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Youth Tactics

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When you tick for the youth team to play the same tactics as 1st team does it set them to the same as the last first team game. Also does it set them with all the tweaks applied at the start of that 1st team game or the actual settings at the end of the game?

Interestingly my U19's were being fairly mediocre until I set to same tactics and then they went on an unbeaten run for about 7 games.

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As far as I know, it uses the "current" first team tactics you have saved, or at least, whatever you have selected from your saved tactics.

I always have my youth team playing the same tactics as my first team. I tend to build my squads around an overall tactical approach, so when signing or developing youngsters, I want them to play exactly the same way as my first team. It's then a case of natural progression, as they're gradually eased into the first team and a tactical system they already "know". :)

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