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[FM11] Journey: A Midnight Train Going Anywhere.


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Hi all. I've been a long time reader of the FMCU Board, but this is the first time I've ever posted my efforts. Anyone wanting to see meteoric rises and epic triumphs, look away now. I am by my own admission a mediocre FM'er. The only real success I had was in FM07 where I had a 36 year career at Lyon that lasted over 1200 hours.

So, onto FM11. I'm running 11.3 with leagues in the following countries: Belgium, Belarus, Bulgaria, England, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Holland, Norway, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden and Brazil. About 76000 players. I'm a 30 y/o Englishman, with French 2nd nationality and Sunday League Footballer previous experience.

I started the game Unemployed and applied for all the available jobs. One thing I didn't want to do was go straight into England, as I think (correctly or not as it may be), that the Reputation boost is too much at the start. I wanted more of a challenge, as if I need one really :) so I accepted a 1 Year contract($425p/w) in the 2nd Division of Bulgaria.

The team: Chavdar (Etropole). Not much of a history. Since 1922 they've only ever made it to the 3rd round of the Bulgarian Cup once, in 2000. They were newly promoted to the 2nd division btw. This league is split into two groups, East and West, with only 1st place gaining Automatic Promotion, and 2nd having to Playoff against the winner of the other group. The winner then has to play 2nd last from the 1st Division in a Playoff Final.

The number of 'Well known players in your region' was quite low, with perhaps 100-200 players. Not many signings to bolster a very small and somewhat weak looking squad, 6 in total, including, strangely 2 Moroccans.

Straight away I'm $1200 (gbp) over my weekly budget of $3900. A bit of a trend of mine really. I want what I want.

And so commenced my first season, and an interesting one at that. Very inconsistent all the way through. My interest levels seriously dropping, I applied for a few new jobs here and there. The Board did not like that, so I apologised and continued on, fully intending to see out my contract and move on. With the season (33 games) coming to a close, something clicked, and after a Round 29 victory,the 5th in a row, we were top!! Inconsistent as we were though, we bottled it and finished in 2nd, 3 points behind first.

20wins, 1draw, 12losses. Shows we couldn't hold onto our leads or come back into games much. But, interest stoked again, I prepare myself for playoffs.

Here is where many of you I'm sure will shake your heads. I'd rejected a few contract renewals waiting to see out the season and sign if I got promoted. BUT! in a last minute late night silly idea, I applied for or declared interest in another vacated position, The Board got wind of it and I got sacked. The day before the playoff semi-final.

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Keef - I too am a mediocre but completely addicted FM'er and about to embark upon my first world tour journeyman game before FM12 comes out - probably won't get too far as not a very quick player either ! Anyway, good luck with your progress - shame about the axe falling just before the play offs, but see it as a positive - you clearly were unsettled otherwise you wouldn't have been applying for other roles anyway and now you can apply for roles without being told off for doing so ;-) In my previous save I got sacked by At Madrid for applying for the Man C job - I didn't get the job, took Sampdoria through a mediocre season before being offered the Man C role 12 months after having applied !!! My 3 seasons there were successful prior to me leaving the save (I got bored) to try out the world tour...

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