could translate a list from Bulgarian for the whole A group if you can't find a good source in English.

I endeavour to update leagues where there is a demand, even if it is after the initial release in the form of a "patch". If there are errors (or regrettably no changes) A list would be fantastic.

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U.D Leiria were kicked out of their stadium by the council and will spend the next 3 years at Estadio Marinha Grande, a 6k capacity stadium in a town of the same name 12km away

Also, André Almeida and Pedro Almeida have moved from Benfica to Leiria.

Ruben Brigido suffered a broken leg in pre-season and will be out for 6 months

Also, here is an updated squad list for this season

Some more information about the new home of Leiria

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TheMinsterman...looking forward to this:D

just a couple of questions will it be save game compatable

and will the current window transfer be just that in game....ie wont take place until 2011...or are you setting it that these transfers are kicking in if you start a new game for the 2010 season

thanks again for the work;)

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TheMinsterman...looking forward to this:D

just a couple of questions will it be save game compatable

and will the current window transfer be just that in game....ie wont take place until 2011...or are you setting it that these transfers are kicking in if you start a new game for the 2010 season

thanks again for the work;)

It will not effect save games at all, so any games your playing you can keep playing it won't make them break or anything, but it will not effect data inside the save.

The transfers are all done as if it was 2011, but the game will still start in 2010, it is a unchangeable game mechanic and setting the transfer for a year in the future then opens up the problem of people moving about after a year despite the game throwing up completely different outcomes to the season just gone.

Shouldn't Connor Wickham actually be worth whatever Sunderland payed for him? Just adds abit more realism to the game. But keep up the work guys! :D

I will see if I can get it to do so, but generally the game values players as it wishes without a bit of trickery.

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Thanks for the quick reply, looks very good. Transfer-wise the only thing I can see is Nathan Koranteng is now at Woking.

Also I can't see Paul Taylor in the Peterborough squad, signed an 18 month contract back in February. Dont forget to remove his ban/injury. He'll be the 22 year old one in the editor.

Also, not sure if you're doing position changes since it's all subjective, but Craig Alcock can play anywhere across the back four, and Marco Hoger has started at right back for every game for Schalke this season. Although I'm sure these can easily be trained in-game so no worries.

Can't wait for this

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Thanks for the quick reply, looks very good. Transfer-wise the only thing I can see is Nathan Koranteng is now at Woking.

Also I can't see Paul Taylor in the Peterborough squad, signed an 18 month contract back in February. Dont forget to remove his ban/injury. He'll be the 22 year old one in the editor.

Also, not sure if you're doing position changes since it's all subjective, but Craig Alcock can play anywhere across the back four, and Marco Hoger has started at right back for every game for Schalke this season. Although I'm sure these can easily be trained in-game so no worries.

Can't wait for this

Position changes are something I may or may not do once transfers are to a high standard, will have to come back to me on that one.

Paul Taylor MAY be in the reserves for Petersborough, I will have to check later when I am on my PC rather than my laptop, if he isn't he will be duly added to the squad. As for Koranteng, good spot, I will "wing him" *snigger* off to Woking later today.

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All you have to do is make sure that you put in how much the club paid his last club for the transfer of the player (this can be found in the editor for the players history)

Example... Go onto Conor Wickham and type in 12000000 into his last club...

I haven't explained this well but hopefully you understand.

Keep up the good work :D

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All you have to do is make sure that you put in how much the club paid his last club for the transfer of the player (this can be found in the editor for the players history)

Example... Go onto Conor Wickham and type in 12000000 into his last club...

I haven't explained this well but hopefully you understand.

Keep up the good work :D

Yes I understand, it just doesn't always work sadly. Sometimes it merely records that he went for that fee but still values him as he pleases.

Gooner88, I will try and get SOME done for the first release, but the intention is to do most kits done over time yes, obvious transfers take priority. Arsenal's have been changed however.

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I presume this will be released once the Transfer Window shuts, correct? One question, will you be adding players like Souleymane Coulibaly, M'Baye Niang etc? It would be interesting to see how you rate them.

This looks like a epic project though, Well Done :D

Yes, you're correct it shall be released once the window slams shut, I don't believe in releasing during transfer windows anymore as it just means your update is constantly out of date, much easier to release after when no more major changes can occur!

Coulibaly is the Spurs striker correct? I may be wrong but I digress, I've created new players who warrant creation so SOME new guys are in, like the jailed ex-Sheff Utd player at Scunthorpe etc. Michael Ball too, few others. I do avoid making tons of youth players though, just relevent players.

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