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When loading a game, lot's of names have changed?


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I have been working on my database for a long time, and done some name changes. For instance I hadded U19 teams to most clubs, and named them "Teamname G19" - however, I later deleted all this to let the game handle U19. I have also done some changes to Competition names and regret it later. All in all, I was satisfied and started my game. Played a few hours last night and saved...

However, when loading up the game today, the name have changed? What WAS "Teamname Under 19" yesterday, now reads "Teamname G19" - and one of the competition name is _blank_ - not changed into something else, but blank.

So I just tried something, started a new game, and all names is correct. But everytime I save a game and then load it up again, everything is totally messed up! Anyone know what is going on and if it is possible to fix it?

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I sorted it out, however it will take some time fixing. Not the _blank competition name, but names of the U19 teams. I had for a while ago added U19 teams to a lot of clubs (about half of the clubs - total clubs somewhere above 700) - I then called them G19. It would all be good, if ALL clubs had that name, however as some has the standard, I thought I would leave them as that. And allthough I had deleted all these U19 teams from all clubs, the name itself still was in the "changes" tab - it seems the game loads up this - only when I load a save game, not when I initially start...

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