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help scoring goals

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to all tactical kings/queens!!

i am currently trying to learn how to play this game i.e make my own tactic, learn about player roles, individual settings, team settings etc etc etc

however every time i make a tactic it never works so i resort to downloading other ppls (a habit i am trying to break)

when i look indepth at other downloaded tactics then compare to mine i just dont understand why i cant succeed!

i either win 1-0 or lose 5-2 etc. now while i know that there is nothing wrong with a 1-0 win but it makes for a very boring game let alone a boring season

i read this forum page amongst others on a regular basis and it is full of posts regarding the number of goals there forwards score eg

2 seasons, 136 games, 221 goals, 45 assists, 63 MotM...

so my plea is HOW DO YOU DO IT????

All help and advice welcome



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Tactics are only half the story. You need a squad of players with the attributes suited to your selected tactic as well. As an example, my narrow 4-2-3-1 formation relies on the two central midfielders being positionally sound but with good vision to spot the movement of the three AMs ahead of them and the charging FBs either side. If my CMs keep getting out of position when my FBs bomb forward, my tactic fails. If my FBs don't have the pace to get forward on the break and back into recovery when we lose the ball, my tactic also fails. If my AMs lack the movement to break open the opposition defence, yet again it fails.

I'm currently on a six clean sheets in a row run, averaging 2.1 goals per game, but the same tactic with the incorrect players would just not work.

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Don't mind the braggers, even if they don't cheat. ;) Just try to make a solid tactic and learn the different strategies first. You could, for instance, make a base tactic. This should be an attacking tactic if you're managing a top team in your league, a normal tactic if you're managing a mid-table team and a counter or defensive tactic if you're a relegation candidate.

Let your players become comfortable with this tactic and if the're almost fluid (in the match prep. screen) in every aspect, make another tactic to go alongside with it. This could be a control tactic (if you're a top team) to try te pry open tight defences, or a counter tactic (if you're mid-table) or a more attacking tactic if you're a relegation candidate. Once you have used this two tactics (and the players are, again, almost fully fluid with both), make a third one. Again, this should employ a different strategy.

During each match you will have to look at the motivation widget and the match analysis. Try to inspire your players to put their hearts into it.

To analyse where your tactics fail you will have to make use of the match analysis screen. Use shouts to improve your performance. For instace, if you get a lot of long shots at goal, you could use the 'work ball into box" shout. If you're not getting enough posession, you will have to see if it's your passing or your (lack of)ibnterceptions. If it's the passing, try to "retain posession", if it's the lack of interceptions, try to reduce space bu "pushing higher up" and "hassle opponents", or amploy a more defensive tactic....

All of this is just a beginning, because there is a lot more to it, but this is, in my opinion a good start.

All the luck!


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Don't mind the braggers, even if they don't cheat. ;)

Did I sound like I was bragging? Oh dear, that's embarassing.

I was just trying to point out that simply taking a "working" tactic from someone else and applying to your team will not necessarily yield results.

Erm, anyway, I'm rubbish at this game; I've never gotten into Europe and I put up a brolly when it rains.

Hopefully that redresses the "big head" balance a little.

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@ silten

Oh no, that wasn't the case. I was just referring to his first post where he seemed a bit in despair since there are many others who seem to win everything with every team. Your advice is sound and makes it easier to win games, sthis has nothing to do with bragging. I'm sorry, it wasn't my intention to offend you..

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But even if you where bragging, I was just trying to cut a new player some slack. The game isn't easy so it can get overwhelming if you can't get the results ather players seaam to get with ease. This van be a demotivation to play the best game in history, which I can't let happen. ;)

Still, we are all trying our best to discuss in depth, wich ultimatly results in more knowledge. And knolwledge seems to be key to enjoy this game.

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I normally start to get the hang of each new release a couple of months before the next one comes out. Certain principles follow on year after year, but I still feel like I'm learning something new about this game every time I play it.

Long live FM!

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