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Deep Lying Playmaker v Advanced Playmaker

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Hi guys, bit of background, im playing in long term save with Aston Villa in EPL (season 2033-34), been at the club for 4 seasons finishing 5th - 8th generally. Atm im using 4-2-3-1 formation with tactic i created myself. Im relativley fussy in which players i sign based on their attributes but my quesion really is about the playmaker role. I have 2 centre mids one of which is ball winner(D) and the other a playmaker(S), in front of this i have Attacking midfielder(A) two wingers(A) and a poacher(A).

My style is attacking based with short passing and high tempo, idea being to break quickly when we gain possesion and use my superior passers to create space for the attacking quartet to break. I sacrifice a little defensivly but i try to use fast DC (14+) and full backs (16+) to compensate. I am also using a high pressing game when not in possesion.

The 2nd MC will be on support role and im curious as to which is better for me, Advanced or Deep lying? i have been playing better with a more advanced playmaker but i think the players maybe better suited to deep lying, tbh tho im not entirely sure on the difference, like Modric irl is he adv or deep?

So thats my question really, what are the main differences between the roles? and which role will better suit my style and tactics?

below are some screenies of my current player for this positon (i may switch him to holding positon) and 2 players my scouts found, one of which im considering signing tho not sure which yet




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I think Carreno and Sjostrom are best employed as deeplying defensive playmakers, Faye has slightly better technique, vision and shooting stats, so he can be further up the pitch, but I think none of them really qualify as advanced playmakers with their low flair and fairly low shooting attributes. Good players though.

To answer your question about what the difference is... a deeplying playmaker with a defensive role will hang back like an anchor man, but will be a bit more creative with his passing, a deeplying playmaker with a support role will also stay back, but will get close enough to the goal to attempt a long shot, or play an assist to the striker. An advanced playmaker with a support role will do the same as the deeplying playmaker, he's simply a bit further up the pitch, so will be more involved with attacking play and less with defending. Xavi is a typical advanced playmaker, where busquets is a deeplying playmaker. Sneijder is an advanced playmaker, while cambiasso is a deeplying playmaker.

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Sjöström isn't a playmaker by any stretch of imagination. The guy has so poor vision (cre 10, fla 4) and composure (10). In real footie terms, he can play safe and sound passes but won't pull anything marvellous off. And if he has little time, his low composure comes into play. That's the last guy I would pick as my playmaker. I doubt he would be the go-to guy even in a Championship side. Bulk him up and he'll do for a defensive midfielder.

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Without looking at the players in question I'd suggest deep-lying playmaker for this role. The 4-2-3-1 is capable of many different setups but invariably it has 2 holding midfielders whilst it maintains an attacking quad-tet supported by FB's and aforementioned CMs/DMs, hence, deep-lying playmaker. Having looked at the players...

Sjolstrom - has some talent but as mentioned is severely hamstrung by low creativity & flair & composure as well as average anticipation, concentration, determination & poor physicals. With his pace, maybe a covering DMC (although poor anticipation suggests no) or a re-training, but he's already quite old comparatively.

Faye - Best of the 2 potential signings in my opinion. He's a short coward which is bad enough but average teamwork, decisions & positioning mean he might struggle. His impressive technicals (matched with decent physicals (barring strength) and anticipation, creativity, work rate & ok determination) mean he should be decent.

Carreno - Best of the 3 in my opinion - good physicals to cover for ambitious FB's, whilst he can match it technically and mentally, only real weakness for a deep-lying role is anticipation (and this is a big weakness) but it is counter-acted by work rate & determination (although don't expect fireworks with the ball). Doesn't have the required skills for an Adv.PM in my opinion (dribbling, finishing, anticipation, team work) but should be a great covering DM. Ask him to cover for marauding FB's and feed creative MC's and he'll be a star.

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Great, thanks for the opinions guys

tbh the reason i was looking at Solstrom is because he is still on youth conract, not sure if he will improve much since he is already decent looking but he is only one year old in game time (his history tab shows him formed 2033) and will cost minimal amount (2m), considering your opinions i feel he is obv no good for the position i wanted him to play, i think his is best in holding role but his 'strength' is pretty bad so i may just hold him and sell him on later since he is cheap.

Faye is the older and more complete player he will cost around 12m, reason i like him is because he has immense passing and also his crossing (for more long range) and i think with his decent acc/pace and good but not super defensive skills (tackling, marking, positioning) he reminds me of a kind of Yaya Toure type player who can play a deep role and keep things simple. Tbh i never really considered his bravery and heading skills for this position, would u say this is a major issue considering his overall ability which would make him unsuitable or would it be worth the gamble for such a fee?

Carreno - he is my captain atm so will command a place in the team almost always (since he is also one of my best players) really i guess he is a holding midfielder but i was thinking he is maybe to talented to be just a water carrier so was thinking to play him in the deep role. Looking at what u guys said i guess his big draw back is his lack of creativity so i think from now he will just play as the ball winner.

I think deep lying playmaker is the way i will go for now judging by current opinion but would it be best for defend or support role? atm i have :-

GK - Defend

DL/DR - Support

DC - Defend

Ball winner - defend

Deep playmaker - ?

AMC - Attack

Wingers - Attack

Poacher - Attack

Just worried i dont have enough support players (only full backs) and am unsure how is best to alter to keep my attacking strategy working with the front 4

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Carreno is an excellent, tireless defensive midfielder and water carrier (he could probably go box-to-box with a little more attacking threat), but he isn't going to be spraying wonder passes any time soon, simply because he can't spot them, and at 26 you're not going to be able to teach him to. But in a 4-2-3-1 that's set up well, expect him to average 85%+ pass completion, just sitting tight and tidying everything up.

The other two players would make far better DLPs (not Advanced Playmakers), but the first thing I'd do when they arrived is put them on dedicated training regimes with Tactics and Attacking maxed (Attacking is less important for Faye), to get their Creativity and Decisions up (it may already be too late for Faye to make dramatic improvements). With relatively low Flair, though, neither of them are visionaries (in real football terms, they can spot good passes, make good decisions, and execute, but they can't spot the pass that no one else does).

One other problem is that with a 'holding' pair of Carreno and one of these guys, you have very little aerial strength in the middle of the park. Which is fine if you can keep the ball, and keep it on the ground...

Also, instead of fussing too much over whether a given player 'is' a DLP or an AP, just go into Advanced mode and see what the difference is in terms of sliders. You might find that you can set them to AP and then tweak one or two things to suit them particularly. Don't get too hung up on what SI have decided to call a given role, just go in and see what they think it is in game terms, and then adjust it to suit your tactics and your team.

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If you're going to get Sjolstrom anyway I'd consider retraining him to DR. Good positioning, marking & tackling matched with the necessary skills to tirelessly work the line as well as being comfortable recycling possession. Strength (in my opinion) is less of an issue out there as well (as is his lack of creativity). Get him on some heavy tactical & attacking training and he could turn into a really useful player.

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