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[FM11] Leaving on a Jet Plane - A Tour of the world


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I recently stumbled up on Dafuge's thread on here, after first looking in this section of the forums, about his world tour and his thread inspired me to start my own tour of football.

The main aim of my career will be to win the top continental championship on each continent (apart from Oceania) .

Game: FM 11

Patch: 11.3

Add ons: N/A

Database size: Large, with all current international players loaded.

Start date: July 2010

Leagues loaded:

Argentina (1st and 2nd Divisions)

Brazil (1st Division)

Chile (1st and 2nd Divisions)

England (Down to Blue Square North and South)

France (Ligue 1 & 2)

Germany (Bundesliga)

Italy (Down to Serie C2

Mexico (1st and 2nd Divisions)

South Africa (1st and 2nd Divisions)

South Korea (1st and 2nd Divisions)

Spain (Down to Liga Adelante)


Starting experience: Semi-Professional Footballer

I will be going for the rather unusual (around here at least) way of choosing my first club... By choice. I will be fair though, so no starting in the top flight of any country. I have decided I will try and complete the Asian part of my challenge first. Therefore my first club is...

Changwon City from the Korean N- League

Will add the first season and related stuff when I have time tomorrow.

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