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[Discussion thread] What are your PC specs & how many leagues do you load in your careers?


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Thought I would start a discussion thread.

This always tends to be an interesting topic for me, usually because I am on the wrong end of things and have to struggle along with the minimum amount of leagues due to having a poor PC!

However, my new PC arrived yesterday and it's amazing! :D

I have tested it on FM and I get 5 stars for performance and for 3D. I can load a ton of leagues for the first time in my whole CM/FM life, which is amazing. I've honestly never had a really good spec PC to play FM on so this is going to change my FM life! I'm planning a big journeyman career for FM12!

Anyway, to the point of this thread, which is a discussion on PC specs and the number of leagues you like to load for your career saves.

I now have an Intel Quad Core I5 2500 at 3.30GHz with 8GB RAM. I truly feel spoilt and as if I don't deserve it. :D

I normally load one country's leagues for a one club game and up to around three countries worth of leagues when running a journeyman game. That's definitely going to change now, as I intend to do a journeyman save when FM12 comes out and I want to load many more nations into the game to give me a deeper footballing world in which I can immerse myself! There are certain leagues that I have never tried before and I will now finally have the chance to load them in. I'm not sure how many leagues I will be able to load on this system at present but I'm suspecting 20-30 will be a breeze for my sexy new computer! :D

So, how about you guys, what are your PC specs and how many leagues do you like to load into your career saves? Are there any leagues in particular that you like to have loaded? Does your machine restrict what you can load or do you have a super computer that can handle it all? Let us know your thoughts on this subject. :)

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I have a Intel Core I5 processor which runs at 2.66GHz and a 4GB Ram,this is the first time that my laptop has been more powerful then my PC :lol:

In my current journeyman save,I have 37 nations running with 97 leagues which I'm restricted to 125,000 players but even that is a massive improvement of the 75,000 players which I was limited to.I normally have a variety of additional leagues (Current ones are New Zealand,Canada,Tunisia,Egypt,Senegal and Montenegro) with a selection of nations from each continent to give a wider choice of clubs to move to if I want to challenge myself further.

With your computer I reckon you could get more then what I have running quite easily :)

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I also bought a new PC back in June (i7-2600, 6GB RAM), but at this stage I was so far into my FM11 save that it didn't feel right to start again, so I just transferred that over to the new machine. It was amazing to see the difference in processing speed and has definitely enhanced my enjoyment of the game.

FM12 will be my first opportunity to load up a new save, but with the new 'Manage Anywhere, Anywhen' feature, it may not be necessary to load up a load of leagues anyway. This is something I will need to investigate nearer the time, but I can't imagine my set-up will be a lot different to what I'm running now (10 nations, 20 leagues), and then just turn other nations on/off when required.

One thing that I may do is to make the use of uncle ron's English Level 7 & 8 database. I've always only used 'in box' leagues, but I think I would like to start at a lower level than BSN/BSS, and his update seems the most stable available.

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Pretty similar to you Crouchy - i7 2600 @ 3.4ghz and 8gb RAM.

I'm running 34 playable nations with 74 leagues loaded. 124,000 players loaded which was 1,000 under the recommended level.

To be honest, I've not had a single noticeable bit of slowdown in my 17 year career :cool:

If I were to start again I'd just end up loading every league and going with that. I don't think this machine would struggle. That makes me endlessly happy :D

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I only have a Dual Core 2.1ghz processor with 4gb RAM.... :(

But I'm running every country and nearly every league in the game except for the 4 South American nations not called Argentina and Brazil. All of you can run every league no problem. It would be a waste not to.

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I have an Intel i7 950 overclocked to 4.2ghz with 6gb RAM. I do not load many leagues as I like to play very fast and fly through the seasons. My last game I loaded Australia, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Brazil, Argentina, Spain, England, Mexico and the MLS by 2031 it was running fine but on FM12 I will remove all of the leagues from each continent as I win that continents Champions League. This will then allow me to settle down into one country probably England and try to get past the 2030's something I have never done on FM.

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CPU: Intel® Core i5 CPU 750 @ 2.67GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.5GHz Overclocked to 3.8 GHz

HSF: Noctua NHD-14

MOBO: ASRock P55 Deluxe

RAM: 16gb(4x4gb) Gskill Sniper DDR3 1600

GPU: 2x MSI N460GTX Hawk GeForce GTX 460 (Fermi) 1GB (SLI)

HDD: 2x Western Digital Caviar Black 500GB

SSD: 120gb Vertex 3 Max IOPS Edition, Corsair CMFSSD-128GBG1D 2.5" 128GB, Intel X25-M 160 GB,External (SSDSA2M160G2GC)

PSU: Corsair 750W

SOU: Asus Xonar DX

Case: Mountain Mods U2-UFO Horizon

Mon: Samsung SyncMaster T260 - 25.5" - 1900x1200 - LCD 1080P

Mouse: Logitech Performance Mouse MX

Keyboard: Logitech Illuminati

OS: Win 7 64Bit Professional

I'm getting an i7 Ivybridge next March when they happen to release. Also waiting for the next generation of Nvidia to upgrade my SLI 460s. I'm a big gamer so I spent about $3000 on this built, built it myself. I can easily run every league on it with no troubles, as I have done it in the past with saves. I know, I have 3 SSDs, a bit crazy. I use one for my OS and two for my Steam (I have 258 games on it) for increased game-loading time.

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My laptop looks really dated now :D

Intel Core2 Duo CPU T9600 @ 2.80 GHz, 8GB RAM, ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4650.

Here's what I loaded for my current game. I think I could easily load more but I'm actually considering loading a lot less for FM12, especially with the add/remove new league option. It has been running quickly, but I've actually felt that the database is less balanced with extra leagues loaded compared to just one.

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Intel® Core2 Quad CPU Q9550 @ 2.83 GHz - 4 GB RAM

Currently running 10 leagues playable and the rest as view only.. And loaded top division players and current internationals from every continent.. The recommended limit was 70000 players, but think I hit 110000 or higher.. Running a little slow, but it's not a problem :) .

I definably want to upgrade sooner or later.. But I need money!

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